Wednesday, October 15, 2014

TCGS - Episode 26

Not the real intro! Some kind of novelty. One hour of monologue!!!

Larry Sanders Show vs It' Gary Shandling's Show Fish Cone and Real Intro

Euro to start... boo. Wow. Good. That was not good. Fell short. Fish is Wrong! That was good!

Bethany paddling! Hot Dog's old nickname was Parrish! That was through. First real good one.

That was a turnaround! Okay... okay... Good reference. OH GOD WOW Coming back.

First was okay... that was okay. He is charismatic now. Oh DEER! Ack. Halfway. Gazing!

Wow. That would be cool. Need more. That was good! That was good. AhHA.

He said KERN!!!! That was laughing. Okay. Classic joke.

Kevin Devine - This might the highest profile since... MC Chris! Weird background.

Naomi! - Doing fantastic! Brigade?? Space Jam vs Strawberry Jam (No Beef with Alyssa)

Derrick - From Jeff Rubin Show... X-Factor??? M:TG - Aggro!

iHaveADream, That was great, I heard it? Little old. Fair reaction. Double fail. Same JOKE!!!

Poor logistic joke! That was good one, with the mustache! Oh good job Will Hines! Time delay.

Get all the way there! Random Jean!!! Keep forgetting your own warning!

Noah from NY long from random, which isn't long! Eck. Andrew's joke! That was DIE! Bra...

Connor Ratliff Annoumcement! Comedy??? Coach, I know him!!!! Cool endorsement! Truth seek!

Mean to myself... Boo! Hiss! Mousetrap! Not bad. That was good. Huge letdown! In the zone!

That was great!!! BRAVO! Not a fan of Connor! Manscape! Human FISH... not happy!

Top of your... YEAH! Definitely does not know!!! Keep warm underwater!

Grinch... like the strut... PUNISHMENT! Got one that back!!! Bad recycle! Sad Fact! He got it...

New punishment. Chris is crying! Ginger Hitler Christmas Special! Got it all out!!! Skunk? Puns!

Coat hanger split! Grammatical ow. Oh god... Back from 1993. Smiths fan agrees!

Second Song - Yeah, I could hear in the carside...

Good pun! Hmm... That is good! Classic! Misspelling... eh. Oh, Andrew! This is working!

He does sound like Jay Leno! Doesn't even make sense. Slow coming up! That's the last joke?

Bill Florio??? What??? End was bad, it was going good...

Review: Very enjoying episode, love the people, the joke appropriately funny... great show.

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