Sunday, October 19, 2014

TCGS - Episode 40

Let's get mature! Long applause. First Sandwich Night Chant!

Melissa, Bethany, Human Fish Pasta defuel vs Problems in School, Murf, Changing pants. Gimghul Adam Pally joining. Shannon using Baby Wipes. Peter Benjaminson!!! Open book with wisdom.

Anxiety-driven life, figured it out? Less time and death and calm down. So long and So bored. Bethany has a thing... accident??? Morbid humor? Went to suspenders... belts don't work. Having family before dead chicken???

Having kid is insane?!! Recent grandfather. Live out of city. Looked like me. HINTMASTER! Purpose and whatever mike! Invading the show! Not your show. 2003 Kirsten Dunst.

He's so awful! I'M A STAR! Sales go up? Ageless... next big thing. 39? is pretty low. All night long. Tripped on your own snake! Eyes just fell!

Meghan from St. Louis - Vacation Jason??? King Kong vs Grape Ape B-Day shoutout!

Karen from Queens - No one is too old and apparently too young. Yeah, Banana Man.

Jem from Queens - Gary Coleman vs Gary Oldman Picked up the theme. Random Dan! Radio?

Everything make you feel good, except Shellfish.

Crazy Pills - This is great! It's great to have something... easy? After some weird music.

Pretty random. 19! Very young. Regret? Threesome! pause. Got boring. She's a mushroom gal.

Heart... Pee... Mood... They died. Facing death... Baptist funeral... Meeting in funeral.

Major announcement Connor Ratliff!!! Seems consistent. Timing! Any of the friends cast member!!!

Phil from Inwood - Perry not for VP... Applebees vs Killer Bees

Dan from CA - Other's death. Dad is 93... He's having a threesome.

Sitcom star... that's wow... Going to college... not be around. Die in sleep. Dad... in the woods.

Shane from NY - Awkward??? SORRY Phil Jackson - Very deep... a rebirth.

Second song - I like the rock-pop thing going around here.

Shane from NY - Miracles... how it works? Something? Be nice and get nice.

Laura from Montreal - Sorry, there's Vacation Jason! World Records in vacation sports... bad mouth.

This is how we're ending a show. A cliffhanger in which we threw a person but he's still clinging.

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