Thursday, November 27, 2014


The diplomacy intro was funny and amazing.

Forbidden Desert is amazing game... it's nicely done and there's a nice balance!!!

Jon Heder, Felicia Day, Alan Tudyk!!!! Amazing. How it's... amazing.

Alan is just amazing. Just amazing. The game seems easy until it's not... which is fantastic for a cooperative games...

Few states revoked his license...  It's pee-pee water.

Right on the edge... dry guy! Terrible vacation... and navigation proof!

Alan is amazing... Bourbon?? The game seems slower than usual.

Heder is always the intern isn't it... Again... tile are flipped but the stuff is not popping out...

Squeezing humps and good plans... It's a Spa tunnel! Oh, Felicia!

Double get! The game picked up considerably!! Sandfriends!

You're so close!!!! But so far. Math problem??? SO PREPARED!

Distill alkaline water and mojito!!! Whose turn is this???

That's a... ah. This is going down the wire... it always done!

It's a photo finish.... uncomfortable!!! REAL GOLD??? 2-1 GAME! Draw even?

Yeah, as always a fun game... also the tiles played their favor. That was good.

Monday, November 17, 2014


(This was originally published on Thursday, November 13th, 2014)

Look at the graphics... and the stop motions!

Rules are simple enough but it has nice graphics and great diversity.

Look at that graphic... it's so fancy. Seems the production has ramped up!

Also all the sound is amazing... It is very complex, also very nice mechanics.

J. August Richards with a early lead. NO monkey. Welcome to Tabletop???

Famous trickle down strategy! Jason, the nerd.... J. August is just too lucky!

Wil massively blocked. Day One over... Lock Wil out of everything!

Cooperative game with defector??? Amazing! This is Amazing!

Let's go get a friend... in the temple! Big tactical mistake?

Wil is giving a good lead... Easy to Screw! That is lot of stuff in there... surprisingly.

Finally a good luck and a great joke... right timing! Lot of fan... you should start a club!

We all like each other? Well... I can read.

Very interesting lead... Owl Bear with Hypno-toad!! Coming around a friend!!!

J. August Richard with a last minute move! WIL IS SO UNLUCKY!!!!

Felicia in LORD OF WATERDEEP? Starved at the end!!! Death on lock.

Loser's Lounge?! Wil has his own chair! Trophy??? This is high budget!

This episode should flagged for massing f--kery of Wil Wheaton. Just gruesome graphic!! Otherwise, love most of the changes, feels like a happy medium of new and old and that's good.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

TCGS - Episode 141

LAST EPISODE OF SEASON ONE!!! Messenger Bag, Bill and Johnny plays! We love you, too.

Shannon, Murf, and Bethany with the Human Fish. Buzzkill? Mimi with old hoops! Very tired.

Relative stranger? Should We Keep Doing This Show? Messenger Bag is cool... power of the bag! Tally on the Human Whiteboard... It was awkward... fun car ride! I just show up!

Shannon says Yes! Fishing for compliments??? Such a burden... so much work??? Thousands of $$$

Andres says NO! Mom was proud of me??? This show is awesome, put you in the box??? Jail??? Much friendlier, cleaner? Hm. I say Keep going, Yes!

Julia in NY with two opinions! Could be the Season 2 Friday Night Lights! Making a metaphor! Constant disrespect... Lull or Breaking Bad, it needs to end at some point! GET OUT OF HERE!!!

Dave in CA - Yes! Thank you! Justin in TX - Yes. Tyler from MI - Vacation Jason hater... feud??? Beefing with the fish now? mixing beef and fish! Choose your wine??? White vs Red vs Rosa Yeah.

Joe in OH - Hell yeah! Noah and Dru's best character. Dr. Heckle, Mr. Snide!!! Nice hat. To NO!! Just getting started with this characters. Cassidy in Chicago - Yes. Max in IN - YES.

Derrick in IN - Don't you dare end it. Only place I could be on it and feel... Take a week a month.

Romana in MN - Maybe? Clayton in MI - YES! Flip-flopped. Had no idea how powerful? Girl? Voting like... the fans and the other panelist. I'm whining. Come it all the time. 10-15 happiness!

Steve in Philly - One sandwich, 101... 101 more! YES! Hasan in Pakistan - Sport vs Canadian??? Different and cool... talking about that. YES! I'm cool with that! Sure??? Privileged people???

BLACK WINE RETURNS - I forgot the episode? I'll search it. All the way from episode 21!

Tim Duffy, the Winnie the Pooh Mike in CO - Keep going! Hooke Family! Ice Bucket challenge! Finding the darkness of lot of things... Have lot of sex... hmm... I never felt that... AWKWARD!

Dan in CA - No. Time to move on. Todd in Pittsburgh - Of course, YES! Something new... crutch, Pedestal... Right testicles? CALL A DOCTOR?!! Is period horrible!! Action Park??? Violent.

I'm Santa and Satan... it's an anagram! Bring joy! Hate the Jew??? Jewish Summer Camp? Accurate. We do not think so. Santana... Tan Ant?

Omar - YES. Go on your honeymoon and consider! Pretty good, losing lot of weight, 23 lb! Always. Be creative, you're smart!! Murf's shirt is awesome. My sister did... heard nightmare? Safe... ack.

Something on his mind... Last two years... observing the world of man. Overrated??? Terrible things. You don't ask me how? GONE TO SCHOOL! Tough world. Phones never work. This is my turn! Giwanis Canal, kingdom to rule. Bought a timeshare? Make some call. All miss, clammy.

Tears for Fears vs TV Show Cheers Cheers, sleep on it...  and Human Fish has figured out???

Vacation Jason! Ganther??? Waves crash... Finally going on vacation??? Never even think of that... You like dark places... most of those things are true. Prison cell? No vibe with jibe. Wrap a towel! That's some... stuff. NEW waters? Change your pants? Vacation Jason has been picked up??? Crocodile Hunter??? That's a weird thing. Riley eh. Don't be surprised. Anything new in 4 years?!!

Turkey Jerky Boys vs Beef Jerky and Jive Turkey... two mouths. Weird face.

Luke from Chicago - Saying No... once a month? Got home, feeling bad... turnaround?? Experience? College next week... Columbia College in Chicago! Let's hang up on LUKE!

Rick in Brooklyn - Yes! I don't want to... long time ago... run yourself down. Been a issue.

Obediah in OK - It's good. Yes! Shut up about it... Vacation removes stress. Whiny? Not enjoyable. You are the final arbiter... Don't worry about... should be for you? They just take over? Really... Well... that is a good idea... People will watch the show.

Second song - Really simple and quiet... they really mellowed out form the last time. Hm.

Pete in LA - YES. Patrick in MD - Getting the weird tattoo. Keeper of the Battledome? Much love. YEAAAH! Not okay? Thing that you care about... that obscure reference. Friendship... have a show? Hintmaster next week... Every 6 months... other ones we discussed. Straight MURF! No gay Murf. Weird stories... Of course... Life in Pakistan... showing off the tattoo. There's no need for that?!

NUN CHUCKS! YEEEEAAAH! This is basically it! Hell yeah. We killed the BARISTA?!?!?

TCGS - Episode 140

Patrick Henry!!! opens the show! Aaron Burr!!! Luther Martin!! Betsy Ross!! Isarel BISSEL!

Contestants: Townshend Act! Governor Springsteen! Sir Pete Townshend!!! Lord of the treasury!!! Thirteen colonies... William Franklin... stauch defender of the crown! (Zach Poitras)

ARE YOU READY TO COMPETE! Cross the Delaware... Canoe and Broom. Hessian Soldier!!! Dave in Jersey. Bringing balloons? One sided fight! Springsteen is good! 25 point lead!

Great way of looking at losing? I support that... I like that. It's going great??? Are you challenging... What flag do you salute... the JOLLY ROGER??? He's a pirate? We're all skulls and bones!

Tug of War... Luther Martin!! Oh god... Sir Israel Bissel... this is noise. Finest British dish. Wisdom?

Aaron 'Hot Dog' Burr?? Crown, not looking good! Rebel with 56 pt. Wiping the floor! Underplanned... fastest of Tug of War... More song??? Head start, point differential... yeah. Rubbing. OUR HOME TURF! Randomly selected? From the future, Keeper of the Battledome!

Open Mike Eagle - Starting the abolition movement, also rocking out the remixed... pretty rad.

Fact on the strongest. Virginia is a good place... feel like! Betrayed? Luke Skywalker??? Evil man? Johnny Appleseed, cider and get drunk! Secret Goiter! Isabel Bessel, keeping the sign! More Q's... Apples and Apples??? Both kinds are there. Extra apples? Fairly large house??? Third husband... American Education? Do whatever. Door is open! Jewish conspiracy??? Bissel FIGHTING!!! Hmm. Molly Pitcher??? Six month trip? 15 to 9... 56 points!!! Very large meal! Stole a future man's shoe!!!

We got that... Some kind of a soothsayer?? Witch trial?? Cold nipple??? Few ciders? Cold hands? Drunk man with poor circulation. Luther Martin, respect father?? That's great. weird bald spot???

Patrick Henry, the joust? No reaction? Let's give it a minute! Using the oars? Timepiece machine. That was very painful. VERY painful. Best sport, by far? No hard feeling. Becoming loyal??? Windmill... spoil all my secret? MURDER??? Cat-sack. Such ridiculous hair?!?! One more time? Tiebreaker round?!?! Blatant cheating. BLOOD?! Tie at the final game!! So so sorry!

Second song - Invent penicillin. Beautiful quip! Hey, THAT'S Hannibal Buress... he's great?!

Human Pyramid... Boston Tea bag! Kite and Ben Franklin! Smallpox! We overdid it! Oh no!!!!! What a mess!!! So much violence!!! USA, USA, USA SO MUCH TROUBLE?!?! We deserve it.

Jesse and Jaime as Ben Franklin... Two way speech... And a weird ending!!! Feital sweeping!!!

Review: Jon produce the show??? I didn't even know that. Get some apples and Jesse get naked...

TCGS - Episode 139

Cut to camera and also Chris as Murf and LLC?? Magic Drill?? Already Frantic night???

Tonight, Shannon is BACK! I don't have the time... Black Eye??? Whole new era??? Do not check. ALF T-Shirt? Well... I don't. I like to show up! Shannon is leaving. BYE!!!! Take the call!

Julian from CA - I'm great and tired?? Philip Romano is our standby? Shannon??? All right, Bye!

Max from FL - Good talking to you again. Median? Do over mike night? Pretty good, pretty sh!t. Seventeen year old... all the different emotions! Not really??? Damn! Your style... one-liners? Debuting new materials... I like it... not a pun guy, but that exist.

Reed from Michigan - Very tired. This shirt sucks??? No stripping.

Gloria Laurie from MN - Very clear... We're doing 2/3 Naked??? Everything is okay! Panicked... Everything is cool and I love ya. Magazine business! General speaking. I nailed that. Oh no..,,. Totally fine... doing work that we didn't even know. We appreciate you. Shannon eating bagel?!! Standing on the corner? Blue collar??? Ring around that collar! Sit down in the chair!!

Roddy from WA - We will not do any magic!!! Walk us around and connect! Planning a wedding... Superhero movie that is good??? Can't wait to see... Good comic book, sub-quasar... whole movie. Show is absolutely garbage... tell me something. Talk to my ex-wife. Listen on the MIC!!! Relationship ending at eight years... Enjoy that life. Decompressing, a lot is fear! Great place to be... Depressed crying... hey, are you okay. Don't! Don't! Depressed at nature. Getting sick of Shelbyville. Work at a shop... working with customers. Some issue... Cut the meat thinner, dead animals... death. Joining the Peace Corp??? Was in the military? So excited! Sucker's game. Worst feeling... Consultation... Wind up in NYC??? Uplifting thought... real problem, do not judge against people... Wildly depression, problems are problems. I never little switch shots... providing the color? HOOP!

MAL BLUM RETURNS - Gethard on the hoops? Clusterf--k?? But it was... Having a friend is fun.

Shannon in lingering... al-qaeda kidnapping is lucrative. NO MAGIC...

