Monday, October 27, 2014

TCGS - Episode 67

Nice top, Bill... also multi-colored title from last episode... CARLTON RITZ!

LLC and Mimi with hoops and space! Inflatable Couch! 70 Submissions! Cans Fest!

Graduate of Film Schools... 10 entrants.

Judges: Bill Florio, Bethany Hall, Noah Forman (Hard Judge), Man Behind the Plant (Nick Fietal), Human Fish Fritz Lang vs The Ritz Carlton, Shannon O'Neill (nice marker). Murf like some sprint. Sam Talent, rollerblading competition. Manesha (empty), Newcomer (for perspective) Weird.

1-100... oh, well 90. Winner will be given cans... Jury prize is also available. Special priority!

"The Department Head" by Dandy - I clapped at 20 second mark. It went a little too long, though.

Joey from LV - It's okay. Hard episode to enjoy. 7,5,10,???,6,5,1,8,7 Non-sense... there was two cut! Movies vs Moves Like Jagger

"Film Noir Armoire" by Chris Zalis - A clever and unique idea.

Claire from Oakland - High remarks. Astute observation. 8,8,3,7,9,9,9,1,??? Good buddy.

"Popcorn" by Alex Hannessey - I feel disturbed. But a masterpiece, nevertheless.

Calstead - Blew the couch! Be here, next week! 3 feet tall and beaten... never too busy. Streisand... 2,8,1,1,3,10,9,10,??? Way too late... Web Exclusive! Impressive. Nice ref. and heart.

"Catnip" by Nathan Wagner - Nice setup and payoff. Classic one-minute sketch.

Ian from NJ - Mimi can hear. Hoop camp... Snorlax vs Lorax 0,3,2,0,10,0,1,6,???

"Love, Forever" by Lonely Lonely - Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, Vertical screen.

Chris from Vancouver - Weird experience. Aladdin vs Bin Laden 10,10,10,5,0,2,3,10,???

Simon from Vancouver - Diary of Wimpy Kid vs Diary of Anne Frank FAKE Bizarre minutes.

"Yes We Can?: Portrayal of Cans in the Media" by Lily Brown - Serious look, female represent...

2,2,5,2,4,5,0,10,??? CANtroversial video...

"The Weatherman" by Stellan Karlsson - I don't get Swedish humor... too weird.

10,9,3,10,8,10,10,10,??? International Shipping! Arrest-able

"Car Hat" by Spencer & Gwynna Forgham-Thrift - Impactful!

Ariel from Long Island - So, uh, wait, what? Terrifying, Foreign. Public access advice, good luck. 10,10,5,3,10,8,7,10,6??? HEROIN BEAR IS ON THE LOOSE!

"Torr: The Aggressively Unopinionated Viking" by Noah & Evan Martinez - So much quality!

7,9,9,10,2,8,9,1,??? One FINAL FILM.

"Big Red" by Tessa Greenberg - It wound win awards but here it's contentious.

7,10,1,2,9,3,6,10,10!!! Spelled Barbara Streisand wrong

OH MY GOD INTERN KATE! 3rd: Torr! 2nd: Car Hat 1st: The Weatherman!

Review: I think Swedish Humor works for Chris Gethard! As it said before.

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