Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March Madness: The Cloud Atlas Part 1

This is the first impression to a full-blown review I'm going to do one day. This is The Cloud Atlas by Liam Callahan, Part 1.

Chapter 1
Wow, what a opening. The narrative might distracting for some people but it was all right for me. We go through three culture that intersect three times in Alaska's history and does them all effortlessly. It's quite a work.

Chapter 2
Again, a lot of wading through the fact and figures of WWII and Alaska and all of them exhilarating. Like this book so far.

Chapter 3
I don't really war novels but this one isn't really like a war novel, it just goes and back a few times.

Chapter 4
I love the comedic timing in this book. It's very masterful.

Chapter 5
What a interesting villain. It's quite visceral read, as with these books.

Chapter 6
The whole story seems improbable but it feels like the person is so real that it's flawed some how. Therefore, it makes everything just a little bit realer.

Chapter 7
That was beautiful... love how the story just encompasses every facet of... everything.

Chapter 8
Now it seems the plot is going... there's also a nice flash to the present which helps focus that this is a frame story, although not a conventional frame.

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