Gibson - Three solid shot... Connect!?! Propostition... Knitter. Mail to MNN! Totally down! Intense! Robot Fight Painting... Afghan Style! One of the better episode... Gleefully look forward!

Stop with the chanting?! Forced? Alyssa? - Watching Clue... you know the movie! It's great. Spoiler. 6 Episode and Two Clue... Andy Kaufman, 9 Hour stand-up. DIG!

Emma Noble??? - Staying home... Usual standards??? I think it's okay... let me know?? Chanting?

K-Sec - Pretty good. Human Fish Crying at the Wah-wah vs Smiling at the Sheets. Pleasure!

Chong and Ong, the Siamese Twins?! Oh no. Ooooh no. You're not connected? Twin in Siam??? Identical twins... I have eyes... Thank you for calling us guys??? Joke is dead. Funny enough...??We're not blind! Here's a thought... Park in a driveway? Drive in a parkway?? Planet Hollywood... Ex-con... Sprinter from a 90's... Infielder... Minnesota Twins... Professional $10 Million a year... Sharing a vein... mixing the blood? Confusing... medical procedure... Blood Brothers??? OH no.

Written by Chris Gethard!!! Notes from UCB! 2005 stuffs... Joe novels... no microphone.

Sleight of hands??? Jacob from Westchester - Link up! High energy. Go from the heart... don't forget apologize before... I forgive you!!! I think that's cool. I would have done it myself... cynical. Try. Work and play music... talk to people... worm my way into people. Playing the show! I get that. Overcome the anxiety... trying too hard. Absolutely the wrong foot. Be part of that??? Worry right?? So many comedian... Eugene Mirman... hm. Friendship by profession! Artistic Integrity... F-ck that. Biggest hump... Henry Darger! 16 is a good age. So much longer... about a year! Summer 9th grade! First day at 9th Grade... I just cried and weird... Really high advanced class. Walking the basement. Basement kid? Insane person... scared of him. 9 Foot painting... 14000 page novel! Amazing... huh. Made the painting... fundamentally did not understand... now in all the museum. I SHOULDN'T!

Second song - WE are friends. Best song and best person!! This song, never gets old... NEVER!

Andres, part of the crew, how much respect. MO-RAL Support! You're this close. That f--king suck. 18TH CENTURY AMERICAN GLADIATORS! I'm gonna sleep! We end with actual MAGIC!

TCGS - Episode 138

SHOUT OUT TV??? With Bo Montez??? Come on and dance??! Double vision!! I'm alive tonight!! Most positive... leading me... Cat Delito? Kristy Mayer? Take over that hour... young booty sleep! Primetime, right? Fancy party... Nancy Party??? One young lady... who shake a booty, Bethany Hall! Feeling good, booty is confident... Four mile jog??? Photographer played by David Bluvband!

Bluvband, all consensual. Signed a release form??? Referee's whistle... So this whole episode is this. PLENTY of BUTTSHOTS. The LLC is doing a great job... a little techno with a 70's vibe... good...

There's Conspiracy Theory... Hey, there's Juan!! Butt clap? Young Generation... look at that wizardy. Hanes from KMart... Late Great Bo Montez Sr. Thrown out of Community College and a Job... Father's deathbed... my mother... birth canal, not wide enough! Reverend??? Great baby butt!!! NO! Re-routing of the fetus??? Came out of the anus??? Praise the booty??? Another prayer circle?

KEEP DANCING! So that goes on for few more minutes. There is a unusually nice section of butts! Hallie looks nice in that 80's outfit! Lizard people with that tunnel? Favorite booty is The Father???

Chris Farren - At least, the Conspiracy Theory Gary Show had some relation, but this is juxtapose. although he sounds and looks like John Mayer... so, there's that butt connection there... you know...

Talking to butts, HELL YES! Support for Palestine! Count the booty? It's the subtleties? Secrets?? Holy Land discussion??? I never thought about it that way. That is... interesting take! TECHNO...!!! Front of anything. On to the next dance break! This is something that just glosses over.

Chris and Hallie make quite a couple, aren't they? They do... I shouldn't answer that. Hallie really transported herself into the 80's! This is great. Chris, don't hurt the butt. Worm booties.

Dr. Sal Thunderburke??? Noah Forman with a perfect characters. Coccyx? Call my office? So... hm. Just Messenger Bag, Bill and Roller skater Hallie??? That's it? This is little taxing for the LLC... Look at that facial expression. You need some facial expression as a comedian.

Get serious... Serious booty stories??? All shapes and sizes. Sensual if Consensual. Second mouth... Starfish got it lucky. Mimi is the Producer??? That was quite inspiring.

Moving to a new groove here... Butts stress me out. This is quite stressing. That must be a GIF!!! Probably the favorite episode of Bethany Hall? Oh, THERE's Joe... So, just no Mikey, I guess. Mummy is slowly unfurling... Gotta need to check that out. Booty Mummy, Played by Riley???? Sweatpants is a butt-happy clothing... Booty of our lives... that was good. Remember the times...

Murf and Chris has worked so hard for the show. Yeah. Seeing the two... is something. Very a thing. Julia Nathan is wonderful being and I think kind of the tentpole after Omar left... yeah. I didn't know, but Rob has a very feminine figure. I just didn't realized that. Lot of reflection here. Kind of Opp...

Second song - This might be his weirdest show.,. this makes it more awkward and weird for me...

Not enough??? Hmmm... Chris getting aggresive.... I mean Gary. Yeah. Well, that's your theme, hm... Dru Johnston character means... Massive outcry... FREE BOOTY!!! Look at Dru shaking!

Clean your room... Go to Lincoln Park!! That's the TCGS-sponsored bar!! Mummy is almost gone. Runway is open for booty call??? It's the Booty Showcase!!! Do the Hip Gyration!!!

And that's the theme song! Bluvband as Clint Flashbang, Solvina Humphries was Mimi, right? Stewart Harry didn't die, so that was good. Chrissie Mayr and Kat Toledo, thank you.

BBC (Strawberry Shake, Octavious Funkatron, Big Daddy Krouton, Coin Purse) great names.

TCGS - Episode 137

Panel: Andrew 'Hot Dog' Parrish, Johnny 'Woah' Vafiadis, Mimi 'on the hoops' Fischer, Zane Van Dusen, Bill Florio, Nick 'Man Behind the Plant' Feital, Fred 'Honolulu', Brian Miller, Connor Ratliff, Dru Johnston, Duke Ponzetti, Chris Gethard, JD Amato, Bethany Hall, Emma Noble, Juan Nicolon

Big announcement, more like an anti-announcement. I don't like getting comments. Very film thing. Too much negativity is bad... see what's up. We are five years in. Mostly about the bar? That's true. No expectation... going to the bar...

Giaom from Belgium - Biggest fan in Europe... Episode 15... Jeff Rubin, yeah. You're doing great. Not super confident as usual... Build a topic... Elaborate Idea... Put on a Show... that's the types... Missed the feeling... all sort of little normal. Like the interactivity and timing. Not the case. USA

Stellan from Sweden - Always felt like a jerk... Get paid and get back? Still a fan... not as fanatical. Scare myself... overdo things... chill the f--k down. I totally respect that. Still a fan... good example. Human Juan... Seal Team 6 vs The Seventh Seal... Have some military experience???

Sam in LA - They're good. Yeah. I didn't know what happened. I got less depressed. 40 Episode... That's a sign of depression. Chris Gethard world became important. Are you healing and solving? Highway Rest Stop for the Depressed. Your job to keep up... Sign of pride? Not all of them, oh... Human Juan - Ratliff 35 vs Ratliff Gold That non-memorable. Pumpkin hand, optical illusion!

Relatively short bit that lasted for 15 month, almost 2 years... pull through the next few years. Demographic is weird... Common thread of Dru Johnston.. Time Travel... World cup... cool... Happier and more stabler... not Emma, by a long shot??? We know the routine? Autopilot??? Thinking about the bar afterwards. Like a job??? Didn't used to be the case. Book about Evolution? Different epoch of time... That's a story, or we just go to the bar? Confidence and energy... underdog. Having a great year. New fuel? Belly Burrito... stupid, stupid. Still don't like that episode. Motivate? What's interesting about that... Mimi? My part: I got this thing. Come back any week, every week!! Transformative, opening for everyone. Goosey doesn't want. That live show? He'll catch up... Consumption is not the part... Jersey mentality... Green Point? Not much of a character.

Ryan from Canada - Noise control. Yeah, I can picture that... Ruin This Show... oh, boy. Good year. Big Announcement??? Got a girlfriend. Cardboard cutout... DIY Punk... Pilot in Comedy Central. Actual Basic Cable Television. Whole week in the studio. FLOWER FOR ALGERNON. Baaah!!! Crummy... just talk about it. I love the show. Twitter handle @clamchowder101. Loving the handle. She hasn't seen the episode... you associate with the loneliness??? Shameful... Sadness!!!

Show will cure your depression and gets you laid... forming a religion! Actively stuffed me... Ack? Banner... That banner... That was straight-up @clamchowder101!!!

Sarah in FL - Can't watch because of the time. Making the art and GIFs... Super active base around... Getting a job... this is good to hear. Helping the people now. Same company? Awesome! Quit! Occupation available? Same job in 10 years... Days off, 4pm? 6000 miles to here! End this thing. Upsetting! Kind of weird thing... cultural exchange. Availability and accessibility. Phil Jackson... People on the edge... I don't care. Great calls. Notoriously useless? It's true... Guess the race!! Hodgepodge... working class poet!!! UCB used to be outside to pushing in! Not the monolith??? Zeitgeist... just beginning... funny idea? Straight at Connor Ratliff??? WHITE CULTURE! Wrestle... Deeper into the show... Oh, look at that????

OMAR - Hi, Omar? Lot of thing off the chest. Eye opening. It's all good. We've seen better. Honest. Getting better... thank you for the message. I was on vacation, some facts. UCB in improv. Begin. Still love, but I need to find myself. Best of luck!!! Feeling a little better. Deleted Facebook. Anything... Don't fall into that again. Getting more audition. That's really good. Not the same. Drama??? That could go in the past... I do miss Shannon? (She's a director now?) I hope so, yeah... Brian Miller... D&D Episode... I would do that? THAT WAS THE WORST! Fond memory...

Carson in Canada - Thank you. Carson and his whole family. Good aquarium and Blue Jay Game? Eating too many snacks? Little weird? Nine inning, I ate snacks. Pretty worried. Ate the whole time. Yeah. After the game, is that guy okay??? I'm the worst... I was largely by myself. Shark grabber... Wondered around and weirdly bought a shark toy. I try to explain??? Nothing worked. Just that guy.. So weirded out... bring it to the baseball game!!! Shark head stuck out!!! That is amazing... WOW.

Endlessly 1999-2002 Morrisey and J. Church. Feel less alone... You are their Morrisey!!! Damn... Save people? Morrisey grew to resent and weirdly racist. Amona Mart... Nordic Metal Band... Twilight of the Thunder God... I know, I know... Okay, we get it!!! Sounds fascinating! Hmmm... Thought, but no answer. Following the instinct. Three Ring Circus... Appetizer and Trash Hunt??? Trying to finger that... Playing with Lizard... Change for a pilot... ecstatic... no death acknowledge.

That has to part of it... there was a death... have I grieve as a group??? GO TO THE BAR! Ehhhh..... You need to time... come back around? Very trying. Hopes up and end of the world. Bummed??? Screened the pilot... room full of people. Half of people were convinced??? You jumping the tower. Interrupting FRED? Thank you. Angry about the concept. Doubting characteristic. We don't feel... Individual human being! Message board??? Chatroom... frustrating? Accessible group of people. Could be too much, that much is true. Flat hierarchy? Anxiety around, tension? Equal footing???? Free and have time? Really embarrassed? Hundreds of Hundreds people. Seahawks won the Bowl. Get real sad... Let everyone down, but everyone is here. It is the same group since the start... hmm... Last chance??? All together??? You graduate to High School... That summer. dicks in pies, reunion? Episode 2... Now it's Episode 137... Back to that??? Texted a lizard??? What it could be??? Awful? WHAT? WHAT FAMILY? Awful Russian Family??? Something to do there. Tuna casseroles...

