Thursday, March 13, 2014

March Madness: The Cloud Atlas Part 2

Continuing notes...

Chapter 9
Callahan has nice descriptions, but... how! what! how! It's inconceivable! But it feels so real.

Chapter 10
Each chapter has a nice rise and fall... steadily raising tension and releasing... no, it just keep going up...

Chapter 11
One bad thing: This book is little disjointed, it talks about one thing and delves into another. Also, it's implausible. Also, this is why I love this book. And lastly, I like how Callahan is playing around with the narrative.

Chapter 12
the truth, the horror, the message! What will happen next?

Chapter 13
Well, that was strange.. yet a standard end of second act breakdown. Okay.

Chapter 14
And then we reach the prologue segment. I think it couldn't been done any other way... this way is best for world as a whole... and not because it's a dramatic convenience. No option would have been better.

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