Monday, October 13, 2014

TCGS - Episode 19

It's the Halloween/Presidential Debate Special Wasting people's time.

Thank you, Connor. And Jimmy McMillan! Shake hands.

Platform: Jimmy had a strong and inspiring speech, Connor as succint.

Q: Street to Occupy. Connor: Main, nice... Jimmy: MINE. Every street... Throwing down!

Q: White House Mod? Jimmy: Paint it Green! Connor: Amusement Park??? Jimmy laying it down.

Lot of plumbing talk in the debates... Halloween songs by LLC... What novelty?!

Q: Student debt... Connor: Bailout.. Jimmy agrees in theory.

The Deficit vs Death of the Salesman Jimmy agrees.

Call: Julia. Occupy Wall Street. Jimmy is encouraging youth votes. Youth... and Broadway. Thank. One Percent vs One Percent Milk

Q: Gay Marriage. Connor striking out... Regulation!! Issues, no mudslinging.

Studio: Mimi, corporation. Thanking Viagra... long vacation.

Call: Alyssa, Foreign Oil... Connor is not ready at all. Jimmy is winning this hands down.

Michael and Don contacted celebrity ghost. Song is Dom DeLuise... okay. Great visual work.

Now to film... aired to video. Halloween again? Rob and Keith at its best. Mutual cutting!

Q: Facial Hair... Amazing work by Jimmy! Ratliff... Thank you?

Call: Brett, iPod. Nicely done. Bad sound effect. Gob?

Call: Katy. Garbled... Affairs... Gutless! Little pumpkin for hands! Thanks, Jackie! Chant...

Rob Malone, World's Greatest Dancer, Garageland vs Jungleland JFK Conspiracy... Read a book!

Phil Jackson - Poetry... or Question He is strong! Libertarian... I like it. Good things.

Obvious JOKE to Conner... Next Q: 17 legs????? Why Not! One person chant.

Jesse asks... Budget Reconciliation, you can't get... same thing.

Closing Statement: Bad effects. Powerful statement. (Scott Holmes??) Jimmy wins.

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