Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March Madness: True Detective Ep. 5

In the industrial wasteland, Rust and Ginger wait for a man. A dealer, specifically. Dealer doesn't like Rust, so the deal ends there. Yeah, that feels 80's... Tied up Ginger to Ladeux... 2012 Rust wants the new file... the detectives goes tracking. After going through booby traps... we see the structures and the house. We see a man coming through... seems like a juxtaposition. This detail seems little off... the detective arrest Reggie... Reggie acts crazy and the flat circle line... well, he's dead. And he's dead. So, what happened... with the story... well, the secret was a woman... very nice ruse. The two brings the kids. After a remark about repetition... everything do return. Marty is with Maggie again, roller skate in a circle, Maggie is uncomfortable, though... Rust now have a relationship... but how many of that is... are we just going to ruminate the rest of the episode? That was weird... time skip 2002 goths, worst kind of goth... did Maggie got younger? Rust still ruminating... with Laurie? Seems the teenager have gone... over her head. Nice slap. M-brane, I know. That's not entirely... Interrogation by Rust... Rust giving tips? So, the case is hot again. Oh, really hot now! Yellow King! Marty's aging and traps of time, that's some Sartre stuff, conspiracy? Suicide.., April 1st? Case returns again. Connection to Francis... Cohle suspect? Rust returns once again... Rust finds some error on the archive... 2013 Rust haven't got much... 2002 Rust, however, is looking deeper. Yeah, that doesn't look like Rust... Rust acts like Moriarty, you're saying... Rust leaves the scene. Current detective pressure Marty... 2002 Rust goes deep and finds the mother-lode... Again, nice cinematography... This series has nice scenes.

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