Friday, October 17, 2014

TCGS - Episode 34

NEW Service!!! Make a TV show!

ooooo... it's Lauren vs Melissa! Bethany, Rob Malone on the panel!, Murf!, Human Fish!

Jeopardy vs Jeep Grand Cheorkee

Poor website... as last time. Trials... Council will decide! Did not pay... $7.50 will be paid.

Pain endurance, ON the fly (Jean's weakness) Human Fish, the tiebreaker.

Mike in Chicago - Completely random. On a show that's not watching. Long WAY... Lot of words.

Shelby from KY - Turn down TV! Applebees??? More Trivial, the better. Leotard vs Lea Michelle

First Trial - Trivia. Lose well. Good! Wow, heating up! Lot of guff. Melissa... strong. council! Split!

Eric from Canada - Canada falls on you after Conan. Ph.D vs HPV

Second Trial - M/F/K Mel. - Andrew/Maria Debutatnte Hour/PAC Connor pumpkin hand Shannon/Don and Human Fish/Vacation Jason

Banana Man - Road Trip!! Methane! Pop. Bomb! Canteen promotion.

Stephanie from Houston - Nailed it! Disturbing and beautiful. Staying with Murf??! Sad?

Melissa's call, Jon Hess! - Sick. Endorses. Thorough answer. (NC Trip!)

Lauren's call, Andy from OH - Awkward. First Mimi! Jean is Dubstep fan? Andrew is Zelda... Lauren thought is a drink. Skillrex is too mainstream. Jean, an anglophile.

Megan from Mil. - What's up! Very High! Connor is GAIL! Great caller! Oh, Hallie.

Dan Kline? - Important message. Fruit critic? The simple apple! Hallie with a good comment. Next up is a Banana. Starchy...

Bethany's Trial - Hypothetical, not rhethorical. Halfway for both. Again. Uncomfortable.

Banana Man and Random George - Sad story... Maybe it's the stain. Love in a yellow way... Half joy, half scary... very much true in many life. There's deepness. Through the suit! Wow. Powerful.

Nice find, George. Throwing candy... Non-existence.

Rob Malone's trial - Staring contest. Lauren is intense. Doesn't give a... thing. Melissa = MIA?

Luke from ND - Jeremy Lin vs Chicken Linguini (disappointing)

Michael from Atlanta - Rookie-Sophomore... has stuff.

Human Fish telepathy - (L) Dubstep vs Foxtrot (M) Iron Lady vs Iron Maiden (LM) (L) Tie-Dye vs Jerry Garcia (M) (M) Knee high boot vs Das Boot (L) (L) Richard Nixon vs Cynthia Nixon (M) War Paint vs Art of War (LM)

Mike from NJ - DeviantArt buddies? Crazy postcards! On the air! Bethany in 30 Rock!

Phil Jackson - Powerful stuff!

Council in conferring... Peter from Montreal - Nervous. Melissa endorsement. Herman Cain vs Whitney Houston's Cocaine

Naomi - 45 minutes. Naomi backwards in I moan... oh...

Random Melissa! (boo) BTW, one of my favorite Randoms! Time to fill? Awkward ending?

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