Monday, March 17, 2014

March Madness: Cloud Atlas, The Past

So, this is the first two 'halves' of the story... then it will be the next two 'halves' of the story... then we will cover the whole 2 last stories and then two "present" then two past... all right?

The Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing
Nellie is an interesting ship name... It's shill to comment on White savages and humanness of the slaves... I mean it just feel ham-fisted. Nice garnish of the scene, Mitchell is known to be good at this. Yeah, I know, I know... jeez. Mixing of the races are nice... Still I feel the ham thrusting at my eyes and I feel like a mother who slightly nods and her son's 'masterpiece.' There's cleverness, but it's not wonderful... Yeah, the story is nice, but eh... it's not getting to me. Lot of details, little plot and that abrupt ending is... I don't know.

Letters from Zedelghem
Weird font... Yes, similarities but also why so many details? I know you need it, but it's a journal, a letter, it doesn't have to be that dense of knowledge. Yes, I know that's the point, but it still feels weird. I feel every fault can be wished away as a theme. Bad writing, oh, it's just fictional. Bad story, but you see it's all connected... I just feel like cheated. Also, it feels the protagonists are deliberately hiding the story... it deflates tension and makes the book boring. It has a pique but no more than that. This story ends cleanly, so that's interesting. Also, nice job bringing up Elgar... doesn't seem needed, but okay.

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