Saturday, November 15, 2014

TCGS - Episode 130

LLC, Bethany Hall, Human Fish, Hannibal Buress, Beast Masturbator, Diana Kolsky, Chris Gethard?

Slow Jam intro song... Apt chant for the episode. Tonight is a crazy night. Phone Sex... yes. God.

The graphic is amazing!!! All call anon... and also oh wow. Smooth Jazz vs smooth jizz

GOD IS REAL... Beast Masturbator. There's no law... Sex in Heaven and hell. Cum inside.

18, Male, FL - Beast Masturbator Genitals out. Nice. I'm 18. Down and up! Amazing job.

Ratsurbator, chatroom still happens. 19, Male, TX - Going metric! Dumb O! Usually takes me... Ohh... we can work it that. My lubricant... dry. Romano not happy? See the blood! Good enough!

Blood is cum??? Hannibal is up. 32, Male, Sweden - New experience. Broad City. He's on that. 7 Ep. Can't be in every episode... There we go. Doesn't know Avicii? He's from Norway. That's great!

Radical Dads - Uh, pretty cool. Pretty average. I mean nothing much to say than Solid.

Bethany will call 24, Male, OK Already like this! Favorite number = 8. 88, twice the fun! Quick!!

Chris tries 23, Female, NY - What's going on? Doing Hard Candy? Okay. (Hallie eek?!) Manhood! Profound and Powerful Femininity... Make me submit! Well, great. Having Chat Sex?

30, Male, Brooklyn - Phone sex w/ Human Fish. I'm in control! He's good. You got a good one! Oh. This is a real one. And this is so funny! So funny! Well done.

20, Female, Manchester - Face? Okay. You sound confident. Nah??? I'm sterile? That's really sexy. Both... bald head. Cultural city... harboring. Roast dinner? Good burst. Don't do well in groups.

Beast Mastburator goes to 24, Male, Pittsburgh - I LOVE YOU! Shouting match! Grocery Store???

Couple in Brooklyn - Us? That's true... Portland talk... Go straight to sex. That's good.

22, Male, Baltimore - Doing pretty good. Background, put on a show! How loose? Strong arm... Slow... Puny Irish arm... eat more butts. This got weird but fun. That was real... very real. I came.

Linda w/ a cock - Talking to Bethany. Driving a cab... This is Shannon. Cherub girl! Uhhhh... Man. An iPhone Charger? More clarification. Cops never pull cabs over.

Second song - The topic has made this rocking band flat. Very flat. Like really flat. Seriously flaccid.

19, Male, CA - Request to Riker. Sisko? Hologram... corridor. Rank doesn't matter. Quarters. Synthell... all they do is eat and reproduce. This is a onesie. I think this... Prime Directive?!

22, Female, Brooklyn - Beast Masturbator... First human women... it's a honor. Invert genitalia... Quite a configuration. Sucking eggs. Two young sons! God must cum!!! Amazing. Amazing.

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