Going to Lincoln Park, going on to street??? This is how we end??? Air in Chicago???

TCGS - Episode 136

LLC is on full force! Random Brooks??? Murf, Bethany, Human Fish... Tito Santana is here today!

First Nine Wrestlemania... wow. Arriba! Talk About... well do it again....

Talk About Whatever You Want (But We Recommend Professional Wrestling) Great as always...

Everything blows up... Footclans get together... Get Summer Slam tickets... Somewhat evolved... Best Wrestler has the intercontinental... do all the hard work, guy that did this. Made the big buck??? Baby hair... all the great ones... Entertain the fans with wrestling. Just an athlete... scholarship...

Most excited to announce... amazing moment. I did two updates and got fired. Be here anytime...

Justin in TX - Your 10th caller... not really an anniversary. Perks. Just put it on a resume? Kingpin... Gotta get into college... Oh, bye.

Ryan the Albaian - Strange callers. Bothering me this week. Sibling. No Milk in the Refrigerator... Knocked out... Forehead split open? Knee surgery... Submission holds... I felt the same way??? Professional sports, go drinking afterward... respected each other. Completely upper knobs. Merge... Hammer is a man. Could you show us??? Doing the figure-4... amazing. Live out in the country... Angry mean... well, not stronger. Nice guys... now. Generally. Strike force... pretty much. Undertaker, living dead person... Tito and perfect in a supermarket... having so much fun.

Bryan and the Haggards - little of the folk to assuage Brooks and Tito Santana... Just welcome them.

Too Stiff... 100 miles/hour... very different? Jake was not chill! No, but... George, the Animal? Coach? nothing like the man... Million Dollar Man played football... he made it that! Paid a little kid.

Orlando - Hardcore Punk is Pro Wrestling... McKaye is Rick Flair?? No one. I was very proud... BORING... time to hang up the phone.

Hasan in NC - Hey? Jake and Amir... I'm always available. It's not over... recently went down. OH. Jersey Dave says to move on. House next to me just caught fire!!

Greg GETHARD! - Flipping out! Huge, Huge, Huge Wrestling Fan... that made a fan...? He's a heel. In the studio... just because you can... Gym and Spanish teacher and El Matador... Couldn't care less. Lot of heel students... It's something that he enjoyed... very much a influence. Flying Burrito, thorn. That is not appropriate... over with the public... having throat cancer. Because this is the job.... Excitement!! Racism was part of Wrestling... They can't get away now... Black, no head-butt??? Super-kicked a cop... Thank you, Greg... Thank you very much.

Connor Ratliff - Can vs Can't Summer Slam vs Gooseberry Jam Always welcome to be back... Accomplished athlete. Little Olympics... DVD menu??? No??? Jefferson City... That's cute... That's..... really embarrassing... oh... wow. Improved as.. probably not. NO I DON'T. Marathon??? Tom Hank has dead eyes... Live the eyes... he's pretty crazy??? Not another world war??? Saddled.

Is Brook Wheelan and Connor Ratliff related... He is psyched.

David in CA - Striped up shirt pose... New theme... Stand By Me: Movie vs Song Stephen King?? Really love the last couple episode... Messenger Bag. Last 8 minutes of Return of the King??? Almost impossible to figure it out. Talking soccer... did great stuff... AWKWARD... that's great.

Sebastian in OH - Yeah, cool. Talking about wrestling... Humanitarian effort... Great timing? Top. Does not seem appreciate... Jon Cena is the most make-a-wish... wow. Burst out in tears... Weak! They're loving it.... So f--king cool. Ratzlemania! Beep beep beep. Randy Orton... done very well. Long line of Bob Orton... Most ridiculous character... Buddhist monk? In and out... Captain Lou. First Album is Rocking Wrestling... Legitimately a great song? You're in that video...

Andre an newspaper bathroom... stuff like that... Awesome. I did a few and could keep up 112 beer? Holing little hand... Size 15... Very lucky... tag partner! Pick up by hair... Big money matches... yea. Self-defense move New York... RUN! I don't like... self-care. Matilda... shoot up steroid! True!

Second song - Haggard is a Bakersfield guy and you know I was in Bakersfield for a few years...

Any parting song - STOLE THIS SHIRT FROM SNL!!! Enjoyed the audience... Next week??? hm.

TCGS - Episode 135

No Mikey...? Well, this is another episode. ECW? ECW! Yelling???

Emma Noble said We Aren't Done Talking About Pro Wrestling... Doing it all over again!

Getting hyped... Riley Soloner! Best Art form. Eddie Kingston... Chacara Pro... Great Admiration...

Doing lot of things are interactive... Watching people fight... also, Live-action comic book.. ran away.

Cutting a promo. Call in character? It's Lucho Libre... Me at 17. That's amazing... Least tough. white. Little intimidated. GED... Belly Burrito... that's... was stupid. Getting about people in the stand. Relation while whacked out. F--ked sandwich order... Nassau Coliseum? Give it to him.

Look at Jersey Dave. Forgot put the TURKEY??? Paying customer... AMAZING. That's beautiful.

Practice Promo... Jake 'The Snake' Roberts... This is great. Really... huh. That is... uh-huh? Good job. Mick Foley 'Cactus Jack'... We love Dusty... talk so well. Working man. Great spot-on impression.

Ultimate Warrior... Bethany has new prescription. Bethany Hall... that was the power... Overwhelm?!

Bad Behavior - This is why we can't have nice things... great things are are just too great. (That's fail.)

Ryan from TX - We're listening. Calling out your own grandmother!! There's not hot water.

Farmboy Doly in MO - Got lot of beef. Capital hill thrill... Missouri Golden Boy?! Oh... NO fear. Connor Ratliff getting his first chant, first smooth... life's been turned around.

Order of Gimghoul in SC - Fight like a top of that hill. WE CUT THAT PROMO, WE'RE EVERY? Well-played. Landlord... that's the most funny.

Bethany's promo - Eye Patch and Cigar? Bethany likes to have fun! Very intimidating battle cry...

One guy tried to stabbed me in TN... Well, bring it... no security... well, who knows. LET'S GO!!

Pittsburgh Patriot - Attack against New York... Broad City... Eddie goes very very hard!!! Woah.

Justin in TX - Big opponent... I'm talking. We have a convert! We have a turnaround.

Joe Erg the Bird - MICHAEL BLOOMBERG... He likes the coca-cola soda! That was awesome!!!

Riley's promo - Went on a road... senior official referee?! One champion, one title. One man domi. Zach Linder?! Being used against you... Text read on the air! Drop the title... Linder sucks!

Tate-Puncher in ID - How can you punch Tate! I can't even take that... NO way I could get that.

Sumo... in Japan??? - Oh, that is amazing! Pathetic Excuse... Eddie inquire. Legimate Rage.

The Lamb??? WWEJD? You may be my RA? NWOJD? Pray-per-view. Ashbury College??? No... This whole thing is so stupid... Drinking this blood of christ?! He has died again??? Amazing.

Girl Detective in NY - Call out all of you... that guy just died? Just shrugging off? You don't do it... We could use a girl detective... Drake??? Great call... interesting.

Murf, it's showtime? Some people are making a dollar? Oohohohoooh! Blasio... cracking down?!?!

second song - classic vibe to start it... little bit of that 70s vibe there...

Dorchester Strathon?? - He was in Where in the World in Carmen Sandiego? Smoopie???

Chris's Promo - Comedy Central?! Thank you for airing... WE'RE THE STORM?! Lock us up... Domesticate us... that pull us a bullet? FREEDOM?!!! Very clearly giving this up! That is true.

Back to nobody getting a sh!t, going to honeymoon and Birgilia? Burn the whole thing down?!?!

TCGS - Episode 134

Murf announces LLC... and there's just Human Fish and Chris Gethard... sparse panel.

Find that horn.... after rummage (HORN NOISE) 50% off sushi... Thai food. UCS theater!!

Bethany and Sandy just gone... Bad Tilapia-looza vs Porridge Notoriously open source.

First call is all the calls. We trust the audience. Tyler from Queens - Uh, yeah. Pro-Wrestling!!! Wrestling Network... Very cool... I felt that was very innovative. Jericho and Flair... so much worse!! Always look beatable... he has a lisp?? He survived a freaking plane crash... North Korea hightail??? Rick Flar vs Steamboat... Human Drama at its finest.

Joao in Portugal - Little nervous. Undertaker streak over! Incredible creep. CM Punk stole and dump. Emotional arch... amazing memory? Every Friday night with his father... Beautiful things...

Finishing move demo... Figure 4 Leg Lock and Tombstone... Underwear...

Justin in Texas - I'm not really into the episode. Coming to you WEDNESDAY. Convince me... Cutting-edge... First of the anti-hero. Stone Cold Steve Austin... Indicator of things coming together. Everything about wrestling is an improv. Don't be a high horse... MORE HEEL ACTION!! Record... Wet Blanket. BUUUUUUUURRRRNN!

Julia in NY - Secondhand... Some things... There's a lot of guys... the divas. Little after my time... Fabulous Moolah... Pretty cool??? Chyna's finishing move??? That's the sound???

Joe in NJ - Excitement! Hoboken... Serraville... No one's from Hoboken. Wrestling in High School. Jon Cena, everyone thinks he sucks. Denim Shorts??? Wrestling, not F--kability.

Chumped - Very essence of punk-rock. Like pure and distilled... no gimmicks, just plain fun!

Patty the Beefdefoe vs Charlie the CrabcakeShoka. Those are not real people.

Todd from Pittsburgh - Everything that I love. Drunk... Greg? Parent's hug... always Pro Wrestling. Dean Malinko... Malinko Family!! ICP would really like the show. Earliest feeling. WWII could be! Well... that ended poorly... really poorly.

Chris in SF - Crystal clear reception... and it's now breaking up!!!

Shawn in Long Island - Actually right. Iron Sheik... lay down on the stomach... Well, worth fighting.

Scotty in IN or Robbie in WA - Likes the techincal stuff. Drop kick will die. Lot of great Canadian. Should try a drop kick... It's not gonna end well. That felt so good.

Joe from Boston... Call Screener went to the bathroom... All the storyline and crazy personalities... The Crank Show... Search it on YouTube. Tag team... 3-D Dudley drop. Unicorn mask!!!

COLT CABANA - Half-hearted. Doing move (and blow??) Flying Splash? Changed the wrestling... World changed forever... behind the curtain. Backstage stories. Poop in bag... under the ring... Thousand dollar suit... took up a scissor. Good way to deal? College kids... Roofied and shaved... Legitimate Ha-Ku... he would f--k you up... Handcuff, un-broke and laughed! He could have... Fired? Beat the sh!t out of the boss. Owen Hearts... greatest prankster?! Andre the Giant 150 beers before... Hearsay... Newspaper for The Giant... Art and Most special Live Theater. Perfume? Boston crab...

Hot-headed Irish brothers... broke my shoulder... GREG GETHARD!! - Dream is alive... That's true. Wrestling is the Theater for trash?... real-life comic books. Athleticism... From the future. Dusty??? Keeper of the Battledome and Stillman??? Hidden truths... fantasy wrestling. Hear the excitement?!

Second song - Nice transition... man, this is the best of Punk-Rock... I never think like another one..

Music booker... no better musical acts... FALLON naaaaahhh. People who really are talking about...? OG internet geeks... 1997? Ten years later... I came to find out. Classical? Finally reveal myself. Efetting... kingpin of the fantasy wrestling... Accused of J.J. Devlie booking him of giving favor??? Co-running... many quitting. Very real controversy. Completely ridiculous. Politicking??? Break??? Doing the whole all by myself.

Jerry from SD - Green Mood... All Japanese moves like this... strange, but true. Very true... Zmuda?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

TCGS - Episode 133

No Mikey... Well We'll list of the panel later on... Return of Night of Zero Laughs!!!

