Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TCGS - Episode 120

LLC as the band, Big Day. Chris is officiating. Mimi, Random Jean and Maxine, Alyssa and Pretentious Writer... Bethany, Mopey Janitor, Rob and Bananaman, Vampire and Meow-gic, Vacation Jason and Hot Dog, Couple who had six months... Murf and Shannon O'Neill.  Random Messenger Bag as the Flower Girl? Barista's father is a Cow???

Traditional and Not Traditional... any objection?  Royce in SF - Ronk missed the invitation.

We're starting this wedding?! Mike from Cornell - Juggling job... too traditional?

No vegan... They can off... Definition of Rats... Thank you, Honey.

GOD IS REAL - Beast Masturbator... reading the Bible??? That was... I was crying...

John from NY - Got scared and hung up?! Masturbator just gets better and better!!

Noah in CA - Person obsessed with Keith Haskell Never 80% Keith Haskell? Maybe Banana special!

Writer got so angry over the years... Very blessed and happy day???

I thought that was Billy Joel... yes, that is all true. Love me, love you???

This whole thing is so heartfelt. Really, really heartfelt!!

Karla in NY - Turn down your TV! It was Shelby??? Taylor???? Honeymoon? Slaughter Cow?

Triple Honeymoon... Lot of Request?? Big Cat who loves Monopoly??? Murder???

Vacation Jason is your father... Talkin' TCGS is a real podcast?! Slow dancing?

Andres from MA - Objection? Most Marriage end in divorce... or death!

Shawn... Let's end the dance... Murf's speech: Seems very heartfelt!!

Shannon's Speech: This is so weird and what is this??? Photo Montage???

Duke Ponzetti does the Jewish portion... Really funny, guys. I mean really. We all know. Mazel Tov?

Rachel and Ray is breaking up... reluctantly??? Corner of Sadness, that's from episode 12?!

Take the vow and kiss! Luke in OH - E Network? Sonic Youth vs Sonic the Hedgehog

Julia, thanks for everything. This is a really a podcast! Another death???

Jeremy in NY - Dylan, Brother in Big Lake... Full circle?!

Paige - She might the top 5 best female singer in the whole show... I'm really saying this.

Greatest Achievement??? You don't need it...

Slo-mo Barista DEATH!!! Silencer? NO bullet holes??? Cream?? NO bit!

Cal is grieving! Colin in OH - Least Paige is cool. Jeremy in NY - Talkin TCGS.

Todd in Pittsburgh - My last call in TCGS... Two other guy Messenger Bag and Murf???

Mopey Janitor and Fish joins in... MURDER.... MURDER.... MURDER!!!

Walter appears for the last episode... That is a full circle... Amazing. And tearful....

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