Friday, March 14, 2014

March Madness: True Detective, Ep. 3


So after the discovery of the painting, we move to a very passionate sermon and weird clues. Rust mulling about religions and pity? with little atheist arguments... after questioning the pastor, there's some clues but not much... the wife has more information. Rust is slowly thinking... and inquires Byrd. Rust squrmishes the current detectives. After hearing little horror, no lead. Rust seems convinced of the primitive culture. Wordplay later, detective send notice.  Maggie gives some advice to Rust, when Marty comes to home. Marty is very skeptical, typical of someone doing suspicious, and Rust just walks away. Maggie and Marty is concerned about the their child's drawing... looks like red herring. Weird perspective. Maggie is not effective... not that I don't like her or anything. Marty has the Gatsby syndrome... Marty backs down and tries to flounder and... succeeds? Again, I'm not sure what's the effect here... Quickly moving to the case... we move on the advanced interrogation in the 'box' and one confess... Rust starts to pile through the stacks... Rust then tries... dating, I suppose.  Am I in the That 70's Show again? Synthesia and cheater cheats... let's gets some cheater cheating out of the way. And the woman goes away... good thing another is turning back... Marty tries jealousy... Thank you, Rust... Nice Gilligan cut... Marty goes for the scare... Rust just stands still. Maggie calls Rust... perhaps for a companion, perhaps getting a companion. Rust finally found a previous case. At the Pelican Island, Marty ask for forgiveness for Rust doesn't give it nor has the capabilities. Old man gives scant clues... so, the guys move to the school. Mowing the empty school seems... symbolic Look at clues converging to Ladeu (?)... Rust ends with a speech about happiness of death Always look for the bright side of death... And we're moving to the slasher territory. 

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