Sunday, October 26, 2014

TCGS - Episode 65

Blindfold show is back! Bill is out. Joe and Johnny is blind. Behind... no such luck.

We're blindfolded once again! Stressful experience. Tormentor! Paranormal Fun! Video is down!

Vague threat are nothing. Legal threats! Not your business! That's comedy? Fat Sal vs Obese Oscar.

No judging? Truly random! Morrisey bragging!

Andre from MA - Always the first caller!!! Comedy contest winner! Return of the Hot Dog!

Calstead!!! - Got a theme song! So clueless! You had a dog! Fish has taken the hot dog. Couch! Reality is he? Only couch in my life! Touching.

Mic is just broken. Or the ribbon! Talia from NY - Feel sad. Worst fear? Craiglist ad!

Keith with a butt and a duster! Thank you. Aztec people vs Aztec temple (So MAD) happy vs not

Ikebe Shakedown - Yeah, little brass! Little Percussion! All nice!

The Wizard is back! Chris from Canada - Facial Hair vs Body Hair (Minorities are inferior)

I like butts - Chris. RPS Ballsack? Two functions: Stoner and Manic-depressive

MORE HOTDOG! Christy from Long Island - It's Jean?? Dudes being dudes. Tedious bull with legs.

Connor is also blindfolded! New campaign ad! 1000 followers? Don't bother!

Bethany likes coffee! Life is not your business - Shannon! This whitey can dance!!!! Jean split!

Erin from NY - Human Fish is teetering... much less... or more uncomfortable! Sorry Chris!

Volunteer and a Jordan Mustache??? Broken stick! Weird fight? There is now one less seat!

Shawn with silence! Taking hostage, virtually no chairs! Hello, Chicken Bee!

Alyssa, checking in - WE HAVE A HOSTAGE! White supremacist... a cult. School is never good!

Asian Phil Jackson - That is amazing! This is so great!

Second song - Relax to this Jazz fusion. Wizard bat and chair and the dancer!

Michael from Chicago - Stressed out! Bees turn this into a madhouse!


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