Saturday, November 1, 2014

TCGS - Episode 79

New Random, new intro! (No Joe) Large applause! Applause goes on forever! Fourth try is the best?

Rat's Nest - Number 1 in the iTunes! Lovely welcome to Man Behind the Plant!

Emma Noble, Shannon O'Neill, Murf (with hair down), Random Maxine!!

RACE TO THE TOP! Gangnam Style? Above Pete Holmes, Nothing but tall and charm!

Ice has been put on! Gangnam Style and Math Problem! Control the satelite and clouds! NC cancel? We're all coming for you! Like the Postal Service!

Rob Malone from PA - First slap! Having a life crisis! Working on a Pizza in 'Girls'? Story?? Heroin? Genre change??? 15 seasons of Girls! #MaloneOnGirls! Slaps! Third Round! It's not in English

John from Long Island - Only on left cheek! Apologize... bugudsfhsf. So mean?

Anamanaguchi - The new intro looks nice doesn't it? This is close to Gangnam Style, anyway??? Great air guitar and dancing from Shannon O'Neill.

Calstead - WE DID IT! Don't do that, Emma. Hello and Welcome! Pro-couch? DAUGHTER??? WHAT? Play us off, LLC! Good job, Chris!

Andres from MA - Rat's Carlton!!! 19? We'll let him know!

Video - Order of Gimghoul... EXPOSE! Underground... that guy's a Gimghoul. I don't know!

Luke from Chicago - Valentine's Day... Mike Wazowski! Don't do it! Now, a best friend!

Don Pardo - Close enough! Richard from Chicago or Stellan from Sweden - Another Valentines... What happened? Maxine give a slap! Popped the earbud! B-Day Random Dan? Psych Studies?

Harry from MA - Enjoying the pain! Play and broke! Take her to Book of Mormon... no gal pal! HELP is not advised!

Who cares about submarine? You're not trying hard! I just take the money!

Alyssa, checking in - NO SYMPATHY! Bully! 10-12 inches... buried! JERKFACE! Thank you.

K-Sic - It's frustrating... changing weather pattern! No big whoop! I think Shannon's right!

Second song - Let us dance and forget about all the troubles... (big breath) (dances)

Chris should not get angry! Omar fistfight? Rob or Lena??? - Well, good bye?

Jackie in Philly - Come up and hug!

Abby from VA - Break up and Real life repercussion! People attack? Well...

That's the end of the show! Review: That was painful... yet entertaining! New credits!!!

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