Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Subnormality- Next 50

Comic #51- Down at the Drugstore
Start of a three-part series, First it start with Paranoia with the Scissor industry.
Comic #52- Down at the Office Supplies Superstore
Then it continues the paranoia with the best way to sell some fax machines.
Comic #53- Down at the Post Office
Paranoia envelopes into most inefficient letter ever. Even the PHG can't stand it anymore!
Comic #54- Ballet Audition
This one is a classic. Little contrived but fun. Though if I wear off the metal, will it be alive again?
Comic #55- The Christmas Comic
Makes sense.
Comic #56- What to Watch For in 2008
Marie and Annelise knows when the Alien civilization comes in prosecution of white rapper's magnum opus. Although, this comic doesn't need contrivance.
Comic #57- Down at the Restaurant
Where is the PHG? And why is the leg made of frozen rats? Although, I've seen a man made out of thousand rats.
Comic #58- The Future
Well, Some thing never change.
Comic #59-Sphinx IV
Oh the Bayreuth festival. I haven't gone there since... never!
Comic #60- Sorry, I'm New Here
Ikea never have sales... unless it's nuclear bombs. (It's a national policy! Deal with it.)
Comic #61- Now Available in Cans
That's why you learn grammar, kids.
Comic #62- Randy's Hobby Store
Justine makes her first kill. Model Plane is appropriate with holding the bag the weird way.
Comic #63- Mrs. Smith is a Nasty Piece of Work
I've seen worse contrivance in Passion. This is actually applicable. 16th century Russian Howitzer...
Comic #64- the Election Process
Carly Fiorina was right! The politicians will blow up immensely for a vote.
Comic #65- Sphinx V
This slew of Sphinx is making me happy. I mean in here, you see the Sphinx is not a bully as a human-eating monster would be. She just have problems that everybody else has.
Comic #66- The Atheist Apocalypse
Great to see the four changing the world. Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)
Comic #67- Metaphor's New Clothes
This is the turning point from Bush calling to profound statements. (See, I told you Bush was not the front.)
Comic #68-Take The Tightrope
That was poetic. It really give sense of hopelessness and contempt for reality, and how it builds up from here.
Comic #69- Bernard
Thinly veiled jab at religion, you might say? Brilliance shine in Bernard.
Comic #70- Down the Restaurant/Bar
See, I know it would work out. PHG and Central American God forever!
Comic #71- Crowd at the Rock Show
First of many in the observation series.
Comic #72- Not Worth it!
Serious contention in latest Fox lineup, but realize that they have a fear-mongering network and trashes it.
Comic #73- Princess Washburn
Why is Annealise brown? And don't fret about being a fictional character, it's not like we have free will or something...
Comic #74- Ye Olde Part One
Summer 2057? Well, least I have my viewing screen.
Comic #75- Movie Cone
Not that's a innovating marketing! (Oh hi, Mongo.)
Comic #76- Hockey
Mongo meets the PHG, before turning to hockey.
Comic #77- Sweding
Good god, Bechdel's law! But do you see the comic's getting sharper?
Comic #78- Sphinx VI
Pizza Hut, eh? Pizza House is like an Animal House! (Uplifting 70's music)
Comic #79- In Defense of the Weird
Of course, the weird achieve his/her dreams. Dreams are weird.
Comic #80- o--o
Never marry kids! Or least, don't go out with that girl.
Comic #81- Hypothetical Situation
I like the transition of style... And Selma Hayek is hot, in most disgusting sense of the word. (Joke: Do you know that movie with Selma Hayek and Skander Keynes? No. Well, most people don't know it, because it was an economical disaster.)
Comic #82- Down at the Job Interview
Now this comic is awesome! Brown!! Like she's a old liberal...
Comic #83- Paint it Grey
Then came Postmodernism. Thank God.
Comic #84- The Benz
Yeah! Teddy Roosevelt! Hurl the car into the Neo-Nazis! Hurl it!
Comic #85- Sphinx VII
It only worked one time. Also is Macerator a spelling bee winning word?
Comic #86- Newsstand Follies
Is everything on print crazy these days?
Comic #87- The T-Shirt
Samus's got nothing on her.
Comic #88-Truth Ninja
Well, it's better than Surf Ninjas.
Comic #89- Down at the 14th Street
Justine has more potential.
Comic #90- Science Fair
Don't let Roland Emmerich read this strip. Event will be worse than what's depicted.
Comic #91- The Coward's Tale
Good thing Janice has necrophilia!
Comic #92- Sphinx VIII
Surprisingly works. Sphinx become their mascot for five years before she got bored.
Comic #93- Sex Fantasy
I have no comment here. Start of embedded stories, though.
Comic #94- Meet Stephen Harper
Oh man, we only have this guy called Barack Obama. He's a professor. Sheesh!
Comic #95- Welcome to Hell
I said before. Green-skinned babe < devil with a snake belt
Comic #96- Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
I told you Nazi never works! Especially with cake.
Comic #97- Sphynx IX
Eddie has god ideas. You should keep him.
Comic #98- 7 Dichotomies in a Bar
Mongo, Justine, and PHG in my favorite form of entertainment: Dichotomies.
Comic #99- The Service
What's with Samus, Sphinx and the PHG now not pink-haired girl in this strip? Is something going on?
Comic #100- Down at the Bus Stop, a Sphinx!
Must pitch Sphinx and PHG relationship to networks. "Seriously, it'll be like the next 2 Broke Girls!"

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