Monday, March 10, 2014

March Madness: True Detective Ep. 1

(All right (x3) new-ish schedule. Two concurrent review every two days for 8 iterations. That will cover sixteen days. Rest will be quicker one-shot reviews... hopefully this will work for now.)

Hello, welcome 8-part recap/review of True Detective. Recap will be normal and review like this.

The episode start with a burning of a field by a person. Then we cut to the document of 2012 with Marty. Marty see that Rust was washed up.  Then we see Rust tell his story. So, the year is 1995. Two detective investigate the ritualistic burning/murder. Louisiana. The original fantasy kitchen sink. After some awkward photo taking and the giant ledger... the two reminisce of the two relationship.  Marty is a down-earth guy and Rust is more of a artistic weird type. Rust living the Alex Day principle. Rust spiels his wisdom and Marty responds his wisdom. Marty invites Rust to dinner. Rust feels iffy but comes anyway... drunk. Are you sure you should have given him weed instead? Hopefully metaphorical... Also, very different philosophy to the same conclusion. Marty is predictably freaked out. McConaghy always has that non-chalantness... like, dude I know. Or aloof, yeah, that's a nice word. After a talk with the chief, others feel 'worried' about his stint with Rust... Rust goes out alone to the... you know... truck stop and ask the 'counterpart' some questions. Marty look wistfully at the kids. Rust interrogate with no real outcomes, but we found Rust has experienced with drugs. I kind of like the long silent shot of women looking far away. Rust had some IDs... after some autopsy, we found out that was serious things done to her. Rest is simple stuff, really. Marty is confused by Rust's weird words of literary description. Weird shot. After briefing, Rust and Marty go on to interrogate, with not much. Sheriff have not too much either... least there's more weird stuff. Marty is little demanding. After press report, more interrogation. A little lead here... after seeing the reason for the frame is pretty innocuous... we go back to the dinner. Rust has some breakdown... but he's okay at the table... Rust was once married and then child died and you know the rest... Maggie is interested in Rust, though. Marty and Rust has broken their partnership, but with respect. Marty have charisma... new case and charity drive?? Marty and Rust is quite shocked about anti-christ connotation There's Kathleen Uncle nearby is barely responsive... and the caretaker is wavering. Rust takes focus on the playground. After the discovering the tree thing... the real reason is discovered. There's a very similar case.

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