Thursday, October 23, 2014

TCGS - Episode 46

Oh, what's going on... Robot Battle! Happy Birthday, Kara!

Keeper of the Battledome? Greg? Hallie is the mother...? All battlebot? Only cardboard?

Can you dig it vs Thunder Dome

Noah Forman vs Don Fanelli! Don wins easily!! Chris vs Carrie Anne Murphy Carrie Wins?

Steven from Boston - Portland??? Cynical and high? Swarma Chicken or Beef

Stellan from Sweden - 6 hour very well. High rate of suicide.

Rachel from Portland (Flesh Mine) - Calm down, Keeper? It gets better... Tough. Radio Show? Angry and condescending. Judd Apatow? Bomb?

Hand Job Academy - This feels transgressive. Orlando inspired by strippers...

All form of heinous act... Murf (hated by the keeper?) vs Bethany (Whitney Houston?) Fish decides... Bethany wins! Dragged away... New opportunities?

Final Fight! Most random Random Melissa (INTERN!) vs Shannon O'Neill Melissa Wins easily!

Connor Ratliff... (okay...) Support to Larry Hankin for... Connor Stillman??? Oh well...

Intern Emma's bracket... is wrong. Intern for life... I guess? Happen vs Doesn't Happen (what?)

Don (Tiny Tim Sleezslack?) versus Carrie... Don wins easily? Didn't get an e-mail?? Hook or crook? Most pro-feminist thing? Steinem Foundation?

Bethany (the bada--) vs Melissa (w/ a trophy!) Bethany tears up with a win! Weird requirement.

Second song - This song also sponsored by Steinem Foundation.

Sarah from GA, 17 - First show w/ Don? Actual HS conversation.

Colby from NY - Keeper is being mean... On Ambien?? One who bother... Sure, Colby.

Dan from Cornwall - Most likely to cause seizure. Iron Man vs Iron Butterfly Bethany!

Dan from Australia - Greg was lying... Song? Bethany vs Don Hero vs Villian Weird song... okay.

FINAL BATTLE - Don wins? Don is severely beaten. No, Bethany wins by default/popular support!

Review: One of the best episode. High rewatchablity. (Don in trash... Ratliff clock?)

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