Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Madness: The Cloud Atlas, Part 3

The thrilling conclusion to the balloon of EXPLOSION!

Chapter 15
Lot of revelation, lot of thoughts and lot of hmm... yeah.

Chapter 16
What is this madness? The stories are confounding me and I don't understand... huh?

Chapter 17
There's a lot to say about this chapter but really it just comes down to what intricate mess this is... all the character and mysticism and... it's messy and beautiful.

Chapter 18
What a mess, this four people act is making me sweat... It's very tense and I like it!

Chapter 19
Sad and interesting ending... I mean what would you do, other than what he did? Everyone was just... out.

Chapter 20
The story has gone haywire and I can't really read it without squinting... hopely this doesn't last long.

Chapter 21
So, Ronnie's dead and Louis went back to Gurley's place and killed himself as well?? I lost track after Lily's journey... much like Louis, it's only a blur...

This book surprised me, like many reviewers. The characters I read was unique and interesting and stories embedded in tapestry was beautiful and masterful. I think Cloud Atlas is going to more coherent than this story... but probably not as magnificent. I don't know. I'll just have to surprised. Next time.

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