Saturday, November 1, 2014

TCGS - Episode 86

Subtitle added? SPECIAL GUEST HOST ALYSSA! LLC + Melissa...

Shannon O'Neill - Them Dams. Murf - Her Independence! Bethany Hall - Very polite powerhouse! Random Maxine - Solid Music Video! Human Fish - Beyonce Knowles vs Noel Coward

Alyssa?? - Person we get to enjoy??? Strength! Pull up the picture! Absolutely! I don't care...

Two ladies who are cheaper... phased male dancer... It's just her! Murf dancing Single Ladies!

Picture of Pizza! Andres of MA - Alicia Keys JERKFACE! Bye! NO HATER ALLOWED!

Calstead - We got it from Jay-Z... We haven't met! Hi, Mikey? They do? Streisand and Beyonce!

Ariel from Long Island - We grew up on that! True hipster... Beyond cool! Countdown... Fame...

Bethany - NKOTB... Roll it up... second house? Just hanging out! Killing it in Cuba... Government...

It makes more sense to be a Lizard Queen! Public School near here (Harlem)! Dirty Animals!

Kat Munda?? - Pregnancy? 57 lbs! Obvious... Murder??? TAKE IT OFF! Turned to a motorbike!

Jay-Z women or not women Chris Gethard - HOLLYWOOD GETHARD!! Hated that song! Random Melissa lurking... favorite thing - Very gracious and not disgusting! Anger?

Long time ago when she was a child... It's great... You have a great connection! Roll your eyes... Weird... Very weird...

Clinical Trials - Very unlike Beyonce... But that's the theme for this show...

Beyonce Makeup by Maxine and Bethany to Hot Dog and Bananaman!

Angelica from NJ - Walking past Charles Square... Mercedes-Benz... Everyone is staring! Everyone in the thought! 40/40... Hallie's encounter - Really cool and the dream! Never say Never... gross!

Congratulations... Need to relax by Beyonce! Interactive listening! Your own interpretation!

Quiet moment of silence... and awkward song??? Lip stick on tooth... Hallie is freaking out. Human defense... Let us laugh? Annie get your gun?? Blowjob face? Have vs Don't have

Swimming upstream - fisherman Jay-Z a lovely time! Disconcerting. Pretty clear. Enjoyment?

Sex slave??? Never worn costume... Survivor... Kelly Rollin?? Meth under a bridge? Empowered??

Moisturizer??? Luke in Chicago - Going well? My Queen! Beyonce Knowles vs Grassy Knoll

Connor Ratliff - Matching pants! Tonight's a Beyonce... Gift from Virgo! Backwards! Amazing...

Hayden in Brooklyn - Universal Message. One Plus One...

Second song - oh, this doesn't gel well with my stomach... oh god...

Can you dance the sing along! Quite proficient!!! Julia is a good singer... Diana recording the thing!!

Review: Is Alyssa a good host? No. But is she worst than Chris? No.

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