Monday, March 24, 2014

March Madness: True Detective, Ep. 8

We start at the house of the killer. Talks to a dead father, whistle... typical killer. Sudden britishness... more villainy. Seriously why with the rough Brit accent? and incest, obviously. Let's move away from that and through the landscape for a interrogation. What is this, Crystal Skull? After some primitive torture, family background and chain of command... that's bureaucracy, right? Well, he still works at a school getting kids or miss. Nice threat and sniper thing... oh yeah, that's real. Tuttle genealogy... and green ears. Then matching picture... we're going for a painter. After talking about Maggie, judgy,after a grandmother give credence and but no clue... Childress did painting for school and stuff... after much... dog-barking. Rust sets the blackmail. Current detective also barks... Marty counters by speaking riddles. Nice car. Seeing and tasting things... we're going to spooky territory here. No signal... good. Little lag and the dog... yes, the dog. A dead dog, to be exact. Why do anybody else do that? Just curious... Okay, we must put all the creepy thing in this house. Big Echo in the... fort? You found the dad... good job. Looks a very secret fort. I thought I was in Fort Boyard...  You are close... to the heart. Random words. Come die with me, come die with me, my dear. Marty is hard time taking this. Look at that set design. That's a nice silo. Well, that's not Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Is Rust dead? Is Marty dead? Well, that guy is dead. That is absolutely disgusting.  See the flare up in the sky... Symbolism!!! That was quite of trip, Marty. Rust... is in a coma? Look, it's Maggie and the daughters... fade to... national news. And Rust slowly watching himself. Looking at the sky above. Two guys bantering... yes, I reference it in the last recap... thanks, Cohle. Oh, there's still mystery... back to the house... and the swamps... the previous case... houses by the river... scene of the crime... and to the hospital. All well for the detectives. Rust can feel her daughter... awwww... and the Rust's heart grew three sizes that day. Well, I gather they had a nice talk or something because my power went out but it's okay... look at them walking together into the night.

Overall verdict: It's a simple story done grand and masterfully. There is this facade that this is going to some deep truths or something, but they did nothing of that sort... least out loud... they just told their story and let the hearers work it out for themselves... whether you go deep inside the bayou or past in route to Florida, the teams here is just happy that you came in and listen to little bit of their story. That's what I got.

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