Monday, October 13, 2014

TCGS - Episode 24

LLC is here

The Basketball Jones. Uniform? Rec Team. Cocky Young Jewish Team. Expert Opinion.

Wow... that's pretty weak, but pumped. Lot of bangers. Other things... Good burn. Good vs Bad

Elementary Schools 6 camera. Lot of burns

Joey from NY... Barack Obama vs Barry White Face mask... that's too.

That's drenched. Keith from Chicago - Mon Star vs Toon Squad

Under the sea... not good. Very not good. Chatter skill.

Respect the face mask? How slow... spectacular.

Vanessa from NY - Steven Segull vs Ger Stevens

All volunteer... taking it seriously. Weird bounce.

Jackie, very drunk! - Oh Chris.. Oh, Jackie... Okay... oh god. There were commercials.

Bad phrasing... multiple burns... reliable jumper.

Skip and Christy - pretty good, Team spirit is high... You're not... okay.

Feels worst... More time warp??? Shannon likes to play it rough... lenient. Bananas vs Dicks.

Project the fish... very strange. Right up there. Some classless move.

This is so silly. all right. Fairly New... Un-gelling. Complicated. Sounded... eh?

Greg! - Patty Mills vs Andrew Gays This is horrible!!! Vuvuzela works great!

Chris gets so angry... fight like an family. This is so embarrassing!

Annie from UT - Fish the custodian... Do the time warp! This is dirty at finest. OH Shannon!

Naomi from NY - Shannon respect, entertained... goggle... Basketball Jones vs Bridget Jones' Diary

Messing up the show Andrew!!! Next week...

Denise - Crane shot is great shot in all of TCGS! Vuvuzela $35!

Anna from LA - Harry's sister??? Bad finish. Bad turnover. Ref sliding at lot. 56-64 end.

Crane Shot - MVP! Face Mask - Person. JD is great! Crane Shot vs Face Mask

Elementary School Gym - Ceramic Gym... better than that. Sad but true. This is weird.

Rob protesting... Game's changed... a... lot... yeah.... close. Phil Jackson is playing?

First game in six months. Less threes??

Andre... dead call Jason Sudeikis... depressing question. Thank you, Jackie

Review: This was a great show. Why everyone hate this show, this was great.

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