Monday, October 13, 2014

TCGS - Episode 22

First real chant... Safety! Andrew and Chris talk about villainy.

Gaunlet of Pain... will he be a Hero. Handcuff. Don't fight Bethany!

No call-in topic. Just root for Andrew Shannon Attacks! Good job!

Jean! - Not you! Very good looking. Depressed. Misdirect. Moving on Up!

Random stuff... Green Guy!!! Choke... AID!! Double Random!! Lot of burn??

Christy! - Another supporter! Double Banana! Bethany... very little... no condoning.

No caller??? Listening to the fights. Waiting for Godot...?? 19?! Least you have age.

Strange Boys - Oh, the juxtaposition is actually gives relief to the tense episode.

Hallie telling the truth.

Salem State - Love to perform. Delivered hard.

Jean Again???? - Caroline and OH NO DON FANELLI!!! He'll pay, right?

Whiffle Bat Gang enters the journey!!!!! Reject the offer. Murf enters.

Lone Cornmeal returns - Oh, well vampire later.

Brain from CT - Nutshot?!?! Jerkface! PAIN! Great job! Hit with a Dildo!

Phil Jackson just insults Chris... Andrew flee, the tearing... the coat.

Pauline from CA - Don's not paying. For the Win vs F#$k the world popping pills...

Dany from WALES - International call! And who was that? Good punches.

Rachel... Livin, Another support for Andrew. Date... NO Fight! Is Hallie having a baby? 45 min.

No Caller... just Shannon!! Coins! Key and the handcuffs.

Moni,.. Best Friend is the Andrew, indeed the hero! A Bowing Down!!!!! HERO HERO HERO

Hot Dog gave us a dildo. Hazing over???

Second song - Let us relax. Encore - Now let's get pumped! (Keith Bethan??)

Guns vs Hunter S. Thompson

OH no. Human Fish Loves Cock!!! Lyrics finally added to Ending song. That PAN.

Review: BEST SHOW... after next one.

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