Saturday, October 11, 2014

TCGS - Episode 9

Look at sitting! Rousing Applause!

Classic Bethany, Shannon, Murf, Random Jean, and the Human Fish. New Amsterdam vs Newport Cigarettes

No sleep... turning doorknob... house breakers... Murf... okay.

First call: Jake!! At home, skipping school. Twice... Completely Expected Jean... Good starting point. Buttering... work like a charm. Oh, Forgelast. Bob Marley vs Bob Dylan

Awkward... Dancing~ Ourabouros? Acrobatic breakdancing? I like. Thunderous Applause.

Shannon, the best and also the worst. Random Jean... just... dance battle!

First Caller - Vacation Jason! Awww... Human Fish likes it.

Second Caller - Calvin! Break into own house... Gethard, you silly! Silly knicker. Another Jean tidbit.

First battle: Chris is up! Chris is pretty good. Three times... It was good. Shannon and elephant!

Third caller - Thomas from Virginia... N64 and forced in, great story. Luigi...

Second battle: Jean enters... Skip and a twirl! Horrified face! Somersault and a split! Amazing!

Lorn Cornmeal - Beef on things. Germ warfare vs German warfare

Third battle: Human Fish... WTF!?! This is horrible! Raised the anger! Oh, fish... Fish win by forfeit. Break-dancing competition vs my testicles 

Fourth caller - Nice! Colleges, vacation. Personal challenge... unlocked. Real Hero? Plead guilty. Karma paid in interest. Shannon tells the truth.

Fourth battle: Rabbit vs. Bethany! Bethany has skills! Bethany wins! Jay Miller?!?

Awkward again... Taina from audience tells two stories... Ravines and alter state...

Fifth caller: Anthony is outraged... Human Fish getting beaten. London boyfriend... ocean's 11.

Drug and brakefast... great joke and all out battle!

Rob Malone, the dancer, comes in! Rob and Murph the combo! Shannon with a vengeance! I mean, this whole thing is getting physical...

Great moves by audience and banana man! Dancing continued...

Review: Not cool, Oroboros. Not cool. But the show was filled nicely. There's like structure!

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