Sunday, November 2, 2014

TCGS - Episode 87

Sandwich Night! 7 Month until sandwich night...

Bill, Hallie, Johnny sings HollywoodGethard with Man Behind the Plant and Mimi on the hoops!

Murf, the reservoir dog, Human Fish, Meaning of Life vs Game of Life, Random Maxine (now employed as researcher) also encounter with OkCupid... and Willie! Bethany with bad shoulder!! Shannon O'Neill, best friend?. disruptive Willie... Don't go ueueuhheh... Driving you nuts...

Royce - Feeling insecure... community college is better than University of Phoenix. Always in stasis. Mic is not for styles. Real World vs Road Rules

Katherine from Miami - From Tumblr, Magnetic Resonance was way high! Anti-medicine... sixteen. Tell someone... someone for your back. Talk to your doctor... difficult but necessary. Check out...

Willie's insight? Sh!t got real. Ryan from Ottawa - Warm today. Trust issues. Speaking into comp. College is for the bird. Accelerate the process. From a friend... @clamchowder101!!!

Real Estate - This song really fits the topics... great for a drive.

Lover's Quarrel? Sophie from TX - Love to touch Denise! Working as a waitress. At the number?? Terrified! Straight out of the Mimi! Stability is boring! Like Logan's Run? That's NYC!!!

Bananaman with a theme song! Video - Let's Do This... Jokes! Toro! Don't smoke! BOO! SPA!! Pizza unites us all! Faced a moral dilemma?

Celeste from Ontario - Don't have a thing, soul and identity. Go in and out... Stopped improv? Grounds my week... firm support... don't be alone? Advice vs Smoke weed, every day?

Phil Jackson - Short, to the point, amazing! Awesome pants, going home!

Riley Sojourner - Kind of disgusted with him? Probably? Oh... Okay...

Second song - Let's dance our troubles away... ending might be little long, though.

Checking in with Alyssa - You're the best!! I know. Heartfelt moment!! (Willy loves Maxine)

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