Saturday, October 25, 2014

TCGS - Episode 55

Kind of a different show. Chaos, behind the scene. Entire process, one hour later. Hello, Ken Beck. Jon Hess as well. Set is stored in the trunk. Emma Noble handle the show. From the start... good.

Here's the screen! Put the hands on... it got wheels! There's Rich! Got the cityscape. LLC platform. Three hefty males! Not be used to this... hey, Ken! Did not enjoyed. Props. Set up the banner. Soundcheck is horrible... Noah Forman is pretty lazy. Intern Emma... leaving soon. Really Tennis. Consistently getting yelled. Random Jean at the top! Language is fun... upset or cool. Rob and Keith. Poster in Twist Magazine!! Audience wranglers. Hello, Dave.

Musical Guest... Audience coordinator! Bill is out for bathroom. Omar, the most faithful fan! Parking spot... Take your stop??? Everybody has a great time! Tennis Ball! Show exists! New people... wh? Hot Dog Parrish! That is good for you. List is his life. Disagreement is routine!!! Sandwich Night... Orlando or Julia, the forcer of chant... Sandwich night... taco night?

Jersey Dave! Since February... random? Videographer for a dance channel? JD hated you... sassy! Now, second in chief. Heidi and Zane, band's chip. Food stuff. (Both on the musical guest) Bill, Joe and Johnny! 60 seconds... Phone? Sudo, FL - Chris... no, probably. Noah and Connor playing... Conversation to Johnny about Knicks... Disaster? Andre from MA - No episode. Going good. Better mood and in the show next week!

Connor blows his own balloon! It does not stop! Dru is not here. Soundcheck? During the week... Long eye thing? First-timers? Reptar's friend. Eats things... Phil from Inwood... little bigger! Goosey~ Nothing else to wear! Matthew, last week and down. Dad and girlfriend? Best dating spot? (sad trombone spot!) No lady... on blog. Hey, Bethany! Amongst the people! Bath... Pretty happy.

One from Brian... Inspired. Any show is a bad show. Livestream issues. Birthday! Circadian Clock... (see with Melissa?) Hot DOG Challenge! Cheater... First name... most forgettable... post-show... Problems? Kyrie (also musical guest) Nick needs password. NOT TENNIS BALL. Dave? Find Human Fish? Last minute change. Shannon, a little later... not remotely close!

Lone Cornmeal Machine - Paranoia music video? Pretend to like you!

Audience is filing... Murf has arrived. Little sweaty. Trains are all close. Wait and riff... Joe Evans is being inaccurate!!! A friend, Riley! Pitching a bit? Got other stuff.

Circadian Clock!!! - Melissa is one the best singer on the show! Others are interesting.

Really comfortable, Andrew Soltys?? Come and hilarious and pandemic? Rich from MNN... Very organized... It's a mess and it's okay. LLC soundcheck. Random Other Brian. In underwear. What a mess... Going into the control room. Cory, the face to rage. Audio-only. Kelly, the beloved. Private one-on-one... No one can listen to you, Tyler from GA. Hang out with JD or nap. Human Fish... Human Centipede vs Andre the Giant.... Overdoing???

Another soundcheck... second song - The only dance song!!! I can see... but it's good!

Can we kill the bit... very sad. Omar and Orlando (neglected?) Ellen is here! Caller? Sad. Horrible! Andrew Parrish, real show will be good! Beating each other... no one reads the email.

Let's be professional??? 18th Century American Gladiator! (Actual show later...) Second chanting of Taco Night! American Gladiators from the technology in the 1700s!

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