Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Madness: True Detective, Ep. 4


Charlie is very angry... the detective talk about Reggie... and Charlie is quite exasperated. Charlie believe Reggie is a creep, and rightly so. Devil worship and what not... Carcossa and Yellow King and spirals... well, all the clues are coming through... Tyrone have something... family all disappeared... it's little awkward now isn't it... the secretary is angry... after briefing, the guys try to find Tyrone, mom have no lead, girlfriends tell nothing... Marty feels awkward, but the bartender after haggling... little lead. Maggie goes and separates... by Lisa, no less. So I guess this is the awkward episode. No one wants to give access... Marty goes deep in to the case... after following to the wilderness... a rave is happening. But maybe the rave is not the main concern... because there's Tyrone. Reggie and bike gang... Iron Crusaders... Marty goes the Maggie's workplace... Marty tries profusely, but the deal has gone too far... Rust has some weapons and a drink... Rust brings the work to break up Maggie... Marty blames but Rust brings the truth... Rust says getting close... Rust shows his gun to Marty and his gruesome story... (leave of absence... pop's leukemia...) Marty apparently needs to live at Rust's place now... Rust steals cocaine from the evidence room... Rust talks to Maggie about the relationship... but it doesn't really pan out. Sting is in operation... he got in and after talking (accent is different...) the coke is deployed and the cook's identity is almost there... it's almost when Marty... goes in but it doesn't give suspicion, it looks like. Almost there and plan is starting to set... they lead the black guy to the dealing place... the heist is not done well... so, Plan B... total miss they bring the ginger all around the town, till Marty shows up... so a crime bust and a major lead... the whole scene is such a beauty of camera-work... all the panning and blocking of the street reminds me of David Fincher...

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