Monday, November 10, 2014

TCGS - Episode 111

Dueling Chant or Sandwich Night and Reaganomics. Mary Tyler Moore vs Mary Tyler No More Murf, Bethany, King of the AV Club? Messenger Bag! Shannon and Very long review.

Conan's Tonight Show??? Best decision? How I go on living? Myq Kaplan... happiness is a trick.

We Watch You! Is just crashed! Right now? Currently checking the candy aisle.

Rich is physically locked out of the building! Breaking into THIS IS A DISASTER!

Oh, the phone is in the fire!! We got the A... typical episode luck! WE GOT THE PHONES!!!!

Noah in CA - Looking a picture of Keith Haskell? Detailed looks of the hair... Fifteen... TOO FAR! Cronuts vs Rasputin

Skype is up and running! Naomi, been to her house? Man behind the Plant? Wasting time... Yeah... We want to see the dog!! Successfully watched!

Pink & Blue - This is quite interesting. Very interesting.

We wrote a song! Brick wall is nice! Other than punch line, that was amazing!

Absolutely Normal... There's a secret society... starting a war! Drinking Crown Royal... Lot more? Step-mom's Headboard??? Don't be so cynical!

That's the cancer?? You're back! HERO AND SAVIOUR!!! Dog! (There's Sal) We want more Layla! THE TIMING! AMAZING! Los Angeles! Huge dog...

Next guy... Adrien Brody!!! I stand by the picture! Drop! Dude with the piano... Matt from ON! That's a beautiful... smattering of applause.

Next guy... Well...Rob... Fighting the two... change a few things?

Ed from Texas... dropped out of college! Crazy day today. Andrew... amazing. He approves!

He does not think about the future... Let you do you! Florida, of course. JERKFACE! It's Florida... Dark Rooms = Not Fun drugs.

Dylan from AZ, actually Colombia...WALK WITH ME! Not that bad? It is a body part! Most cliched fan of the show... Do good service and honor! MC Escher-skype!

Go to ROYCE! Get your tech together!! This is our lives... coming to Party! We'll see! Pat??

Second song - This whole thing is nicely set up... yeah, it's good.

Who is this guy! Promoting your brand? NO. Royce? Opposite of hi-fi?

Poet? No Juggle! THAT is Amazing! In Ithaca? Steve out of his mind?

Last Call = Connor's nephew. School Library! Yelled at! Ivy League? That is amazing! Cafe? Yes!!

Next week: Half hour... Second Half would be Horse and Bee... Amazing.

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