Sunday, October 19, 2014

TCGS - Episode 37

The Culture show. Broken Mic!

Murf (gimghul!), Shannon (lovely), Bethany, Melissa (sad.) Human Fish! High Art vs High Fidelity

High art! Teen wolf? And special guest: Colt Cabana!! Juagglo wrestling? Violence.

Classy S*it! Aww, Melissa. Focus on Culture?

Ally from Boston - Screenplay... Classy word... for dirty women Hartlet vs strumpet

Luke from NC - Culture... bad. Surfboard. Baroque Wrestling move.

Ken and Patrick classily blocked. FOOD. Cheeses of the world. Disorganization. Free booze!

Port and Blue cheese. Spain, chestnut leaves. Pipes vs Cigars Murf is the classy.

Shawn from Brooklyn - improv and ring... commitment. Nick Feital, on the ground. Aged Gouda with Champagne. Nice variation. Just a demo. Start of the meal. Pizza and Champagne.

Titer from Monteral - I'm Chris. Bionic Elbow vs Larriet on the Fish. Submission move and Manchago and Chicken Wing. Spain! Fish passed out! Sheep cheese. Cream Sherry. Fortified Wine. Cheddar based. All funky.

Andrew from OH - Awkward song! She's Lauren, fine wine snatched up.

The Suzan - This sounds high culture. Glorious cultured dancing.

Naomi from NY - The Great Gatsby vs Catcher in the Rye That's cool... classy.

JACK KLUGMAN - Busy on the circuit. He has to run!

Miel, illustration student. U of Nottingham. Boston Crab. Pick-up? This is very Po-Mo. Fireman's carry... This is happy! International Style. Robert Venturi. Empire State Building. AT&T or Sunny.

Monica from Chicago - Figure 4... Double-coding. Flair-chopped. Human Fish in so much pain.

I had lot of laughs. Connor Ratliff! Political Culture... focus group. Will Hines???

Stress one thing... best point. Scared? Who? Before and After? Rank in order? Just Connor. Ridiculous??? He didn't know methodology. Not a Nerd??? Coerce??? NO. Sell the poster.

Hazekia in KY - Jedis vs Pokemon Trainers No, impact. The other way. Feels good. Pink chest.

Fish T vs Goatee Reservoir Dog stache vs Jack the Sanke stache Jon Hess - Shakespearean?

Jackie! - Random Melissa thrown on the bus. No idea. Do some wrestling.

Twelfth Night! Sounds like I'm back at the Globe. See the passion! For real. Lot of finished.

Kristen from Philly - Studying Opera, Melissa has seen operaetta! Hip-hop Carmen... Oprah went off the air??? Lowest comedic moment?

Second song - So high culture! So Free! (Rob without glasses is scary.)

Jessie from NJ - Artists of Renaissance vs TMNT

Phil Jackson - Parrish holds the mic as wave of inspiration washes me away. Nice beret.

New Yorker caption - Finest work. Horse-man vs Man-horse Doctor vs Ghost doctor

That was fun. Good night!

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