Saturday, October 25, 2014

TCGS - Episode 56

Simple premise! TACO NIGHT... very rowdy. Andre from Boston is here!!! Build devices and research, so passed on to next week. Nick stressful. Ellen, Andrew 'Hot Dog' Parrish on the panel! Eating a pear... one of the weirdest. Murf!!! Shannon's week is all right. Human Fish! Dom DeLuise vs Don Quixote... weird mood.

Entire deal? Sum yourself up in One Sentence... great song, LLC

Ellen - I am a outgoing, optimistic person who loves music and inspires one day to play a harp in a punk band.  (Okcupid?)

Ruby - The misunderstood genius who everyone thinks is not funny at all in school, who actually is kind of funny and has the most cooler life outside of school than inside of school.

Andrew from OH - I'm starting to get my local college in less than three weeks and I'm secretly fishing out that I won't meet any new friend for next last five year will be like last four years was hell, because I don't make any new friends easily because I'm paranoid that people are only nice to my face so I tend to not make any lasting relationships. (Bad syntax!)

Boil and dive deep says Shannon! Get to the core!

Stellan from Sweden - Weird looking, nerdy, gay, pinko, commune man-child who is cuddly and nice.

Alyssa! - Excited and enthusiastic, but also filled with anxiety and little grumpy.

Hot Dog - I'm a fun guy, likes his family, just trying to figure out things best way I can.

Every Tweet Ever - Hey Guys!

Shelby from KY (via twitter) - I am a musician and I hate my own music, and I never expect anyone to like or listen to it either.

Jackie - I'm a sad girl.

Andrea from HI - I'm in the jungle.

Anon from Grishan, CT - DID not know. Shannon: Selfish as...

Brian Miller - I'm 100% making up it as I go along.

Kristin of MA - I'm on a sh!tshow rollercoaster that fluctuates between a diarrhea of feelings and emotional constipation.

Shannon O'Neill - I'm a damaged hero, exploring the cosmos that is me, (Pretty good.)

Kristy from Long Island - I'm a eccentric girl who can't wait too much but has a good sense of humor.

Lena (Dunham) from NC - I'm nervous bundle of emotions who loves films. Ellen served Lena?

Random Bean - Bean is not living up to his potential.

Patrick from NY - Lived here for four years and still terrified by NYC.

Natha from MI - I'm a non-active monster truck enthusiast.

Anon from NY - I'm from Queens, and I don't really like when sour----es don't smile at all. (WAR HAS RESUMED!!!)

Bethany Hall (via twitter) - Imperfection, trying to make herself & those around her happy.

Alien Father - Made giant heads!!! Instrumental, which is okay. Or it's the mike. Okay.

Colin in Austin - David Bluvband vs Human Fish I'm a 15 year old in a 40 year old's body and that act gets less fun all the time.

Adam from KY - I made a band called Gobsters, I collect pocket knife, Alien Father is my favorite band. It's hard to talk... call you back.

Andre from Boston - I'm the kid that sits at the back of the class and fails quiz to quiz that desperately, according to his mom, either is waiting for a miracle and wants to fly, like Superman, or has to build himself up, like Batman,  and I want to be Batman.

Yes from NJ - Gang vs Chain Alien Father gets f'ed up.

Tyler from CA - I love music and I really love trees.

Mimi on the hoops - I'm on a life journey from abysmal, despair, self-hatred and fear to joy and the ability to find out what I want in life and do it, like hooping on TCGS!

Swag-bot - I'm too afraid to be brave and too full of excuses to follow my dreams.

Tom in WI - Lost and confused and very lonely... (nice reference)

Gino from NJ - Alien Father fan or Don Fanelli

Keith from NY - I'm straightedge!

Audience - Combination of Buddy Holly and Gene Wilder

Random Other Brian - Sometimes when I run out of jokes, I start telling lies.

Bananaman - I'm fun loving guy who likes making videos. Video - ON Public access? Kids Question. Let's Do This???? So many... Bananaman!

Front page in Thailand!!! This is America.

Random Nell - I have a vendetta against beige, it sucks, it's horrible, don't wear it, I swear to god if I see you wearing it, I have no time for boring people, none whatsoever don't  be boring around me, I have no self-confidence issues. (Three sentences?)

??? - My mind is trying to be famous but my body just doesn't care.

??? - I'm a guy that works at a bait-and-tackle store, but is too afraid to take care of the worms.

??? - I'm living in the present, because the future is scary and I was a dick in the past.

Jessie Vanderburg - I'm reserved, silly, awkward, confident, smart, dumb and a Ellen DeGeneres look-a-like.

Jose - I never done anything important of my life, and I like to think that life's about having fun and not making other people impressed.

Julia Nathan - I'm okay.

??? - Paralyzed by fear/Rather stay home with the cats/I say 'fu-k that sh!t'

??? - The second best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life was getting fired last Christmas.

??? - I have a childlike appreciation of pageantry.

Billy - I am all smiles. (suicidal?)

??? - I'm not suicidal.

??? - I believe anybody could be the second coming of Jesus or Roddenberry or Surpaco and I;m just trying to not fu-k it up in case it's me.

Chris Griffins - I'm slowly developing symptoms of narcissism.

Connor Ratliff - I'm 36 years old, that's old enough to be president!

Rob from Toronto - I'm a conflicted indecisive existentialist who looks to make others smile to validate my own existence.

Trevor-roll from MB - Red-headed Caligula!

Phil Jackson - A One sentence POEM! (Yes, I'm not going to write it.)

James from Philly - I'm a man-child, man.

Mike Small - You're killing me, Smalls. (Shannon looks like Cameron Espito)

Lena from Brooklyn - I have just as much love as I have anger in me although both are a lot; making people laugh gives me the greatest joy in life.

Anon from Atlantic - I'm a mysterious creatures from the sea, trying to figure the world of men. Family vs Faker

??? - I grew up watching game shows and sketch comedy my whole life and to this day I try to live up to everything I learned.

Amanda from CA - (I'm not gonna write that!!!)

Elliott from NJ - This is very much DON.

Murf, the resevoir dog - I'm a lovable madman with a checkered past, who likes to play things fast and loose.

Second song - Singing is too quiet, audio guy. Heavy vs Light

Kenan from NY - I really like Pringles and I'm currently holding a chewed up dildo that you sent me and my roommate through mail.

Human Fish - Nothing vs Everything (answer at deathbed, sad.)

Nick Feital - Chris Gethard is my hero.

Joe Evans - I have eternal struggles, too!

Lucas from NY - When I was in third grade, I took a field trip to a farm and when nobody's looking, I kissed a horse in the mouth.

Tara from Statem - I take care of everyone else, so that I don't have to deal with my own problems.

Random Orlando - No one deserves to be here more than me.

Random Melissa - I'm a well-meaning and relatively well-adjusted person born from maladjusted situation.

Daniel from NJ - Happiness exists, but it's for other people.

??? - I'm going to blow up the entire universe, but with love.

Friend from Boston - I'm going to blow up the ocean.

Ashley in King Point - (silence)

??? - Well, my whole deal is, I kicked out of Girl Scouts three times, so...

Chris Gethard - I'm just a perpetually nervous kid from New Jersey, trying to make myself sane and happy by doing my own thing.

Happy Birthday, Andre!

Rob Malone - All right everybody, thanks for coming to the Chris Gethard Show, meet us at Lincoln Park, it's the bar named after the band, on the 9th street between 3rd and whatever, see you there, but please get out the studio as fast as possible, we're gonna clean here.

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