Saturday, November 8, 2014

TCGS - Episode 97

Stillblood?? Weird chant... Mimi has a song! Cal from the Army! Man behind... NO SONGS EVER!

Conner on back, Bethany, Murf, Shannon, Stellan, RANDOM Messenger Bag! HUMAN FISH. Benny vs The Jets

True or False... oh, there's a punishment... Rolling with punches?

Royce from SF - Punishment: Banana + Peels. Pipe Bomb? CHAINSAW! False? THIS IS TRUE!

Millie from NY - Punishment: Smelly googles. Iceland and Icelandic Phallogical Museum! False? True!!! So smell that thing! Fogged up glasses?!

WINNER Zero F-cks Boyd - Roller skate? Gameboy? YOUR WIFE? Engagement. Arson?

Two truths... blame the callers? Fish has eaten the whole banana

K-Sac: New Whiffle Bat Gang Brian Denahgy at a Perkin? It was mom! Stellan safe!

Chris: Beef with George Takei! Internment camp?? False... TRUE... punishment for Bananaman?

Hot Dog is a strong man, Fucked Up - Well, there's the swear. Great band, though. Say hi to Orlando.

Chris tells the story... POWER OF LOVE! Messenger Bag is a bad force! From the Bay... North?

Dumb Stupid Franklins or Sh!tload of Guitar Pedals... Weird bad vibes??? Happy makes show bad?

Jason: Punishment: Beast cum. Unconscious at Christina Aguelira? True... False (Britney Spears!!!)

Bethany has a story... Mugged with Ice Cream!

Zach: Punishment: Penny in bag... Olfactory episode? Acid story... True! True! And Alex reaction!

Vacation Jason: Made a classic album! I have a fake baby now! VJIF is great!

Leena: 25? Small child? Eating a blunt? False??? True... from the front! Time... youngest?

SELF-PUNISHMENT???? Messenger Bag... got out of random?

Second song - See, it's a tribute... you should have known! Many shirts off.

Third song - He's singing is all garbled and unprofessional... but the background and vibes says don't worry about that... what are you a snooty guy who say he likes to listen to classical music?

That was amazing! WE NEVER GOT TO THAT PUNISHMENT. Very red in the face!

LIVE DNR... That is the opposite of the DNR... Hello and Goodbye? Workout alone.

Review: This was the weirdest episode in terms of TCGS.

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