Thursday, March 20, 2014

March Madness: True Detective Ep. 6

Episode takes a break from the frame... Marty finds the perpetrator of Audrey's... fling and give a stern talking and beating. But Marty is sick as well... Marty slowly tries to figure out Rust's plight. Rust interview a father, very worried father. Now the current detective question Maggie, now an ex. Back to the focus on the lead... Maggie has a trust in Rust... Marty goes to T-Mobile and TJ Maxx and that thing called Fox and Hound... there's that T-Mobile girl again... which seems to be a history... it's that flat circle again, isn't it. Rust returns to the Reverend. Tuttle? Littie incidents... and mystic children... this gets interesting. So, Beth is from that place... you know, with that lady and stuff. You know... Don't go, Marty... Nice work, cinematographer. Another interrogation from Rust. This time, a girl who had a child... and there is thing called Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Rust left again... and Rust is getting tired of Marty. At the hospital, Rust goes up to the girl. You know that Rust and Marty 'saved'? Well, that was quiet cheap. Rust following a lead... mass conspiracy. Frayed partners... Tuttle stuff... and Marty can't take the logic anymore. Who's honking? Maggie's doing laundry and clothes seems unfamiliar, at this context at least. Well, that's a smoking gun there. No, Marty... Maggie is doing the stare... 'thank you' that's great... Ah, double-down route... very nice. What's with dirty martinis? Maggie strongly defends Rust. ugh, segway. That's okay... files... flooding, again? Rust does very well... I'll be thinking of you Talking to Beth, Marty, I see... Marty is running away with a... weird girl. Marty is sick, it's look like. Rust is suspended. Antlers are nice touch. Maggie cometh. Rust is consoling and a nice background with... more counseling, it seems. Okay, Rust finds out the trick and... yeah, that was expected. Maggie does the turn-around. Good work from Maggie. Rust takes a beating. Marty goes down. Rust quits. We fade into the scene again... you know, the honking... that was Rust. Such a good camera work. 

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