Sunday, November 2, 2014

TCGS - Episode 88

LOUD APPLAUSE!!! LLC (Bill, Hallie, Johnny) Man not behind the plant and Mimi!

What's in Hot Dog's Mouth??? Bethany (no baby wipe), Random Maxine!,and The Human Fish! Early Birdy vs Dirty Thirty Out by midnight, Shannon O'Neill!, Dan Kline and Don show???

NO BABY WIPES Cody from SLC - Baby wipe the camera!!! Not sharp... Wite out? NO.

Dan ~ Edible, no... Quarter? No. Maxine ~ Not a currency, Not a toothbrush?

Celeste from Ontario - It does have a monetary value... Army figurine! Close!

Andres from MA - Toy, sure... Not Rough and Tumble toy??? Toy car?

Luke from Chicago - Non-related to Superhero. Not a bouncy ball. Chris ~ Domino? NO. Bethany - Figurine yes, but a lego? NO. Fish ~ Dildo or President? No. Bill's not a Smurf? Dan, not a law. Bethany ~ not a criminal! Shannon ~ not a weapon... Maxine - Animal? NO IT'S A DOG! Shannon!

Lame attempt... oh, sad. Sophia takes the Dog! Ariel from Long Island - Revised list? Noah freaked! Andrew 'Hot Dog' Parrish is your date!!! Putting Mom on the phone! Brilliance from Shannon!

Not burning the bridge! Not Plastic, not mini hot dog, In a wrapper... Fortune cookie? No. In a Gumball machine!! Ariel has won a GUM!!! Crushing it!!! Look at that...

Is it hard? Golf ball? Is it metal, parts. Tweezers? Dildo??? Not a mini version? Breast? Office??

Cymbals Eat Guitar - People stomping and dancing! Really freeing music!!

Josh from Long Island - No liquid inside... Not a mini stapler.

Megan in OH - Mix of plastic or Metal, not a paper clip!

CALSTEAD? - Happy Birthday... Barbara Streisand??? Not in her mall, a friendship ring???

You cannot get a guess, Nick Feital!!! Chris and Fish... RUINED IT!!! Not a fix or a tear? Office... Storing device... not hairless hamster or metallic fart... Revolution Flash Drive!!

Man Behind the Plant really pissed, On the replacement list though. Frustrating and anticlimactic!

New strategy? Non-useful... Erin in NY - not made of plastic, Not a quarter of a pear?

Royce in SFish - Of course it's not bigger than a breadbox... it's not a marble.

Fred from HI - No Heimlich! Man behind the plant is CPR Trained... Evil Matt Damon! Whistle?

Phallic by association, morning after pill? Or condom... GHB??? Bethany?

Fletch from Ashbury - Not rubber or metal? Not a lighter?

Vinny from OH - Not made of play-doh. Made of fabric... pipe cleaner????

Observation eariler... Bananaman's costume??? Oh no!!!

Couple of day or Couple of years??? Some adventure?? Very Big... iPod? Folded up, whole shirt?

Richard from NY - OH NO, not a toy. Coin purse?

Jessie in Boston - Does not taste good, folded-up hockey puck?

Jeremy K. with Public Access - It's not cloth! Not a pocketknife?

Second song - Rocking! SAM??? It's not a matchbox!

Is it paper, Yes, it's a poster of Kanye and album! Smells vs not

Jackie - Not a children's toy... not a mini dildo. Cona from CA - Sorry, goodbye!!

Isham in Harlem - Is non-metallic, not a playing card. Eric from Ashbury - Not pirate? NOT A Dildo.

Tony in NY - It's a home object... Not a bottle cop. Nicholas of AL - Shoelace no.

Max in Philly - Toothbrush... Rob in Brooklyn - not a strap on watch! Shannon gets the BUTTON!!

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