Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March Madness: Cloud Atlas, The "Present"

(It's relatively present, what I mean is.)

Half Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery
Even the title feels fake... Now, I like this story better, one I felt was little trapped, but this story is more sprawling... or maybe I just like present stories better. There's still miffs and I have the outline ready... So, this is where all the meta-story really begins... I like it, because all the connection seem too coincidental... Kind of literary Brechtian approach of 'this is fiction...'  You are like, okay, someone just half-put this shooting star birthmark... what is this, Pan's Labyrinth? Anyway, good but doesn't interests me.

Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish
We're going from massive style to massively unreliable narrator... Mitchell tries the six examples of literary error... This chapter is full of reference to the past, the future and every motif that the stories have to coincide with, so the unreliable narrator is good for that. Other than that, really the smallest of events here... I can't really believe the two more stories can spring out from this...

Well, extra long-session day after tomorrow.

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