Sunday, March 30, 2014

March Madness: The Bling Ring

Well, we'll round out the trilogy of female auteur in our 'reel scribbles' series with a Sofia Coppola film, that had been compared to Harmony Korine and Seth Rogen... oh boy. It's The Bling Ring, starring Emma Watson. Very excited.

 Very simple intro and an 'in media res' of group of teenagers sneaking off to the house... A 'inside' look at a... loud music...  too loud. Love the title and music is okay... They just stole like everything... I should laugh at a English person doing a American accent, but it supposed to be ridiculous... (Yes, I'm saying it's ridiculous) Awkward flashback. I am going to laugh at Leslie Mann doing the accent. Just doesn't fit her... So a boy, insecure, walks into a foreboding high school. Dipsy... Lala...  Casual bullying. New kid interest... casual talking. So, this is a dropout school... bad mouth... but no gun (not cool) Stop with the 'fast' jump cuts... you're scaring me. Such a stark cut...

The main girl and the new boy, who is fashion consciousness, and parent around the show business. Cuts are unnerving. So dark as well... So the boy just steal stuff. Who just leave... so, Rebecca... okay. The boy is now talking to a lawyer... obvs. Seems like all the teenager are just... evil? Amoral... Why I have the feeling to lock all the doors. There's bare minimum of soundtrack... stark. Like boy has a conscience but he just really ignores it.

First song... and the montage, it doesn't feel... also where's the... Sofia knows timing. Half party + half business... Hi, Dunst? There's no emotion! Nothing... it's uncomfortable. Even when we are at a party dancing... nothing. Just the beat. Emma dance quite aggressively. What is this, Social Network. I can see that? Yeah, love. Sure...

I just want Leslie Mann doing this forever... (Why are you in this house?) Look at that magazine cut... jsut apropos? What is this, Austin Powers? Anyway, Rebecca and the boy go to Paris Hilton's house... it's so freaky to just not comment how illegal it is. Just like we're in a episode of Through the Keyhole or Cribs or the combination of both... so much stuff... thanks, Coppola.

And our security paranoia is not founded. Everything is a background. You're such a good liar... because you have nothing. NOTHING! You are the lie! There's no inside security??? Seriously? There's not much plot in this thing... it's just observation. Little handheld. Why you have money inside? After much leering and (and Watson pole-dancing!) everything has no passion... even the car crash has no passion! Just the profile picture... that sucks out whatever there was.

The angle that emulate different surveillance camera, even though there is none... is interesting. Yes, taking the dog... like as they don't have logic... it's empty but with all the materials.

The movie doesn't say they are bad, because there is no bad... here. Random cutaways... there's been horrible example of this. There are house hunters... also there that security camera(?) shot again? Little zoom in at the end... seems no purpose.

Everything is either actual background or nothing... very little additional sounds. Dog door, beautiful. The boy has that little consciousness that makes it interesting... only real conflict. It's like The Stranger... they don't care about anything... the gun was loaded and they don't care. I know what Mr. Murphy is saying. And we're back to the start... That's too symbolic. Why? It's halfway through the movie... and justice comes in. Halfway!

When you watch Bad Movie Beatdown and seeing the appalling-ness of the current movies. This is the result... or the cause. Straight to the black market... drug and illicit affairs... then the mind-blowing sounds! When there's soundtrack, it's blows the whole brain away... (it doesn't end)

Actual lead-in, what is this movie? Family is either a construct or a formality. Crashing a house... Well, conflict. Her name is a Rebecca. It's not the police. Anger and emotion are now currencies... The main girl is... hooked? I guess. Manipulative... kind of. Are they going to get caught?

Good assessment... Oh god, stop with the loud soundtrack! My eyes... (Emma is a good dancer) A bang cut! Oh my god. Off to Lohan... There's strange moment of slow-motion... it's weird. Here's the camera. The cuts! There's martial strife, never mentioned. Boy tells the truth. Bulglarized? Seriously? That's not a word. The police is non-existent. Here's the police! Look at the soundtrack... it's very interesting.

Police sack the whole crew. It's was so obvious. I love how the nervous one was nonchalant and the cool and collected one was so upset. It's strange. Like the boy knew it.... and just wait for the days and the others didn't. All member at their place... like automatons. What a evil girl.

Of course, she's going to lie... she planned this out. Now that's a catchy title... that was precious. Rebecca blocked him... of, course. Look all the performance. I love the bickering of Mann and Watson. Everything is calculated... which is interesting. It's the culture. Does she have a goal...? I don't even know.

The boy really knows what's the tragedy here and he gives the spirit of the article... Back to normal? Well, the status is always unchanging. Look at the rehearsal... also security. (Very was little British) Good thing I know Korean... also it doesn't really matter. The blandness in compelling... the court just ends like that... with a slow motion walkout. So, the justice prevails. Right? The person behind looks weirdly at him. Look at him despondent... but with a knowing sadness.

Nikki... that's the name... awkward... she's a minor celebrity. What a great liar and omission-er. Great ending... I love the ending.

Final Verdict: A postmodern... piece. The ending was interesting but overall it was dull... purposefully dull. There wasn't a lot going on... well there were ,but there was no excitement. Overall, Coppola blames the events to the society itself. Not just the materialism or the apathy of Hollywood but the fact that our humanity is commoditized. If love or fame or happiness is sold and branded... what is left for humanity? It's a very hollow and dark feeling. A little bit of Stranger. A little bit of absurdist, not in the philosophy but in the outcome... no real motive... or consequences. Law and justice and morality is non-existent to them. It's very strange... very uncomfortable, indeed.

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