Panel: Grizz Chapman, Jordan Klepper, Tami Sagher, Chris Gethard, Wyatt Cenac, Juan, Bethany, Joe Machi, Alyssa, Mike O'Brien, Griffin Newman, Will Hines, Murf,

Referee: Anthony Bruiser, Fred from Honolulu. Interesting rules... Keeping in together... Fred call... Packet of hi-chew gums? That is too little, Wyatt!

David from CA - It's good to talk you. Posing. Grim clouds. Shout-out to Wyatt. 7 people who stay... I really enjoy that show, man's spirits are broken! Got up for Wings Song... Live and Let Die.

Machi Yellow! Hi-Chew question?? Waxy butter... Traces of nuts?? Gently touching me...

Orlando in NY - Hey, I'm here. Game Plan, Jerk Plan... Noah Forman and Anthony. Wow... oh... yea.

A Christmas Story... being like cats? That was good. Tight ten. Kick the crutches of Scoliosis ALF? Thank you, Wyatt... ALF is crying. So genuinely. Gethard yellow card. That felt amazing. Healthcare? That's a long trip... Purple boxer brief?

Low Fat Getting High - Just let it all out. This song is a good song to get all emotion out... just out...

Anna from Brazil - Grizz cold as ice... Mike and Chris kiss real weird. Strong bond! (Alyssa is good) Looking at the fiancee... looking straight at you?! Really ashamed of your fiancee? I black out most. Very good show... bits and piece show? Change the subject... 5 minute is enough. Analyze Podcast... You don't even know your show! He doesn't have a show! Lot of tensions. Want more Tami??? Tension... Will Hines Doctor Who joke! Gethard is OUT! Machi is close...

Quasi Foursome... Getting some music... Bethany yellow... Oh GOD... OH GOD.. This is not good!! That gave me a tear in the eye. Wyatt has smoking dope. Mike and Alyssa both looking angry...

MIKE O'BRIEN OUT... Chris is a bad kisser. Jobless America. I'M ON REAL TV?!

Connor Ratliff enters. Puerto Rico sock... Joe Machi OUT has the floor. Targeting Grizz... rejected. Charities??? Yellow card for Alyssa... you're OUT! Somebody is in college... O'Brien escorting!

Bring Back Our Girl... Max in FL - Best Beatles impression. I don't like this. Plenty of love... OOH!

Bethany passed! Death isn't funny... OUT! Active chatroom! It'll be funny. Olympic lifts!

How did Zero F-cks Boyd got up so easily lifting... and Connor can't even do anything.

Shaun in Boston - Horatio Sanz did not showed up! Well f--king done. Mark Wahlberg... Transformer theme song. Mission accomplished. Playing a French Horn... Rent a horn? Ashamed.

Send in the clowns... GREAT PERFORMANCE! Ken Beck is back as a clown??? Klepper is OUT! No sport equipment... I'm disappointed. Responsible moment for Jordan Klepper.

Second song - Let's ruminate and rock out to the song... Be in serenity with the noise and the crowd.

Vacation Jason - I have a message... All men need to relax... really weird. I will be the bad guy????? Eat more butts. Enforcer losing law. God is real. (He did seen the show.) Take off the shirt, Juan.

Griff on Grizz... Grizz on Griff? MURF IS OUT?!?! I think that's really important... really heartfelt. Passive-Aggressive. Chew is out... Very good episode (Seems more hard episode...)

WINNER: Grizz Chapman, Griffin Newman, Tami Sagher, Wyatt Cenac, Juan Nicolon

TCGS - Episode 132

Simple open. Bill, Johnny, Messenger Bag sings the theme song. Juan to TEN! Different chant...

Guy is so integral... SO INTEGRAL! Our friend... Juan in a Million. Please give him a visa... Please.

Murf, Bethany, Shannon, Human Fish, Chis Gethard. Don Quxiote vs Don Juan Little tired... hmm..

Retrospective of Juan's greatest moment. Your favorite moments. Put them on display.

Juan isn't dead... probably would be dead. Never would be dead... Irish Wake... Back in a day, weird.

Max in FL - Stop and curse... One man rendition of Macbeth??? Three or Four minutes. This is not..

This is so horrible. This is insane. There's a three witch. Bathing in your blood... Shakespeare ep.

David in CA - It's okay, doing pretty well. East Bay... so expensive. Be in touch... cool! The shirt... Tumblr in your mind. Juan does love black shirts,.. Bananaman bestowed the black shirt... Chanting?

This is such a great episode... Wow... forgot the Human Fish Kiss. Thank you. Little weird... honest..

Recently stopped wearing shirt... uniform, yeah. Very sleepy. Clams Casino vs Casino Royale

Orlando in NY - It's going great. Juan vs Jesse in the Beef off! On the all-time TCGS best... GREAT. This is slowly going overboard... Sexually charging... Religious? You praying? Clip!

This whole thing is just... oh god, oh god. Beef thing... It was called the beef thing! Please come back

Human Fish, what's on your dream? mmmmmmm vs zzzzzzzzz taking a break... feeling awesome.

Chamber Band - This band is really cool. The sound is upbeat and new enough that it piques me...

Juan as part of campaign? You're talking about and whole thing just happened. No right arm???

That's the part of the ceremony... Justin call was not broadcasted. So long ago... really long ago...

Steve from PA - Little special moment... Heroism.. Sandwich Night... Over-zealous. Hold it down...

I really remember the Juan story... walk us through. Bionic Arm malfunction... That's definitely true.

July in CA - Old school callers. Catching up with the story. Caroline E. Anderson... very cool.

Two person improv... JD and Juan did improv together... Pattern game. Invocation for Truck nut... remember that detail... You got that clip!! Juan was great on that clip...

And we move straight into Sandwich Night and the Un-choking of the Murf... 2nd one? I'm not sure.

second song - That is really really awesome. It's very rocking... Yeah.

Oh, there's Random George... Huh, that's weird... So, he is Juan? I don't think so. This was so integral Endow the green card? That's little weird. Very weird. Reverend... easy man to fall in love with.

An artistic community... Gay or not gay.... Finally woken up! Sleep eyes open vs Juan eye open

Review: That is amazing... The whole concept is just crazy. And they did so seamlessly. Awesome.

TCGS - Episode 131

Dear diary... this show begins like that. Murf, Bethany, Myq! Shannon. Celeste... Nice Socks?

Interesting show. One of the many teenager with Facebook. Do your interview. Talkin' Teenz!!!

Myq Kaplan... nicest stand ups. Hold on to the credits. Kindred spirits. Cat and Tony on honeymoon.

There are over. Wide area of expertise. Fashionably late, human cat! Hubba hubba? Bestiality.

She's the interviewer. You're the Barbara Walter. This will never be published. Cute pass. Myq's cute.

Quality 18!! Teenager twitter bio. In every club... that's right. Lot of spiral... Still a teenager? Mom... Killed a man with my mom... summer camp? Just a supporter. Many layer. Fully annoying!

Anger is just fear... I'm scared all the time. Comedy... Pro wrestling... that makes a lot of sense. Three's Company... racy? Yeah. Very kind... good mom. $5.

Jacob in NY - Sorry... Sorry. Also a teenager. Impatience... read book, work out, full mind & body. Better in 10 years... it might not be. Have fun discovering your body. Weird standards... Solstice. Messenger Bag acting very cool. I'm supposed to be here.

David in CA - He's right. I like this. I'm 19, on the way out. Summer job. You lied... That's gold! Worst job... telemarketing for a front! Applaud and fear. Probably dead. It'll be a experience..... Please work for a service...  That doesn't seem like. That's a fun joke. You can do better.

Chris Gethard's Striped Shirt... it doesn't freak out. I like it. Higher quality. Very happy... mail it in! Trying various striped shirts. Striped Shirt photoshoot! Dedication. Round of sympathy. Coolest...

Modern Hut - This seems a very teenage song. Like this is a best song to... (I'm sorry) cut yourself.   (I do not condone cutting any part of your body... nor have I attempted, I actually have a phobia...)

Enforcing your way to the front. Maybe, with a decent percentage. Built for teenagers of brothers... Enjoy when you still got it! That's barely a joke. Behind the scene story. What effects of teens?

Hey, thanks... Andres from MA... manhood? Only adult... made me cry. Teen say the coolest thing! Taller than me? Social center. He's in his element. Having fun... look at this dude. Look at the charm. Damaged young man. That's inspiring. I'm not gonna say. Usually, school shooter... bullet in air?!

That's the big problems. Long write-up... No one is against up... That's fine, but no one owes you. Deserve the no woman life. Explore your body more. The real issue.

Zero F-cks Boyd... Um, I don't know. Yeah. Gameboy with your mouth. Wha??? Beaten all up. Laying on top of the lady! Theresa??? 8 years ago. Theresa??? Schoolteacher... 8 years ago. Course. This is strangely fun. Thank you, Boyd. Comedy bit. Chris Farley... great. 96 or 97! Right now... Heartwarming moment... zero f-cks with love...

Couple questions. TCGS relations... TV shows feeling weird. Say Anything and Warriors. Person... Shannon Cloak & Dagger. Legend of Pistol Pete... A-Team! Just dance... All that primetime...  yeah. Reiser books... TMBG is a good mix.

Justin in TX - All these teen know each other. Celeste doing great. Andres causing troubles. Camera? Some profanities? You can't say certain word to a lady. C-nt is a good word??? Two teenagers fight. Default on defensive... bigger man... better dude! Flushes him out! I'm the best? Myq with... great.

Second song - This is a group... a band, more specifically. This is not a good theme for my life...

Juan is a massively huge part of the show. He needs a visa... You need a proof. Big contribution... Definitely not the first time joining on the show. JUAN, JUAN, JUAN! He is ten! Juan is a ten. Spread the legend of Juan... Juan was in all the stunning contribution. Passing off the joke!

USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Please give him a visa USA USA USA Suitable husband... not definitely need a wife for a visa. Registered reverend... I certainly would. Brewing feud... in the butt! I approve? I'll give you a wife. Struck by love. 100% fall in love!

Rachel in OR - I appreciate him, but three thousand miles away? Thank you, Shannon. Light's off! Not on purpose... total accident! Last day of High School! I appreciate the show greatly. Lauren... Worst reason... absolutely nothing... One of the deepest, sexiest voices... Let's wrap it up... hmmm...

Alyssa, but Andres. Paige is very cool? Shannon is not familiar. No fluke. Held open doors. OPEN.

Myq Kaplan nicely capped this story... So there's that.

TCGS - Episode 130

LLC, Bethany Hall, Human Fish, Hannibal Buress, Beast Masturbator, Diana Kolsky, Chris Gethard?

Slow Jam intro song... Apt chant for the episode. Tonight is a crazy night. Phone Sex... yes. God.

The graphic is amazing!!! All call anon... and also oh wow. Smooth Jazz vs smooth jizz

GOD IS REAL... Beast Masturbator. There's no law... Sex in Heaven and hell. Cum inside.

18, Male, FL - Beast Masturbator Genitals out. Nice. I'm 18. Down and up! Amazing job.

Ratsurbator, chatroom still happens. 19, Male, TX - Going metric! Dumb O! Usually takes me... Ohh... we can work it that. My lubricant... dry. Romano not happy? See the blood! Good enough!

Blood is cum??? Hannibal is up. 32, Male, Sweden - New experience. Broad City. He's on that. 7 Ep. Can't be in every episode... There we go. Doesn't know Avicii? He's from Norway. That's great!

Radical Dads - Uh, pretty cool. Pretty average. I mean nothing much to say than Solid.

Bethany will call 24, Male, OK Already like this! Favorite number = 8. 88, twice the fun! Quick!!

Chris tries 23, Female, NY - What's going on? Doing Hard Candy? Okay. (Hallie eek?!) Manhood! Profound and Powerful Femininity... Make me submit! Well, great. Having Chat Sex?

30, Male, Brooklyn - Phone sex w/ Human Fish. I'm in control! He's good. You got a good one! Oh. This is a real one. And this is so funny! So funny! Well done.

