Saturday, November 15, 2014

TCGS - Episode 126

Green screen intro. No taco night?

The best community Woo! 40 year old Goosey has no house. Paperless office... made redundant. Dogecoin... third most popular currency? Returning... Don Fanelli!

Three song intro song? First episode, fell out of love... We got your back! Sun room? Two walls... Sak fifth Ave vs Uncle Stan

Front Door, abandoned frat house. You might be crouching. Clear the pallet...

Max from FL - Blended? Yeah, whatever. Just talk through that. Really... Wood and mostly board...

Very very sticky. Glue is not on the floor... nevermind. Simon in Australia? - 16 years older... what's the situation... OkCupid... yes. Love from mid-30's for a 20 year old. More comedy movies? Haha... If you're too shy... you can't do it. Juliet is here! GIFs = House? gif vs jif Human Fish argues!

Next week, Chris-less show... Tear and long ways. AUSTIN POWERTOOLS?! Can you talk??? Surgery... uuuuhhhh. Basement, good. This is awkward.

Fantastic Plastics - Ok... eeh. Yeah, sure, it exists. I'm pretty sure other people would like it... yeah.

Suprising well. Reinforcement? Glory hole... talking about Pittsburgh.

Rachel from OR - That's because you're hitting on Messenger Bag! Absolutely True... Me too... Huh? in Pizza Hut! That's chill. Amazing timing. Toliet is important.

Carson in Toronto - Aquarium visit... yeah. Replicate the first date??? (To be said in Ep. 133) movie.. Draft Day!! Griffin Newman!

Mike in OH - Not watching live... Lambasted??? Wise words from Hot Dog. Like an Elephant? That's it. That's the whole bit.

Steve in Pittsburgh - BBQ Sauce, digress... construction. We're on that. This wood is strong. Resume. Once if you can afford... you have to pay more like...

Paul in DC - Jesus vs David Bluvband Love of Don Fanelli... Still a beloved figure. Nah... nah...

We have thick skin... I don't yelling... good person? Sh!t like that. You Should have known...

I really like you... Jesus is... yeah. Rough go at the roof! Guarenteed... little bit of sunlight.

Joe from OH - You got... well, someone else got Human Fish butt hair... Boss's house? Thumbs up.

Chris from SF - Great question??? I reject... and okay.

K-Sec in OH - Home improvement tips. Basement is important... 12 years. Great to know.

Tom in MI - I rescind... I was messing around. I never apologized. So... let's move on.

Second song - This song just lets the music speak for itself... so it's much better.

We have the box... have fun while taking the dump! Bathroom fun vs sh!tbox fun

House is a communal project... Jay in Chicago - Giraffe? We need a giraffe?! Lazy... THIS IS LAZY!

Master of Terror... terrifying. You can't just do that... oh no. I have been possessed?

What a journey... what a journey. Sort a 200 episodes? vs Mighty Mighty Bosstone

Jack in OH - Ice cream date. No idea at... well, you know. Throws Ice cream... WOW.

Eric from Brooklyn - My advice for Master of Terror... Dismal vibes. GET IN THE HOUSE!

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