Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TCGS - Episode 119

Good evening weirdos... Human Fish, Shannon, Random Messenger Bag, Bethany (Liaison)

Sandwich Night week after Sandwich night??? Blanche Baker.. Feline AIDS???

Are You Afraid of the Dark vs R. L. Stine's Goosebump World of horror... Streep and Duvall.

Rubber Suit and scream a lot... an extension! NY Film students??? Intern Lacey??? Kids love it?

First ever clip... We're a real late night show now?! Let's scare Bethany??? Hallie, Bill, Johnny...

That's the reward... life moves on. Own props. I like that...

Cass in Canada - BC's deal... We like hippies. Fish will scare!

Eric in ID - IDK...  Jacob in NY - Existence. So far I like this. This is great? Ready to breastfeed.

What's kush... um. That's the point? Colin - MB is up... Shannon on the internet... yes.

Fred from Honolulu - Zodiac Killer??? Mustache away from Hitler?

Coby from Israel - There's that? Mysterious Messenger Bag... Ambien not advised in 6AM

This is ill-advised with Feng-Shui Lube??? Bayonne... NEW JERSEY...

Crazy & The Brains - Much more listenable than actual SNL. Hey, everyone is lying down???

Barista - Business trip to Dairy Queen. Dress Shopping. YouTube crashed!!!

Let Emma scare you... John in England - Rob trying an Australian accent?? Hot Dog apology...

Hot Dog wants a Virgin Airlines tickets. Ethan in Toronto - Really. Canada talking sh!t. Fake Blood. Deep inside the Morrisey. Some kind of problem. High Rise Skyscraper?

Emma does not stick the landing... Freaked out! Looking more adorable? Shannon's blood?

Charles in Ontario - Acutally not Canadian... Are you all right? Real Bummer...

Colin in OH - Mimi acts freaky and Murf Ambushes. We like the jump scare. Noah? Duke?

Bad timing? Seems like a Hell Experience... by some Christian?

Brandon from MI - Chris needs to finish. Don't you think you know me?

Yeager in NJ - Ginger are scary??? I like weird. Scream lot?

Eric in Indianapolis - Co-opt... Second song - Let's us dance to make this more real... oh. oh. oh.

Everyone just leaves... and we're left with Chris. She is almost there. Almost there. Blood on head...

This is amazingly uncomfortable. This is a perfect ending to a horror movie... Roll Credits!

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