Saturday, November 8, 2014

TCGS - Episode 96

Lovely SANDWICH NIGHT and LLC (New 4) Way deep! Man in the Plant.

Murf, Bethany, Human Fish... Oscar Meyer vs Oskar Schlinder. AND STELLAN from SWEDEN!

Opinion of Random Orlando do not represent the opinion of the show. Crowd-sourced contest!!!

American Idol looks like Poop. Brown vs Board of Education

Retired Kitten (Abra Tabak) - Not enjoying the kitten... Cannot be a cat? Hilariously depressing. So sh!tty!! So all that yarn... nice sweater, though. (8.7/10)

The Ghost Of Macho Man Randy Savage (Shawn Diston) - Not the wrestler, the porn star! Died in a sex accident... accidentally killed by Wrestler Macho Men... (revenge?) Bethany likes! (9.3/10)

Drunk Dad Who Brings Home Snow Cones (Tim Martin) - $3000 set piece? This is really sad... That's 40 year old goosey!! He needs to sleep... we can share??? Ruby's your dog? Diane?

Cudzoo and the Faggettes - That's the name, I can't censor it. Also Mamrie Hart!

Man Ham (Josh Ruben) - A typical Josh Ruben character... that is a perfect fit. He's not deaf... he's... I'm not what's his offencing... kicked things up a notch! Goosey continually being a dog. Man vs Ham...  MAN HAM (9.4/10)

A Couple Who Are So In Love Right Now, But Will Definitely Break Up In (Exactly) Six Months (James Dwyer, Jackie Jennings) - Rachel & Ray... AA?? Drink in December 19th... buy enough foods and condoms... What? Out of Witness Protection, Tell-All Roadie for Hoobastank! Love conquers all? (9.5/10)

Zero F-cks Boyd (Joe Pera) - He has no f-cks. SO COOL with anything! Baby powder! Murf outright puzzled! NO FIRE! Loose Leaf Paper! (9.8/10)

Weenie Feet Bobbins (Nicole Drespel) - Orphan from London!!! So happy for the saddest story... Butcher and a vegetarian... Look up! (9.7/10)

Second song - I knew Mamrie was in a band, but she's a good singer!! ALSO, Messenger Bag!

Triceratops Who's Not Very Good At A Boston Accent (Noah Forman) - Start strong but it fell short. (6.0/10)

Cockstain Tearducts (Shalyah Evans) - She's a princess... Swedish? Perhaps from the '30s?

The Beast Masturbator (Connor O'Malley) - Amazing. Staten Island. Amazing intro!! Cash for Gold! Short on time... But he was great. (9.2/10)

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