Saturday, March 8, 2014

March Madness: Review with Myles Barlow, Season 1

(As with the previous month, the sick absence means a two-part day after, so enjoy!)
In celebration of the Andy Daly's new show, Review, I'll be looking through the Australian original.

Episode 1
Myles review Stealing, Dickheads, and Risk
With the standard "Matt Koval" sound underplaying the black comedy of man slowing diving into crime of theft, the show slowly envelopes myself into world of hilarious laughter. But Dickheads was little weak, though. And Risk continues with random cutoff and tangents but it ends beautifully... 4 stars

Episode 2
Myles review Murder, Self Belief, and Divorce
I love how people are so nonchalant with... person who clearly committed murder. Also, "Yes, briefly." Self-Belief was little uplifting after Murder, also embarrassing and little over people's head... Then comes the divorce. It's very emotional and also first real time the review bites him back. Very nice. Three and a half.

Episode 3
Myles review Voyeurism, Vanity, and Heroism
Going from looking at stars to voyeurism... classy. Also we see how the 'wife' in the end of Divorce became to be... Vanity was strangely trans-formative... then Heroism... yeah... it was okay, well the ending was good. 3 stars? 4? Who knows...

Episode 4
Myles review Criticism, Inter-generational Romance, and Betrayal
The show goes self-referential... this was a nice flash-back to earlier days. Romance goes both ways... and both very funny... you know not that way... (that's a turn) Betrayal was little weird but it was satisfying. 4 stars.

Episode 5
Myles review Paying for Sex, Freeloading, and Destitution
Sex seems very nice at first... but prostitution seems hard. It ends bett... no still bad. Male one went better, it seems. Freeloading seem to be the retread of Stealing... with more disastrous consequences... (More continuity) Last segment, with the comb, was little less than what I expected. Also a nice bookend. 3 stars.

Episode 6
Myles review Stress, Testing Loyalty ,and Reconciliation
Again, a random segway to stress. Callback to custody and the counseling? Well, the segment was quite exhilarating. Loyalty was interesting... also look at all the 'friends' he had made, well he had friends. Then the final segment... wow, that was sad. But it was quite heartbreaking. 4 and a half stars.

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