20, Female, Manchester - Face? Okay. You sound confident. Nah??? I'm sterile? That's really sexy. Both... bald head. Cultural city... harboring. Roast dinner? Good burst. Don't do well in groups.

Beast Mastburator goes to 24, Male, Pittsburgh - I LOVE YOU! Shouting match! Grocery Store???

Couple in Brooklyn - Us? That's true... Portland talk... Go straight to sex. That's good.

22, Male, Baltimore - Doing pretty good. Background, put on a show! How loose? Strong arm... Slow... Puny Irish arm... eat more butts. This got weird but fun. That was real... very real. I came.

Linda w/ a cock - Talking to Bethany. Driving a cab... This is Shannon. Cherub girl! Uhhhh... Man. An iPhone Charger? More clarification. Cops never pull cabs over.

Second song - The topic has made this rocking band flat. Very flat. Like really flat. Seriously flaccid.

19, Male, CA - Request to Riker. Sisko? Hologram... corridor. Rank doesn't matter. Quarters. Synthell... all they do is eat and reproduce. This is a onesie. I think this... Prime Directive?!

22, Female, Brooklyn - Beast Masturbator... First human women... it's a honor. Invert genitalia... Quite a configuration. Sucking eggs. Two young sons! God must cum!!! Amazing. Amazing.

TCGS - Episode 129

NICK FEITAL ANNOUNCES! Shannon, Human Fish, Master of Terror? RITZ! MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!

Rumble on the Bronx vs Rumble Fish (November drink) Jesse playing the Human C.

Oh god. Oh god. Master of Terror on the panel?! Wednesday are getting busy! Roommate. 

19 poorly delivered show... make fun and death metal. Invite you to fight!!! So cheerful song!

I think this was a good idea... studio is haunted. By all means, adult swim? PIZZA ZONE!

We can wrestle, Ian... right now??? Ian's a mystery! Fred from Honolulu... fight back. Vampire? Panel addition, Fred. Shannon charging your phone. 

Millie from NH - Slap fight... Kind of small... Cross faced chicken wing? I'm familar with... finish!!! What's your deal? Working on the lab... Follow him on twitter. No. I would try... fit the spirit show. Pete Holmes needs to fight me... when is it. Well, he's called. Bad joke. Got him on air? BIG LAKE?

Brad - Get out of that tin can. That's better. Passive-Aggressive. Middle finger It's hard to stay focus.

C and Fish and Fred! Julia from Manhattan - I cannot come down... 15... Certain materials. Tournament... Joust respect! Two year horseback... still ahead... first of a horse! Actual lances!!!!! You would win that fight. Think about who you are, gather your strength. 

Honeymoon with a roommates! Alan in Cambodia - Enticed by chance of murder! Cannot be true? This would be so great... boos! Just be yourself! YOU'RE A LIAR! Gong showed off!

Only New York calls - No one remembers now? Nice. All right? Effusive? Tired. We got a call.

Luke in Brooklyn - You're in Brooklyn. Beat you with a cane! I need you make this bosser!

Jersey Dave bring broomsticks. We have a young guy? Murmur from the background. 

Lemuria - Sounds exactly like what a Lemuria would sound like. 

BETHANY APPEARS! Human Fish is only wearing underwear? Punch through! 150 loc. vs Camb. 

Griffin Newman - Chatrooms... he beat you up with a cane! Stone Cold Steve Austin Powers!!!!! That's the best pun in the whole show! Best technical difficulty ever!! Legitimately impossible!!!! You were a intern wrestler... water, oil, dry cleaning. Fight by himself.

Josh in NYC - My dad is four hours... He's sleeping. Corded line??? You do live by parents. Bill!! NO part of getting out? Is that a wash? NO. THAT'S NO. NOOO! 

Give one million scares. Scale of bones. OH NO! Missed opportunity! Family of fighters? Stance! Punch through!! Nick Feital... Luke is going strong! 

Nick in NYC - Oldest friend. Great advice. Feels terrible. Be careful! Really be in Cambodia.

Peer pressure. Abbey in IN - Small amount of explanation. Book Fight! Do some damage... emotion. Matthew, Luke, John, Ringo... It's Mark. Eggers? He doesn't care. Don't do this. 

Royce and Chris in SF - Twin brothers. Psychic twin... Table Ladder and Chair! Flaming table? Mirror attack...? Chop both head with a chainsaw! Shannon won! Weird Japanese Mall? 

King of Hats and Chug Clamato? - Tracksuit like King of Hats. Dramatic webseries? Interrupt??? This is most horrible! Chug Clamato is dead! Real name, Austin Powers. FBI! Barista's death?

Another Dru Johnston death? WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY???????????????

Checking the perimeters. Matt in Baltimore - Fight lasted 27 avenues. Godzilla? Nobody wins fight.. Shannon would fight Floyd Mayweather. There is clear winner? Morally??? Bethany into fighting. 

Lumeria - Still sound like what would a band called Lumeria would sound like... very apt name.

Maybe he's a ghost... maybe get a name. Luke from Chicago??? Fred and Orlando... racist catcher.

Tom... huh? Hello? Luke from Brooklyn does not show up... I'll beat you up with Ritz crackers!

Matt in TN - You got three minutes. Exotic Soda... Raptured by sweetness. Genital! My life... scare. 

Donna in Ireland - Hey, I'm great. Middle of Night... 5 AM. Field! Travelers. Bare-knuckle box!!! You're the best... call anytime. College humor videos. I might do that, Donna. Jersey and Tracksuit. 

Gentleman's fight. 21... of course. You won Ritz Crackers. 

TCGS - Episode 128

Intro and song in Spanish! Chris, Human Fish, Murf, Don, Bethany, Shannon, Tammy, Orlando...

Mimi next to a chicken! SPANISH CALL... committed to it hard! Refuse to translate... gets paid?

Sweet migration... Spanish vs English Yes? Bunch of nouns? COME ON, BANANAMAN!

Julia in NY - Como Estas? No? Don't speak French!!! This is SPANISH call only!

Tracksuit Enforcer - Amazing! Even the song is in Spanish.

Paige has some Spanish in him. Went into Beach... Summer vacation. Immersion! Hanging w/ friend.

Non-Shellshag... because he's dead? En Salada vs Salad NOT A WORD! Way too at home!

Shannon can speak some Spanish! Nailed it?

Mimi's song in Spanish
No se puede detener a una abeja de escozor
Y no se puede dejar de una diva del canto
Y no se puede dejar de una montaña de bucle-de-bucles
Y no se puede dejar de Mimi en el aros de hula
No se puede dejar de Mimi en el aros de hula

Steven from NJ - Coupleaños... adios... That's how... Jersey Dave directing. JD Dead??? Library???

Edith in Colombia - Calling from San Francisco... I agree to Orlando completely.

Bananaman song is translated. Character like Lassie? Just cool it? Pretty loyal? He's yellow!

Moresa vs Walrus (Russian... Da!) Emilyn Brodsky - She's a great singer and a uklelelist. Yeah.

Spanish Chant of eat more butts? We'll let the chanting. My mother is the problem.

High school for 5 years. Daniel in Dallas - Morrisey is muy muy encanta! Bathrooms of Mexico! Always fantastic... confessing your love... Death salad is a big problem. Guns appeared. Spanish

James from NY - Hola! Muy bien! You've read Don Quxiote. FAKER!

Uno Mastin Powers... oh no, oh no. Si. Vaguely racist. He did work for Fox News. Quit today! Strangely, it was about climate change??? Answered phones??? Do something really racist. Shaken. Shirt under a poncho. Forgot to take it with me. YOU just got out of there. Walked here.. well? Okay... Si? Oh, no. No mastro of  terror.

Mariana of Uruguay - Calling from Uruguay. Great question? He has one brothers. All right, that... Racist consistency... honest mistake. Hallie... Only white roommate! Es todo este episodio racista?

Everybody is racist... I did forced whiskey and call all of them racist! Dru is the most racist! True.

Dru creció en un árbol??? WHAT! Ryan - Donde esta Sandy??? No sé,  JD... Dead on the beach.

Sandy got Chris's phone number? Two numbers? Oh Caliente! Got burn? Cannot dig your way out.

Racist... ignorant. Slower and worse... and roommate. Bad combination. Roommate is offensive?

Fish with bad spaghetti Spaghetti Second song - Do a salsa and samba. does that make her most...?

Chimichananga... that's a faker... turning on Don Fanelli. I think you just make this in a weird place.

Julia, who spoke French... Margarita from Chicago - someone? Alguien por ahí?

Bardley Caldor - Amazing name! Drinking and 101 cartoon! But I like this.

I'll give you a ride! Ask my roommate??? Mhm... This translation makes with more weird.

Chris went too far. Racist chant! PIGGYBACK Andele! Hector - Hi from Miami! That's a weird.

TCGS - Episode 127

Shannon returns to hosting! With Murf, LLC, Human Fish, and DIANA KOLSKY! (Also no Johnny)

We're awesome. Fetal face. Comedy Central passed... it's okay. Right? Shannon with basketball suit!

Diana Kolsky, mater facepainter... Bill Florio with a beat poetry. Christmas Goose vs X-mas Moose  Boring Animals... dig deep. That's a good one! Romana in MA - Murf facepainted. Day's okay. Examination right now... okay... thumbs down. IT'S Fun? Uh, no.

Zoey will facepaint Murf... Like 11, not bad. No... Karaoke!! Long lost relative w/ Cara! For Artist... Dig deep and it's coming come out. Let's talk to Gethard... booming voice! Awww... Lingering... Yeeaah! Gentle and beautiful... Lube and wine. Hot and cold. Drank a few night... like usual. Huh... Strap-on Aramamtizz vs Chocolate mood. Jamba Juice... first offer!! Human vs Orange July only!

This is an awesome theater! There he goes. Steve in Pittsburgh - You said fluffy kitty... Bright chalk. We're very very glad. You had a very bad week. Things get better. The Chris Gethard Show: Movie!

There it was... Birbgila!!! Chipotle? On the edge... deep psychological problems... worrisome... lull. Plead JD... Child soldier??? Nutcracker? Americana theme... Amazing, Diana Kolsky! Winner!

Teen Girl Scientist Monthly - Oh, I know them. Yeah, they are pretty cool. P-r-e-t-t-y Cool. Not Rob.

Asheem - we lost him!! Okay. Anti-please give us a call... Phone call in the screen.

Chris in SF - What was up eariler... School final. Transfer... names? Hot Dog. Wrist painting???

Bob Rosstin Powers - Okay. (Michael Antonucci... huh?) High Energy but offbeat... Only one line.

Banana Berry Human fish vs Two Bears COME TO JAMBA JUICE... 100 Sheckels?! vs rupee

Hashim is BACK - Never been to NY. That is amazing!!! Unemployed. Killed??? Call back!

Royce in SF - Everything's great. 19... going to college. Brother is Chris. Upstairs downstairs. Nah... Two-wedged sword... warrior but nice and caring. Sparkles!?!?! NO! flames? Juggalo?

Horny tree... dog boner. Hot dog does not get it. ON BEAT? There's no lenses. Hey, all right...

Intern Paige - Slept on the couch. Great day, mom's birthday. Seafood place's... Shuck... love it. Doughnut in the trash can. I have definitely heard it. Booty Blast! Shen! Great outfit! Oh, Dru... Essence is Doughnut on the trash can... Do whatever vs Giraffes...

reject flavor Caviar vs Tangerine Madness Oyster vs Blueberry Bush Shuck it while you can!

Oyster, Banana, Raspberry... booster for free! Justin - Murf Essence = Warrior poet? Lost my mind. See you later, Justin!

Alex in RI - Awkward... Oh, I'm through. Murf Essence. Obvious losing the mind! Treadmills! Breathing really hard... Are you humping? You will be a quite f-cker! Go to a hospital.

Really trashy color... too colorful, so stickers. SELL OUT... very nice. yeha. Diana wins outright!!!

Second song - Lighting is cool. Maybe I just get used to the band by the second song??? I don't know.
Oh that's just Rob without the beard... He really needs the beard.

