Sunday, November 16, 2014

TCGS - Episode 137

Panel: Andrew 'Hot Dog' Parrish, Johnny 'Woah' Vafiadis, Mimi 'on the hoops' Fischer, Zane Van Dusen, Bill Florio, Nick 'Man Behind the Plant' Feital, Fred 'Honolulu', Brian Miller, Connor Ratliff, Dru Johnston, Duke Ponzetti, Chris Gethard, JD Amato, Bethany Hall, Emma Noble, Juan Nicolon

Big announcement, more like an anti-announcement. I don't like getting comments. Very film thing. Too much negativity is bad... see what's up. We are five years in. Mostly about the bar? That's true. No expectation... going to the bar...

Giaom from Belgium - Biggest fan in Europe... Episode 15... Jeff Rubin, yeah. You're doing great. Not super confident as usual... Build a topic... Elaborate Idea... Put on a Show... that's the types... Missed the feeling... all sort of little normal. Like the interactivity and timing. Not the case. USA

Stellan from Sweden - Always felt like a jerk... Get paid and get back? Still a fan... not as fanatical. Scare myself... overdo things... chill the f--k down. I totally respect that. Still a fan... good example. Human Juan... Seal Team 6 vs The Seventh Seal... Have some military experience???

Sam in LA - They're good. Yeah. I didn't know what happened. I got less depressed. 40 Episode... That's a sign of depression. Chris Gethard world became important. Are you healing and solving? Highway Rest Stop for the Depressed. Your job to keep up... Sign of pride? Not all of them, oh... Human Juan - Ratliff 35 vs Ratliff Gold That non-memorable. Pumpkin hand, optical illusion!

Relatively short bit that lasted for 15 month, almost 2 years... pull through the next few years. Demographic is weird... Common thread of Dru Johnston.. Time Travel... World cup... cool... Happier and more stabler... not Emma, by a long shot??? We know the routine? Autopilot??? Thinking about the bar afterwards. Like a job??? Didn't used to be the case. Book about Evolution? Different epoch of time... That's a story, or we just go to the bar? Confidence and energy... underdog. Having a great year. New fuel? Belly Burrito... stupid, stupid. Still don't like that episode. Motivate? What's interesting about that... Mimi? My part: I got this thing. Come back any week, every week!! Transformative, opening for everyone. Goosey doesn't want. That live show? He'll catch up... Consumption is not the part... Jersey mentality... Green Point? Not much of a character.

Ryan from Canada - Noise control. Yeah, I can picture that... Ruin This Show... oh, boy. Good year. Big Announcement??? Got a girlfriend. Cardboard cutout... DIY Punk... Pilot in Comedy Central. Actual Basic Cable Television. Whole week in the studio. FLOWER FOR ALGERNON. Baaah!!! Crummy... just talk about it. I love the show. Twitter handle @clamchowder101. Loving the handle. She hasn't seen the episode... you associate with the loneliness??? Shameful... Sadness!!!

Show will cure your depression and gets you laid... forming a religion! Actively stuffed me... Ack? Banner... That banner... That was straight-up @clamchowder101!!!

Sarah in FL - Can't watch because of the time. Making the art and GIFs... Super active base around... Getting a job... this is good to hear. Helping the people now. Same company? Awesome! Quit! Occupation available? Same job in 10 years... Days off, 4pm? 6000 miles to here! End this thing. Upsetting! Kind of weird thing... cultural exchange. Availability and accessibility. Phil Jackson... People on the edge... I don't care. Great calls. Notoriously useless? It's true... Guess the race!! Hodgepodge... working class poet!!! UCB used to be outside to pushing in! Not the monolith??? Zeitgeist... just beginning... funny idea? Straight at Connor Ratliff??? WHITE CULTURE! Wrestle... Deeper into the show... Oh, look at that????

OMAR - Hi, Omar? Lot of thing off the chest. Eye opening. It's all good. We've seen better. Honest. Getting better... thank you for the message. I was on vacation, some facts. UCB in improv. Begin. Still love, but I need to find myself. Best of luck!!! Feeling a little better. Deleted Facebook. Anything... Don't fall into that again. Getting more audition. That's really good. Not the same. Drama??? That could go in the past... I do miss Shannon? (She's a director now?) I hope so, yeah... Brian Miller... D&D Episode... I would do that? THAT WAS THE WORST! Fond memory...

Carson in Canada - Thank you. Carson and his whole family. Good aquarium and Blue Jay Game? Eating too many snacks? Little weird? Nine inning, I ate snacks. Pretty worried. Ate the whole time. Yeah. After the game, is that guy okay??? I'm the worst... I was largely by myself. Shark grabber... Wondered around and weirdly bought a shark toy. I try to explain??? Nothing worked. Just that guy.. So weirded out... bring it to the baseball game!!! Shark head stuck out!!! That is amazing... WOW.

Endlessly 1999-2002 Morrisey and J. Church. Feel less alone... You are their Morrisey!!! Damn... Save people? Morrisey grew to resent and weirdly racist. Amona Mart... Nordic Metal Band... Twilight of the Thunder God... I know, I know... Okay, we get it!!! Sounds fascinating! Hmmm... Thought, but no answer. Following the instinct. Three Ring Circus... Appetizer and Trash Hunt??? Trying to finger that... Playing with Lizard... Change for a pilot... ecstatic... no death acknowledge.

That has to part of it... there was a death... have I grieve as a group??? GO TO THE BAR! Ehhhh..... You need to time... come back around? Very trying. Hopes up and end of the world. Bummed??? Screened the pilot... room full of people. Half of people were convinced??? You jumping the tower. Interrupting FRED? Thank you. Angry about the concept. Doubting characteristic. We don't feel... Individual human being! Message board??? Chatroom... frustrating? Accessible group of people. Could be too much, that much is true. Flat hierarchy? Anxiety around, tension? Equal footing???? Free and have time? Really embarrassed? Hundreds of Hundreds people. Seahawks won the Bowl. Get real sad... Let everyone down, but everyone is here. It is the same group since the start... hmm... Last chance??? All together??? You graduate to High School... That summer. dicks in pies, reunion? Episode 2... Now it's Episode 137... Back to that??? Texted a lizard??? What it could be??? Awful? WHAT? WHAT FAMILY? Awful Russian Family??? Something to do there. Tuna casseroles...

Going to Lincoln Park, going on to street??? This is how we end??? Air in Chicago???

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