Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TCGS - Episode 115

Murf and others with face paint??? Someone was... Slave??? We do not support slavery.

Bill and Jon only? We'll sign for... anything! Except Slaves! Julia sent a face painter!

Dru and Duke - Herman Fersh??? Typo vs Real Messenger Bag is hungry! Australian Pizza??

Alyssa and Messenger Bag??? ARE YOU HERMAN FERSH?!?!

I own a brewery in Slovenia??? Thank you, Pearlla? You got a chant!

Noah in CA - Love to Keith Haskell? Obsessed??? Computer... Got a little gross!

Hot Dog... Lot of books for people? Thank you... lovely gesture? Thank you, RICH!

MORE FOOD... eat it outside! Hubba hubba... straight of the ice cream! Send us anything!

Inner Child... Don't listen to Emma Noble! Human Fish don't like your originality!

Domino Pizza and Garlic Butter?? Carrie Anne Murphy!! Dru Johnston is having a feast??!

Chris is painting a basketball?! Thundera - That was amazing?!

Messenger Bag gets Sushi... Getting pampered? You're on TV! Come back??? Lot of Desserts?

Connor Ratliff - Taking a huge nap? Deliver a message of hope? Dream??? That's not...?

I'll be over here... Diet Soda... Cool? THIS IS CALSTEAD'S DAUGHTER??? Neverending war??

We got the fancy sodas??? IS that A Dog STiCk? Another Domino?

Went Pretty bad... my twitter or tumblr??? MOST GERMANS ARE NAZIS?? West Texas???

Ramone and Roy, thank you??? Friends? Mr. Horma??? Kris and Royce... Told to Delivery

North Carolina??? That's what??? Years of Training? Circus arts? Live Lobster???? Sabrina?

Sara in Brooklyn - Barraged with lot of stuff??? Sudden anger... Real Life Rob Malone Sighting!

Actual psychic signal??? Really non-committal?? Exercise routine??

Second song - These later acts have been solid recently... Changing my music patterns.

Shawn in NJ - Mrs. Dash... You don't have $2.27??? He's a human being?? It's been tried? 35?

Has knowledge of Sandwich Night! Tessa and Jamie brought B-Boys for a big finale???

Review: That was amazing!!! I couldn't even believe that!

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