David from CA - Took my last final... leaving my college... transferring! SD state -> Eastern US! Change of scenery. Another athlete, Connor Ratliff!! Cyberbullied. Haskell, SNL - Chris Farley?! Maybe he thinks that... maybe, maybe. Just went into a spiral. Rough-rider textbook masochist.

Chaney and Diana paints and talk about Connor! Matt in IN - His curly hair Chris - Add a foreskin. Tenacity... Murf's wise words. Andrea - Curly hair, again? Erin in NJ - Andy Kaufman, under... bit! Rachel - Such a loveable guy... before 12 hour podcast! Dead eyes... sandwich night Abi in NY - it! Naomi - Tumble list... felt bad. LOOK WHAT YOU DID! They both win!

TCGS - Episode 126

Green screen intro. No taco night?

The best community Woo! 40 year old Goosey has no house. Paperless office... made redundant. Dogecoin... third most popular currency? Returning... Don Fanelli!

Three song intro song? First episode, fell out of love... We got your back! Sun room? Two walls... Sak fifth Ave vs Uncle Stan

Front Door, abandoned frat house. You might be crouching. Clear the pallet...

Max from FL - Blended? Yeah, whatever. Just talk through that. Really... Wood and mostly board...

Very very sticky. Glue is not on the floor... nevermind. Simon in Australia? - 16 years older... what's the situation... OkCupid... yes. Love from mid-30's for a 20 year old. More comedy movies? Haha... If you're too shy... you can't do it. Juliet is here! GIFs = House? gif vs jif Human Fish argues!

Next week, Chris-less show... Tear and long ways. AUSTIN POWERTOOLS?! Can you talk??? Surgery... uuuuhhhh. Basement, good. This is awkward.

Fantastic Plastics - Ok... eeh. Yeah, sure, it exists. I'm pretty sure other people would like it... yeah.

Suprising well. Reinforcement? Glory hole... talking about Pittsburgh.

Rachel from OR - That's because you're hitting on Messenger Bag! Absolutely True... Me too... Huh? in Pizza Hut! That's chill. Amazing timing. Toliet is important.

Carson in Toronto - Aquarium visit... yeah. Replicate the first date??? (To be said in Ep. 133) movie.. Draft Day!! Griffin Newman!

Mike in OH - Not watching live... Lambasted??? Wise words from Hot Dog. Like an Elephant? That's it. That's the whole bit.

Steve in Pittsburgh - BBQ Sauce, digress... construction. We're on that. This wood is strong. Resume. Once if you can afford... you have to pay more like...

Paul in DC - Jesus vs David Bluvband Love of Don Fanelli... Still a beloved figure. Nah... nah...

We have thick skin... I don't yelling... good person? Sh!t like that. You Should have known...

I really like you... Jesus is... yeah. Rough go at the roof! Guarenteed... little bit of sunlight.

Joe from OH - You got... well, someone else got Human Fish butt hair... Boss's house? Thumbs up.

Chris from SF - Great question??? I reject... and okay.

K-Sec in OH - Home improvement tips. Basement is important... 12 years. Great to know.

Tom in MI - I rescind... I was messing around. I never apologized. So... let's move on.

Second song - This song just lets the music speak for itself... so it's much better.

We have the box... have fun while taking the dump! Bathroom fun vs sh!tbox fun

House is a communal project... Jay in Chicago - Giraffe? We need a giraffe?! Lazy... THIS IS LAZY!

Master of Terror... terrifying. You can't just do that... oh no. I have been possessed?

What a journey... what a journey. Sort a 200 episodes? vs Mighty Mighty Bosstone

Jack in OH - Ice cream date. No idea at... well, you know. Throws Ice cream... WOW.

Eric from Brooklyn - My advice for Master of Terror... Dismal vibes. GET IN THE HOUSE!

Friday, November 14, 2014

TCGS - Episode 125

Rob Malone announces!! Bethany, Shannon, Human Fish, LLC, Mimi and GETHARD!

New 5 LLC... Tubthumping??? He's not rich? Open call to MNN! Malaysian Air vs Receding Hair...

I really love MNN... Broad City and Workholic? Shannon don't like Tosh!!! Dean Lauren???

Missing Report? Hour to fill... Some E-Mail! Backup plan? So episode 98, again? I paid off Rich???? I already lose enough money... we had it for two years? That is true. Agents??? I wished that cared. Steak & Shake... Connor like! Secret Files??? I would also love... I owe... two biggest shows?? Individual and CC... one of the other people... Set you up? Wrong E-mail.

We're nice... there's no rooms. Spo show... sure. Get in cab and deal with me! Penthouse???

You had a PENTHOUSE interview... flick that bean!!! Shannon's birthday? Flick on the puss...

Mic on this??? Not her hands? Hallie is in the Penthouse, Messenger Bag's dream come true?

Steve in Pittsburgh - Lot of things. Reason is all talk! Missed Mikey's show. Resume for roadie??? Frontalot... credibility. Very easy. Generally merch... valid Driver... HIRED!

To the rescue, Jersey Dave Mike in OH - I'm at work. Super intensive episode!! Dean Lauren... livid! Super stressful situation... Buttholes??? Biggest problem - vinyl copy?! Don't touch!!!?

No call for non-watcher... Flick that bean 2.0 Track Suit Enforcer! Theme Song! A DOLLAR?

Oh, the hood... explain the anatomy! That's how it works! Mood music... Enforcer set the trend.

Layla in NY - One guy no-showed...  Yeah. No call... That is a... Second show? Juggling Jake!

Group discussion - Very nice people. Make up awesome games? Come hard at me, hard at you???

Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt - Wow, they have a whole set! Music is nice... but that's about it.

More MNN enjoy the show... Taylor, next up. Go big or go home!! Vagina discussion... amazing.

Very close... Shannon made $11! Classy floor. Reece in MI - Talk to me, baby... hey how is it going? Man behind the Plant... You two... well done! Not hatred... there's a reason! Deep burning desire.

Tough love? Go into his head? That's your schtick. Little more facetime??? NO longer welcome.

THAT WAS HARSH.... I'm not so sure... Milking? Chug Clamato and King of Hats... web series.

#Preview Video - This makes me so excited! Dru Johnston have to continually do this. 9/11???

All that chugging... I'm so sorry... Strangled by death... quickly!

Justin in TX - Teens Talkin' TCGS invited me? EVIDENCE! Enforcing for real!!

Auction??? Flick that bean! Full consent??? You tried... James... Amato wasn't fun. Nick Feital... Spinning $20 game... Shannon at $31.

Carson in Toronto - TCGS is the best. Forgotten what's to be a kid!! Bethany and Mimi love.

The Circus vs Andy Serkis Second Song - Again, second song are usually much better...

I fully boycott, catching on. Andres from MA - Another convenient excuse... Mike???

Oh theres, Vacation Jason... Master of Terror??? That is amazing... Signed poster for $40?!

TCGS - Episode 124

Murf, Mustachioed Human Fish, Return of Sandy, Bethany...

Eat more butt chant begins. Chris instructs audience to continue. Take the rhythm and dance!

Is this another hour long song??? Stretch it out! Human Fish Rap? Jersey Dave is good at dancing!

Dance away, unicorn!! Dual chant... LLC has nice background. Thank you, Messenger Bag.

Bethany out in the fray... new haircut? Chris cannot believe... Massive attacks to Chris!

MB and Hallie gives a new spin! Going through all the variations...

Jeff Rosenstock - The whole background is really nice! And the transition... the TRANSITION!

The topic... I'm nervous all the time! Nervous vs cool time More depression... I drown...

Sandy making a insightful comment?? Weird. So close... So close... NONE OF THEM WANTS US!

I guess so? Random Sandy's opinions are... well, you know, by now. Eat more... thank you, Track?

Lighten up? We're lightenest we have ever been!

SUDO from FL - Glorious return of Sudo!! Doubt? Thank you, Otis? I get you. Nelly vs Nacho F. 

By far, the favorite episode! Getting married in August, this is what I do! YES! Feeling old...

Murf is the advisor... Monster Energy Drink? I feel good... OK... More public than Conspi. Gary!

Ex-husband... he turned gay? Weird, but okay. Track Suit ENFORCER I don't care.

Orlando Sandy contention... Are we moving in the issue. Audience picks Sudo... Aw. Interesting.

Have a lot of common... Aaaaw... Sandy is interesting persona. Not upset about that...

Grounding? Chug Calamato and King of Hats... Very thrifty? Clamato time? All dressed?

THE JUICE IS RIPE! Do it, Dru... CHUG, CHUG, CHUG! Solid applause???

Intern Paige - Definitely. Getting into colleges. Fear of colleges. Oh, Chris. Sure... that's where... yea. Knoxville? Best intern... Yay? White and Jewish is correct?

Rob Malone - Philip Roth? Thank you, Malone? Smells like. Thinking about it. Thank you.

Jason in Florida - Thank you. Very excited... now, graduate opposite, but similar.

TV in six months??? 100% Certain?? Lot of violence and bull... dance and whiskey! Glitter?

No one will... really, no one... That news was greatly exaggerated. Combating Stress... exercise.

We'll see... exercise... yes. Rich? MNN Gossip? Jealous? Taken to great humor? Milburn?

Chris is vehemently disagrees... Who's Jimmy Buffs? Musical... all about in line?!

Second song - His singing is really weird, but the music behind is so very great. Very great. I forgot... One of the greatest performance and a great friend with Chris. (Not since Fucked Up)

Track Suit Enforcer being nice to Chris... one of the great imagery in the ending... Fish on side!

Review: Wow, as the it was hyped... amazing episode... held together by Sandy and Jeff... Wow.

TCGS - Episode 123

This is a disaster... a lovely disaster. Already a strange vibe? OVERWHELMED!

Hallie is being very rebellious!!! Track Suit! Wait, wait, okay! Something of a micromanager!

We planned nothing??? Already beginning? Jersey Dave, second-in-command...

Guest Director... Andrew HOT DOG Parrish!!!! Some ghost?? Shannon in P-I-P!

Miracle of 34th Street vs Nightmare in Elm Street Bill Rats?? Which is fine... they have a coach!

Un-synched... hard at finding camera! ASIAN RATS! Have the shot ready... headshot??

Feeling about Sandy is hypocritical. Background is funny, though. Live programming...

Biff in Philadelphia - Vomiting. Murf Territory... Great graphics! I always jumped!

Steve in Pittsburgh - J D Audio floods! We're not calling for Random! Love the band! JD Rebellion. Connor Ratliff is the camera operator!!! Andrew is watching Chris... I don't give a... all right Steven. Some loving... No audio! Also give the circle wipes!

Julia, Ellen, Don Henry, James, Sam... JD is hiding! Bother a man!

Royce and Chris in SF - Still terrible! GOT HIM! Feedback! Gut this out. Field Mouse conversation. JD trying mutiny. Bunch of cool people... weekly chat!!! AND IT'S GONE

You're a liar?? You're taking over the box??? No sway! Also, why JD bring the two most weak...?

Pterodactyl Army vs Terra Cota Army Shirt Intern Paige? Dancing!

We GOT A diffferent show... can we have a microphone? Great timing. We have a double cross!

Everyone coming shirtless? Murf Shirtless. You're not the good team...

Field Mouse - (Hey, Fred!) Singing is little iffy. I thought so. Slight takeover???

new Steve from PA - Build a new stage... Mimi on the front!!! Turn your back? Commentary ruse. Lift JD at the end??? Cat's away part 2? Les Miserable? Victory.

K-Sec - List of demand... Rust belt actions.  Headphone... I got nothing. more people, true rulers?? JD minute. Bigger Box? Gas Mask! Rob!! Screening process!! Writing the list???

Fan not liking... planning, the other room? Oooh! GHOST OF MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE... People have been fallen! Jokes are little... that's the premise! Ultimate Warrior???? Oh, Diana... Amazing... Murf must love this. So much strength? People are marching in! Bethany joins??? Forever immortalized, JD Amato!!! Rob Malone??

Mutiny and Re-mutiny... Shannon taking over? List of demands... pitifully off.

