Sunday, October 12, 2014

TCGS - Episode 15

LLC and Applause!

Call-in Topic: Drugs! Why don't you...

Now on video podcast! Joe is banned forever! Fake jerk is the worst! Random Jean got a development... taking Whitney and then Conan! The new Random.

Human Fish sonic attack! Dove vs Don Chaney?

Human Fish would be hiding! Close-up! Mimi's fabulous!

First call: Mushrooms in College. Will Hines!! <- Why not? Mushrooms in mind/

Second call: Awkward... Very awkward!

Third call: Jack Klugman... our favorite! Really pissed off of Jean's absence. Klugman's assist... okay, never mind.

Fourth call: In Jamaica... some cake?! Okay, we get it... sunscreen?

Fifth call: Dangers... badmouthing country. Brooklyn? Think about a prank... Michael Kayne?
Michael Kane is here...

Sixth call: Not in the box. In the shower... good, call.

Seventh call: Drug usage... Cairo... Hash Brownies... We weren't kidding!

Roebus One!! - First real black musical guest. ON the panel. We won't tell our wife.

Don, on Ghetto... $5... bottle of liquor! AK-47... $500! Jean is skeptical!

Bethany was 11... wakeboarding! Rabbit applause. Start early, end early! Faceplant?! Sad movie.

Video - Dru and Noah! Oh, the football season. Typical NY apartment.

Human Fish was by LLC... now where is it!

Eighth Call: Walter, not a good guesser! Drug resilient???

Ninth call: Delinquent... Oxycodin... robbery... Police didn't notice at all! Casey gets it correct!

Roman Polanski vs The Romans

Ken in audience, 60's 6 years old... flower children... lots of color... over the lake Goldfish! We will wonder... thank you, Ken!

Phil Jackson!!! Second time here - I can see the flow that characterize Phil Jackson, but still hehe.

Rachel wins... Hiding in plain sight.

Tenth Call: Sam from actual South, Texas, Long-lasting. Joe Mandi?! Drawing fetus... Oh, Jean...

Eleventh call: Alyssa... Be in NY for weekend. Shannon went all out!!! Will adding! Also clueless!

Second song - Oh, yeah! Killing it!!

Staten Island trio - Rabbit, Robot, Winnie-the-Phone.

Caroline, biggest supporter!, gets a prize.

Twelfth Call - He was Jeff... Really positive. Jeff from Tribeca! This is good. Jean went random and Joe was absolved.

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