Saturday, November 8, 2014

TCGS - Episode 95

A group intro song!!! Musical extravaganza and clusterf--k!!!

Stellan is coming and crowd-sourced contest coming again!!!

Hour-Long Musical Improvisation... everyone is a house band???

First phone call: Steve from Pittsburgh... Song about Allergic to Beans? Scratchy, unknown w/ Anxiety... Re-fried Bean from Taco Bell!!!

Well, I can't music so there's really exciting music... Mikey on drums, Julia and Dave on banjo, Random Melissa on violin, Bananaman on Tambourine, Human Fish on harmonica, Phillip on melodica, Don Fanelli on vocals. Saxophone, Trombone, toy instruments, and other assortment.

START SINGING, CALSTEAD!!! Oh, that was singing... YEAH!!

Luke from Chicago - Unidentified Instument with Banjo... country infusion, Bean Foods of South!!

Trombone moving to Cajun feeling, also has lot of beans! Joel from SF - Rap... breaking up!

Carrie and Hallie providing appropriate bean sounds. Taco Bell is disgusting.

Andres from MA - Bashful giraffe, more thunder tubes? Flirting with Pamela?

We're moving on from bean to allergy part of the opera song... lot of exploration on the subject.

Turtle Bluegrass - I can see it, still on the south, puking on the side... Harmonica and toy piano... Thinking back on the childhood... thinking all time of the beans... Jason on paper horn?

Justin from Texas - Talking about baldness... it gives a counterpoint.

Liz in California - Failed test... again another counterpoint, I'm thinking of daughter relationship.

Harry in PA - Collaborating with Mal Blum, moving up to Baltimore~!

Andres + Giant Paper Mache solo = Called in by accident? Sound panicky!

Duke remix and Rob sings Celine Dion - I think this part is the radio part. Chris is a natural!

(He finnay found a music he likes, bean-soothing.) Carrie represent his musical style

Jules in NY - I think it's NSYNC?? We changed the channel. Now he's trapped.

Sam! - Hey! Doing Art? Good, we're turning back to punk, that's the 3rd act theme!

(Now, the final theme for the complete rejection of beans... a transformation, if you will.)

Laura Stevens - Crazy cab ride... ??? - thinking about beaches?

Lee from California + Omar = Leading us to the final theme... Are we at acceptance?

Smevlin - Hello? Yes, it's a shaker? Weird... Father-son moment. The whole thing gels together?

Allergic to Banjo??? (That's the father...) THE FINAL EXPLOSION! provided by Hot Dog!

Human Fish brings back to the frame and ending song plays. INTERN PAIGE! End with DON.

Review: Surprisingly well strung together song. 5/5!!!

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