Chris in CA - Destroying? Pac-Man vs Packing Peanuts Nick Feital's Knock-knock joke... wow. Final Attack Plan for JD. Request?Vacation Jason... now, Master of Terror! Bad stand-up is done.

Connor in NY - Jerkface? Love Hot Dog! Justin in Texas - SXSW Ice Cream! Internet campaign? People are nice on the road... Connor's eye... dead. Connor pissed.

Doug in Canada - Very slow... HOT DOG is VERY MAD? Shut up, Master. Awkward.

Mike from Cornell - Dandy! Wordsmith... I can't see it.

Second song - Get the PIP out... This song is much better... it fits the voice range better.

Honolulu? Oh, Riley. Second attack! Paul in DC - Thankful you... talked to Hallie on facebook!!! Pete Holmes... big letter! Mini-strokes. JD... what did you even think??? Lot of acting.

Madison in NY... Joe in OH - JD is Hannibal? Great actor?? Rob in PIP? Small window??? Hmm... Ruin this show 2???

I might delete the show? DON'T EVER DO THIS! (Hi, Rob!) JD in the chair!!!

JD is on the floor... again! (Remember the other episode?)

TCGS - Episode 122

Red and Blue, Human Fish, Shannon, Murf, Joe Mandi, Random Sandy, MURDER???

Always the crazy night! Save the young fish-man... Have not heard anything. Lovely Sandy.

Joe Mande has returned!!! Comedy Mix-tape? Fred from Honolulu... welcome to New York.

Adult Babies!! Glass Menagerie vs Glass Ceiling. Connor, rich and full life camera operator!

Starma in Toronto - First time... Smoked CRACK. THAT'S A START! Crack corner. Productive!!

God from Heaven - THERE IS NO GOD??? OR IS THAT GOD?

Max from FL - Dream of comedian... West Palm Beach... terrifying. Great secret?! There we go... Walking on a trail... and bowel explosion... SAME AS CHRIS!!

Joe was real into opium in high school? WE DO NOT CONDONE? Thank you, Sandy...

Great dusted flick, Get Shorty... the scariest movie?

David in CA - 7-13 imaginary friends, Kit Kat, talking cat... Puppy, talking puppy. Not much one.

Celeste from Toronto - Sixth Grade and he just took that. Very Canadian... I feel better???

Chris, peeing on the carpet... Why am I doing this?

Slothrust - Very rocking... vocal is very down... I can hear the radio... Man behind the Plant!!!

Jake in Ithaca - List of Nothing... Messenger Bag recommended, immediately thrown up!

Jason in Chicago - Well, this is going... The infamous disk-shower... You're the best.

Murf's story - Man named Fred Goober... Lenny-type. Hobo Jungle??? Butterfly Knife, dead cats.

Blackface Duke Ellington vs Bears Sandy met Robert Kline... as expected.

Keane in St. Louis - Driver's license... no weed... Justin Bieber? Huh? Whitest story??? Black name...

Peter in Chicago - Overly happy. Never mind... Grandma with Alzheimer... Fear in memory??? Hooked Up with Married Women vs Sears

Nick in AL - Best friend's sister... Disney World... Intense awkwardness!! Oh, the picture... not now.

Anna in Brazil - X-Files dream... Only time you experienced love.

Laura in NYC - Hello? Molly and best friend's boyfriend. I don't really know? Of course, Sandy.

Cassidy in Chicago - Grade School... crush... wrote a cover of Pretty Fly for the White Guy!

Track-suit Guy is now the new addition! That second... that second.

Second song - That look looks familiar. This song is little better... hmmm..

Jaime got a serious... two years ago, realized Transgender! Xanax... Hopeful story, man... Powerful.

Sandy is old, I guess. Track-suit already? Alex in MI - What? REM? vs F-ck REM

TCGS - Episode 121

Welcome the final stretch...! LLC (Messenger Bag - Mikey) Bethany, Human Fish, Shannon O'Neill

Let's hear for the host? SANDWICH NIGHT?! Technical Difficulty new song! Broken???

THE HINTMASTER SHOW????? This is the worst, just fixed it! Re-do! Sal Vulcano!!! Hintmaster.

Hiatus... not being broadcast! Pilot taping!! Not for Focus. Yeah, Mimi and Plant!

Sal Vulcano from Impractical Joker... ALSO THE ROBOT!!! Jen from Shobha... for Hair Removal.

Very hairy, hersuit... he is half man... HUMAN FISH!! Excruciating Pain vs Bears

Little bit of prep for taming... Fish Lord... exposition? Sample... Most professional? Ow!

Welcome to the show!! Full Name and Address... also mail and find you.

INTERN PAIGE - This is not autopsy... Committed vs Already Regret Here's the shoulder!

Todd from Pittsburgh - Hot Dog? Todd Gregory Tondara 2501 Shields St. Monkespot, PA 15132 Dave Thomas vs Who AAAAH There's a T in the tough.

Wheatus - Yeah, we're going back with Wheatus! Yeah, we're going back with Wheatus...

Sandy!! Francis! - Accidental transition? Inside Joke! Prince Nemo vs Cthlulu Poor Guy. Go wort!

WE HAVE A RANDOM SANDY! Justin - Justin Monville 12345 Biltmore Ave, Livro, Texas 78233

Sweating for you... or the temperature. Joe from OH - Security Guard??? Not in Dayton?? Butt crack.

Joe Planck - 275 Indiana Ave, Dayton OH 45401... you will be getting the butt crack hair.

Sandy is nailing and dancing! Dave in Williamsburg - (snicker) You're too late... HAPPY TRAILS!

Messenger Bag... Random FIGHT??? Apt description. Weird body hair? Ooohhh,,,

Ian in MN - Lovely dude... it was cold. Around the nipple? Great job.

Tyler in MI - Hates the Vacation Jason... It's the name of the song. JERKFACE?

Second song - I still can't believe Wheatus is in TCGS... I don't like them, either!

CALSTEAD - We're legitimately moving on... I WIN THIS ONE, CALSTEAD! Oh, Dru Johnston.

Ariel from Long Island - Find her and kill her. Broad on the chest. Talking back... MNN?

Kyle in KY - Even it out??? NO DICK? (This is weird) The best one? THE ASHBURY CREW? Human Fish likes his taint... Well, he's the Jewish Human Fish!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TCGS - Episode 120

LLC as the band, Big Day. Chris is officiating. Mimi, Random Jean and Maxine, Alyssa and Pretentious Writer... Bethany, Mopey Janitor, Rob and Bananaman, Vampire and Meow-gic, Vacation Jason and Hot Dog, Couple who had six months... Murf and Shannon O'Neill.  Random Messenger Bag as the Flower Girl? Barista's father is a Cow???

Traditional and Not Traditional... any objection?  Royce in SF - Ronk missed the invitation.

We're starting this wedding?! Mike from Cornell - Juggling job... too traditional?

No vegan... They can off... Definition of Rats... Thank you, Honey.

GOD IS REAL - Beast Masturbator... reading the Bible??? That was... I was crying...

John from NY - Got scared and hung up?! Masturbator just gets better and better!!

Noah in CA - Person obsessed with Keith Haskell Never 80% Keith Haskell? Maybe Banana special!

Writer got so angry over the years... Very blessed and happy day???

I thought that was Billy Joel... yes, that is all true. Love me, love you???

This whole thing is so heartfelt. Really, really heartfelt!!

Karla in NY - Turn down your TV! It was Shelby??? Taylor???? Honeymoon? Slaughter Cow?

Triple Honeymoon... Lot of Request?? Big Cat who loves Monopoly??? Murder???

Vacation Jason is your father... Talkin' TCGS is a real podcast?! Slow dancing?

Andres from MA - Objection? Most Marriage end in divorce... or death!

Shawn... Let's end the dance... Murf's speech: Seems very heartfelt!!

Shannon's Speech: This is so weird and what is this??? Photo Montage???

Duke Ponzetti does the Jewish portion... Really funny, guys. I mean really. We all know. Mazel Tov?

Rachel and Ray is breaking up... reluctantly??? Corner of Sadness, that's from episode 12?!

Take the vow and kiss! Luke in OH - E Network? Sonic Youth vs Sonic the Hedgehog

Julia, thanks for everything. This is a really a podcast! Another death???

Jeremy in NY - Dylan, Brother in Big Lake... Full circle?!

Paige - She might the top 5 best female singer in the whole show... I'm really saying this.

Greatest Achievement??? You don't need it...

Slo-mo Barista DEATH!!! Silencer? NO bullet holes??? Cream?? NO bit!

Cal is grieving! Colin in OH - Least Paige is cool. Jeremy in NY - Talkin TCGS.

Todd in Pittsburgh - My last call in TCGS... Two other guy Messenger Bag and Murf???

Mopey Janitor and Fish joins in... MURDER.... MURDER.... MURDER!!!

Walter appears for the last episode... That is a full circle... Amazing. And tearful....

TCGS - Episode 119

Good evening weirdos... Human Fish, Shannon, Random Messenger Bag, Bethany (Liaison)

Sandwich Night week after Sandwich night??? Blanche Baker.. Feline AIDS???

Are You Afraid of the Dark vs R. L. Stine's Goosebump World of horror... Streep and Duvall.

Rubber Suit and scream a lot... an extension! NY Film students??? Intern Lacey??? Kids love it?

First ever clip... We're a real late night show now?! Let's scare Bethany??? Hallie, Bill, Johnny...

That's the reward... life moves on. Own props. I like that...

Cass in Canada - BC's deal... We like hippies. Fish will scare!

Eric in ID - IDK...  Jacob in NY - Existence. So far I like this. This is great? Ready to breastfeed.

What's kush... um. That's the point? Colin - MB is up... Shannon on the internet... yes.

Fred from Honolulu - Zodiac Killer??? Mustache away from Hitler?

Coby from Israel - There's that? Mysterious Messenger Bag... Ambien not advised in 6AM

This is ill-advised with Feng-Shui Lube??? Bayonne... NEW JERSEY...

Crazy & The Brains - Much more listenable than actual SNL. Hey, everyone is lying down???

Barista - Business trip to Dairy Queen. Dress Shopping. YouTube crashed!!!

Let Emma scare you... John in England - Rob trying an Australian accent?? Hot Dog apology...

Hot Dog wants a Virgin Airlines tickets. Ethan in Toronto - Really. Canada talking sh!t. Fake Blood. Deep inside the Morrisey. Some kind of problem. High Rise Skyscraper?

Emma does not stick the landing... Freaked out! Looking more adorable? Shannon's blood?

Charles in Ontario - Acutally not Canadian... Are you all right? Real Bummer...

Colin in OH - Mimi acts freaky and Murf Ambushes. We like the jump scare. Noah? Duke?

Bad timing? Seems like a Hell Experience... by some Christian?

Brandon from MI - Chris needs to finish. Don't you think you know me?

Yeager in NJ - Ginger are scary??? I like weird. Scream lot?

Eric in Indianapolis - Co-opt... Second song - Let's us dance to make this more real... oh. oh. oh.

Everyone just leaves... and we're left with Chris. She is almost there. Almost there. Blood on head...

This is amazingly uncomfortable. This is a perfect ending to a horror movie... Roll Credits!

TCGS - Episode 118

We will have people chanting SANDWICH NIGHT!!!

Chris and Shannon observe the chaos of Sandwich Night!? Colonscopy! Beefy Hemorrhoid!

Mimi with the Healthy sandwiches. Whole Apple for Rob... Jacob... cheese doodles!

Andres from MA - On hiatus... one of us is doing something? Mark, a long time fan... amazing!

Wayne's World??? Random Jean lot of stuff... Enjoy your sandwich! Mike in real life!

Small Apple, only in seasons? It doesn't. $1.28! Great sandwich. Building Elvis for Murf?

That's Bill Pullman... artisan bread?! Sara Bread??? Focus on Riley also MIRACLE!

Watermelon Cop... brings finger sandwich. Riley eating an CO2 leak??? Pinnacle of comedy?

Naomi - Little Brother lost virginity? Ken Beck - EXCESS. ??? Lot of baloney. Danny simple.

