Thursday, October 30, 2014

TCGS - Episode 72

THE Chat Rats... No Orlando and Julia? The show is dying?!? He shares a house with Phil Jackson?

Technical Disaster addition?! Getting less funny! No one's accusation? Word game...

Grim and intense topic!! Again 212-996-1413... Energetic, cheerful guy...? Legit comedy!!!

Tim McGorry - Not good. Losing the place?! Problem all over. He's good. Long call and weird end!

Claire's Diary - Female Punk Rock always feels so happy, even though they are angry and it's weird.

That is the most amazing concert I ever heard! MURF VS GIMGHUL! Feb 9th on Chapel Hill!!!

McRib convert??? Wept through Lion King! Depression episode? This is physically taxing!!!

Video (Right on time~) - Weirdest preview I ever seen. HOLLYWOOD GETHARD!

Andres from MA - CHAT RATS or RAT NEST... new year! Sleepwalk with me... Birgbila! School Me, Joe, Murf and out of high school, chase the dream! SHOW INSIDE POOL

CALSTEAD - Dog are panicked. Valium from Butts! MATH. Couch preserved. Streisand good. Podium is so fun!!

Shaft from MA - Male period = Panic Attacks! Take some LLC! Already there...?

Second song - This is so fun... Everything is so fun!

Colby - Just doing a TV show. Attack on Goosey... Sincerely! Supermarket? Haircut? Too Hard?!!?

Jake - Long time watcher, first time caller. Breakdown - Consciousness is a gift and a curse. Yes. Greener pasture... also recently dumped? Huh.

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