Sunday, October 19, 2014

TCGS - Episode 43

No John? Well, Chris Gethard is back, Sandwich Night!

Big chant for Chris Gethard! LLC! Nick Feital! Mimi! Murf,Shannon,Melissa,Bethany,Human Fish. Animation... Bonded, but mysterious. Rethinking. Moral center? Stalkers vs Stock Market

Animation piece, Spotify playlist! Shannon on a dress? Multiple Choice Calvacade of Fiascos.

Answer match, good. non-match, not good.

Shana from CA - Congratulation. Match Shannon - Michael Vick? C. B... Oh god. Good job.

Jackie! - Very nice... Match Murf - Whisky C. A... That's a miss. Banana, Rob, Two guy, Hot Dog... Lady Diapers! Wide array. Jessie fits it well.

Naomi from NY - Match Bethany Super nice. A... B... that's a miss. So ridiculous! Dubstep?

The Toys and Tiny Instruments RETURNS - They are pretty great! Noisemakers

Sal from Brooklyn - Match Melissa Bear B... B!!! (Don't cheat) Eat a Goldfish? No!!! A Fish Friend. Love vs Food

Luke from ND - Apologize the shout-out. Hurt. Match Chris... B! B!!! Correct! I feel Good! Are you sure this is a fan favorite.. How is this any different from punishment?

Video - New York Magazine? Fan run? That's Keith? Nice cut! Right in demo.What joke? More fan.

Christy from Long Island - Mike Tyson vs Tyson Chandler vs Chandler (Match!) Sucking face!

Eyes are fogging up. Chad from IL - Shannon. Charles Barkley C. C!! Tennis work.. Noah as a horse!

Sarah from GA - Match Murf Mustache C? B... Striptease? Look at the ripple action! Monkey!

Stellan from Sweden - 5 AM Bethany Shoot! Peace? C or A... Rage issue and chewing!

Second song - They are so great. They look so happy! Vacation Jason!

Phil Jackson - High Line! Phil Jackson is now an actually good poet.

Andrew from OH - MATCH Melissa B... C? Spit is coming! Hintmaster??? Black Hole Sun!

This is how the show ends! That's a great ending!

Review: This is simple yet crazy and very fun. I like this. a classic!

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