Tim from CT - Delicious brand... Scottish soda... Grilled PB&J... oozing with Hallie?

A Dog Guy with the George Foreman Grill... Bill Pullman Sandwich! CHICAGO?

Random George and Cookie Butter... Lloyd follower... George on Comedy Central? Unmasked... Mouth revealed!!!

Connor Ratliff and their parents??? - Sponsorship??? Highlight of his life!!

Young Leo DiCaprio and Patrick's Parents - Took him to dinner? Patrick sandwich!

K-Sec and Meg in OH - Just us... No sandwich to show... CAT SANDWICH!!!

Erin in NY - Happy Sandwich Night... Cookie and PB... Shut up, Riley!! Not okay? Quiet, please!

Alyssa, part of the Dessert as Sandwich movement... No argument?

Royce and Friends in Oakland - Messenger Bag getting hify? New people? Beer Garden, thanks?

We have dog and more chaos! Salami with Cheese... SHIP YOUR DOG! Napkin in lobby!

Beef Jerky! Show question? Emergency Brake??? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Welcome to the show.

Series of wonderful sandwiches... Cookie and gingerbread... Vegan friendly.

Intern Paige... Musical Guest?! Fifty Shades of Grey? Sandwich free Random Melissa...

Jersey Dave is the Slave? Shawn... Let's honor the dropped sandwiches? Amazing Grace????

Porno sandwich? Mimi's dessert sandwiches. Lot of dessert in the sandwich!

What are we even doing... There it is Millie from NH... Interesting? Sound like Lena?? Quality!!!

Rob... Kill that cat??? Show the cat! Find that cat... Great cheer?! Serious cat. Oh, Andres...

Look at that standoff... RITZ CARLTON!!! You're marrying me. Cool cat? That's what I do?

Griffin Newman told me... Sandwiches... close? Talk show about sandwich? Taco Night!

Mike from Cornell... single ladies??? Human Sandwich??? Meat and Meat???

Bill Pullman? Reed? Drinking a water??? That was brillance??? NICK FEITAL???? This is not over!

Shout-out to someone??? Thank you for Sandwich Night!! (Credit was funny.)

TCGS - Episode 117

Hallie with Michael Caine... Bethany, Shannon, Murf, Human Fish and CHRIS GETHARD!

Toe up??? Very Big Announcement! (Also Kyrie and Johnny)

Murf - No longer rooting Eagles! Bethany - Still not Pregnant??? LLC - changing to llc.

Messenger Bag - Not eating Dog Food. Shannon - Got some money and pack of cookie!

Human Fish - Vanilla Beer and GEICO? Mr. Horma, owner... Ray's doing bad.

Connor Ratliff - Training for Sandwich Night? NOT GIVING UP!

Bananaman - Cable Television??? Retire the costume? New costume!!

Audience with a Baby - Shut Up, My Baby's Dead? writing poetry! Metaphor? Bobby had $5...

Guy Who likes Cream but Not Too Much Cream - OLD NEWS?!

Keeper of the Battledome - Young Keeper?!? 1963... 2013! 50 Years too late?!

Vampire, Abraham Lincoln hunter - HIV Positive? Well, he is immortal. Bare Back vs No condom

Griffin Newman - New Podcast... Talkin' TCGS... Both are way behind?

Lil' Woody Allen - Mixtape release party (BEST PUN) hop-hop? No... NO!

.357 Lover - Little romantic rock, I see... I never disliked the genre... it's not bad... yeah.

DON FANELLI - F-ck you, beans! Finally made the BROTH! In-Studio Exclusive?

Big Cat who loves Monopoly - Truck Nuts... now molded after him???

Ghost of Macho Man Randy Savage - Ghost Porno?? The Triceratop with the Boston Accent...

Dougie from CT - Barge? Live on the Barge? We can be free together?

Couple who'll brake up in 6 months - We're really in love still?

Vacation Jason - Double shirt action... We have a sequel???

The RANDOMS - Maxine has found love, Ellen Hall?, Non-mysterious Melissa, Episode VII, Cho!!

BEAST MASTURBATOR - Bush Angel? Zero F-ck Boyd - THAT is amazing.

Will Hines - Free Copy!! Vinegar Al - Vinegar Al Pepsi, Gethard Soda?? Pawn Star?

40 Year Old Goosey - Shipping Pellet Sizes... That is a huge implication?

Alyssa - I got my period... Comedy shut of the roof!

Phil Jackson - Poem... Jay-Z?? Meow-gic Matt - I have been a ghost?? Another ghost?

Rob Malone - Two-time Beef-off champion! Rob Malone will be on GIRLS?!!

Hot Dog - Toe Up??? Book Review... Book Club???

Bee - He has Hepatitis C??? Hintmaster - Size of a bee? LeBron James??? That's from 2010?

Second Song - This is swingy and rocky and all jivey, too... Yeah, there's not much left.

Vinyl Album doubles as a Board Game! Hintmaster??? Bad improve line. A Big Announcement vs Mo Money, Mo Problem

ACTUAL BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - ALF? Comedy Central Pilot!!!!!!!!!!!!

We ended this very early. Dance Party! This was amazing!!! (Hi Jesse!)

TCGS - Episode 116

Murf announce, Shannon, Human Fish, FRED FROM HONOLULU!

You don't bang your bookie... $2 Dollar?? Licking Envelops and weird prizes? Show aesthetic!

Cutting into licking envelop! Man Ham Half Hour? Official American Folk Hero!

Jacob from Westchester - Don't be like that? Valid point! Impersonation and parody? I don't care! Punching is also allowed! Your social security! (Identity Theft Ep.)

K-Sec - If you win... random person or Jacob will impressionate... that's what she said.

@ChrisJizzhard vs @TiredChrisGethard Greg will probably know? Island Curse?

Mike from Cornell - Elements of danger? Largely the same? We won't give you that. $0.03? Bet... HIGH STAKES Handstand... No show in Haiti...

Ceramic Dog - A little disappointment after a string of awesome bands... Oh, well.

$80... Banana Fight? Banana Kiss! Pedicure Bet? Grand Dame of TCGS, Julia?

Sebastian in IN - First time watching? UNDERWHELMED? I know Shannon... NOT A BET? NO. YOU SUCK AT BET... welcome to the show. NO HOMO...

Yeager from NJ - Prize of.... Pride? (Failed on a bet?)

Tyler from GA - Oh... Danger Zone... Human Fish eyewear? Who's torture is it?

Mariana from Uruguay? - Do we lost them? Too much Cream - Getting married on the show. Barista, That was too much cream... Pedicure bet... break the cleanse, again.

Joe from Boston - Human Fish (IN PAIN) - Salt & Pepa vs Salt & Pepper Fake Bananaman? Pastor?

VACATION JASON - Shut up for 7 minutes! We're neighbors! Riding around in the car!

Emliy - Fire Breathing Dragon... that was smooth.

Brandon from MI - Confused in people! Whole family... That's what you have to say! KISS!

Second Song - This song is little bit better...

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! 486 Envelop has been licked. Wow.

TCGS - Episode 115

Murf and others with face paint??? Someone was... Slave??? We do not support slavery.

Bill and Jon only? We'll sign for... anything! Except Slaves! Julia sent a face painter!

Dru and Duke - Herman Fersh??? Typo vs Real Messenger Bag is hungry! Australian Pizza??

Alyssa and Messenger Bag??? ARE YOU HERMAN FERSH?!?!

I own a brewery in Slovenia??? Thank you, Pearlla? You got a chant!

Noah in CA - Love to Keith Haskell? Obsessed??? Computer... Got a little gross!

Hot Dog... Lot of books for people? Thank you... lovely gesture? Thank you, RICH!

MORE FOOD... eat it outside! Hubba hubba... straight of the ice cream! Send us anything!

Inner Child... Don't listen to Emma Noble! Human Fish don't like your originality!

Domino Pizza and Garlic Butter?? Carrie Anne Murphy!! Dru Johnston is having a feast??!

Chris is painting a basketball?! Thundera - That was amazing?!

Messenger Bag gets Sushi... Getting pampered? You're on TV! Come back??? Lot of Desserts?

Connor Ratliff - Taking a huge nap? Deliver a message of hope? Dream??? That's not...?

I'll be over here... Diet Soda... Cool? THIS IS CALSTEAD'S DAUGHTER??? Neverending war??

We got the fancy sodas??? IS that A Dog STiCk? Another Domino?

Went Pretty bad... my twitter or tumblr??? MOST GERMANS ARE NAZIS?? West Texas???

Ramone and Roy, thank you??? Friends? Mr. Horma??? Kris and Royce... Told to Delivery

North Carolina??? That's what??? Years of Training? Circus arts? Live Lobster???? Sabrina?

Sara in Brooklyn - Barraged with lot of stuff??? Sudden anger... Real Life Rob Malone Sighting!

Actual psychic signal??? Really non-committal?? Exercise routine??

Second song - These later acts have been solid recently... Changing my music patterns.

Shawn in NJ - Mrs. Dash... You don't have $2.27??? He's a human being?? It's been tried? 35?

Has knowledge of Sandwich Night! Tessa and Jamie brought B-Boys for a big finale???

Review: That was amazing!!! I couldn't even believe that!

TCGS - Episode 114

Our timing was very off. Haunted show. Human Murf vs Human Reservoir Dog I'll never tell

Murf, Shannon, Human Fish, Bethany (the Liaison), Random Messenger Bag...

Murf, Hot Dog, Jesse, Emma Noble... Billy Voice... Cursed and Haunted. Acapella?!? (Melissa?)

Some Medical Issues??? Skin Tag!? That's not even a doll!

Todd in Pittsburgh - NOT Scared! (That's what it make more scary!)

Daniel in Dallas - Definitely not scared!

Vampire, the Abraham Lincoln Hunter - Listening to Beach House? Undead Love? Relationship... February 29th on MNN... Shannon, the real you. Popeye after sex...

Luke in Chicago - Ready to talk,.. guy in a grocery store. I love you! It's the Fifth!

Andrew in NC - No, no... Tomorrow... unimpressed. It's smiling! Welcoming smile!

Nick in MO - Talk to the doll... I can take it! Magic and Evil? Swirly? We're gonna torture fans...

Seth in New Palm - You'll love Messenger Bag... You don't want it? OK! Zachary vs Marvin

Mike in MN - Sorry... Follow-up from the Vampire - Well, thank you??? High Water moment.

Mike in MN - you need to eat better... Shannon and Mike??

Katy in VA - Feel scared... Lou Vega vs Lou Reed Dru as Human Fish

Connor in NY - I rubbed it and got Scabies? Absolutely! Already feels cursed.

Colin in OH - He is scared but you will take to your little sister. Mr. Orange Fish ain't happy.

Ghost & Goblin - That was amazing... it was rocking and fun, nice to listen. Evil vs Not Evil

Take it home and wash it... let's make it more evil? Sexually defile and evil quote.

Royce in SF - Don't F-ck with the Supernatural? Kill everyone??? BLOOM-BERG! Not interested?

Evanna in FL - I already put in... more artwork!

Cock Cutters returns VIDEO - Well, sacrifice the cock?? Oh, God... Very nice! Nice blood!

He never felt shame... actual effect and action values? Further enraging... Love that scene!

Shelby in KY - Not really... Fan Mail? Mail it to Billy Zane! Good luck???

Jeremy in NY - Murdered 5 children. Sore Throat vs Death

Brandon in MI - Whole diss track... What a wasteful work... You got shot??? SPOILER?!

Obadiah, keeper of the Dick Shirt - Lived in a Haunted House? It's for the dick! Cutting-EDGE!

Connor Ratliff and Vampire - Genuine Evil... lose the election? The muscle?? Powering through!

Second song - That was amazing... and all the graphics are really nice!

Smashing with mirror Drawin in Texas - No Afraid of doll. Talent confirmed!

Chris in SF - Bring to SF... Send address and put Royce.

Put the doll in Gimghoul??? To Messenger Bag's Mouth!!!

Doll goes to... Shelby in KY and perhaps to Billy Zane??? Good vs Bad