Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Madness: Paper Towns Part 2

Like Quentin's father and mother, I philosophize over what is nothing as I forge on to read Part 2 of Paper Towns.

The day after was okay, with more fleshing out of school and the side characters. I get the sense of feeling that people like this 'person talking around his head' type of narrative but it only emphasize how much of a jerk Quentin is to Margo. "me-less adventure", yes because you're not the important point in the excursion.

Anyway, it's really weird how Margo is the 'queen' of the school... It really reminds me of Stargirl and her foray to the sleepy Arizona high school. If Stargirl is the rising sun, then Margo is the setting one, painfully realizing her facade won't hold for very long.

Ben seems like a normal pervy boy that sometime twist in a weird direction, like punching Chuck or doing with Lacey.. Radar seems to have no characteristic except for Black Santa which is worrisome.

#3 is supposed to be the introduction to the other perspective of Margo but it only adds to the false importance of Margo by having a detective on her case... several times? What kid of a woman has a detective following around her...?

Anyway, it seems like Margo has some clues for Quentin, including Woody Guthrie and Walt Whitman, also I suggest the diversity of the record represent the multifaceted nature of Margo? I also like to make clues and I believe Margo is very insecure and fleeting like me... which is important.

Lacey is inserted to the scene, she has broken out of her facade (she needs to, considering how little time she has into her fame) and into the picture... also how her Margo is different than his Margo or any other Margo... kind of obvious as to her diagnosis.

Dude, she broken into your room and you smile? What are you, Quentin? A desperate search for something that isn't even recognizable make you look like Frankenstein. You are actually obsessed, you know. I think Margo counted that and let him the string so that he will rescue her... kind of. Quentin is fully delusional at this point, going inside the mind of a madman, trying to find a lover she only met, like, once (much like Dante) and having weird imagery... I was kind of sucked into this last time I read it, but it feels creepy now.

Word 'paper town' has three meanings I think. One is a simple description but others all refer to 'imaginary' or 'fake' much like the term 'phony' is used by Holden. It makes sense but it doesn't have gravitas as his other metaphors...

I love that the English teacher's name, like some tradition, is a literary character, this time Holden, reflecting on how strange Quentin gets in this book. "God yes. Her smell." Might one of the most creepiest four word I ever seen. He is beyond mad.

Going ahead with the Catcher interpretation, Lacey is analogous to Sally... perhaps this is the story of what if Sally said yes to Holden's delusion... to see how far it will go? Also, agreement of weirdness of ending a school... it's like bringing down a set... we took four years to build this... and only few minutes to take it down. It's a strange feeling. Ben has gone manic... it's a strange turn for that character isn't it?

He's in a state of awoken by the message and severely deluded by the hope of finding Margo... it's quite distressing to see the swing happen randomly. Anyway, it does lead him to find that Margo is in Agloe...

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