Saturday, October 25, 2014

TCGS - Episode 51

Award Winning Show... It's the return of the Night of the Zero Laughs.

Nick and Mimi not included??? More strict! Come for free! 3 or 4 + booth! Noah, Andrew...

(It BEGINS) Panel: Jeff Rubin, Pat Cassels, Kurt Buchnol, Murf!, Shannon O'Neill, Chris Gethard, Matt Besser, Gabe Delahaye, Dan St. Germain, Norrey Derise, Cipha Sounds, (GRIZZ CHAPMAN OUT), Bethany Hall, Tammy Seger, Mal Blum, Connor Ratliff with Mr, and Mrs. Ratliff!, Ellen, Dino Stephanlouos, Scott Adsit, Lendom Parem, Bananaman (Keith Haskell), The Human Fish (Daivd Bluvband) Yeah vs Eh, Rob Malone, Carrie Anne Murphy, 40 Year Old Goosey, Josh Mond, Antonio Campos, Brady Corbet, Dave Hill, Anthony Tamarck + The LLC (Bill, Hallie, Jon, Johnny!)

Alyssa, checking in - Lot of FUN??? It's your life! All life is Homework... AP classes. Terrible books. We WILL HELP YOU OUT! Hate Jane Eyre... look at him, public access radio??? Exams are over... duped? Shannon's the rightful hair

Sudo from Tallahassee!! - Scott answer this special call! (JOSH AND BRADY OUT) Average IQ dropped 5 points.

Jackie from NY - Can't see! Medical Emergency??? Too many... YES! Your voice is Matt Besser? Not on air!!! Thank you very much... Matt Besser vs Cipha Sounds Leno joke! Great delivery... 100% True... That is a Yogi Bear Reference!!!

July from LA - Bummed about Grizz... shame. CHRIS GETHARD OUT himself.

Musical Guest and Laughter break, Miniboone - Yes, this is a Pie contest! Awesome. Jam, get it.

Naomi from NY - Why did 7 ate 9. Math Salts... Boo. Polyandry??? Still the math jokes. Self out!

Joey from Vegas - Awkward song... Tommy Tune vs Tiny Toons

Rachel from NY - I have a joke... Disney themed. ANTONIO CAMPOS OUT Matt made BETHANY AND GABE OUT. Approved?

Vacation Jason!!! - LENNON PARHAM OUT and validation! DAN ST. GERMAIN OUT, greatest day of his life. Matt don't respect. Writing Bug. Crime drama? Fruit crime drama. Christopher Hitchens ghostwritten... okay, RATLIFF JR IS OUT! Norrey re-adopted. No limit???? Oh God... HUMAN FISH IS OUT! Richard Bellser vs Richard Lewis... BOO! List of fruit?

That was torture. Surprise Video from Johnny Fairplay!!! Attack ad! Setup? Topical? Tweeting?

Grizz, back on the show? - Attacking Norrey...The Children Store vs Rainbow Kid GAP Kids  Necessary... RANDOM ELLEN OUT

Sarah from Ontario - Pick the MURF, Starburn vs Alex... ALF Dino is freaking angry! Multi-attack.

Dave from NJ - Kurt chewing on gum... respecting the space! No drink. BE a REF.

Rita from London - Great. CIPHA IS GONE! That was easy! East village is tough. Maybe? Rally?

Don Fanelli!!!! - NO. GOOSEY IS OUT! (I just ate Ice Cream) Thanks for watching... Joseph.. okay. Bye, Fanelli!

Dan from LA - Q for Mal... mixed again. Generation difference. Dave Hill vs Scott Adsit Rub Dru. MAL IS OUT! Rub the thing... MATT BESSER OUT! I can see that. Dru is from Seattle!?! Wow... Keep rubbing that... breast. Someone is getting lucky tonight. HALLIE FROM LLC IS OUT!

Second (laugh break) song - They are okay. Pretty good. Yeah.

Joke conga line - Rob, is that Tosh.0. Dave, hard of seeing, Banter... Mr, Ratliff, he was a master, wonderful! Reading something... Dino, yes... JOHNNY FROM LLC OUT. Dino in the band. Accent?

Dino questions for the finish! That's the end?? Murf was there.

Survivors: Jeff Rubin, Pat Cassels, Kurt Braunholer, Matthew 'Murf' Meyer , Shannon, Dave Hill, Rob Malone, Bananaman (Keith Haskel), Carrie Anne Murphy, Tami Sagher, Mr. and Mrs. Ratliff, Nore Davis, Scott Adsit, Anthony Atamaniuk, Bill, Joe (LLC) w. new member Dino Stamatopolous!

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